Democrats Protected AIG Bonuses

Dodd is among the least responsible people in power for this particular AIG bonus boondoggle, since he was the one who introduced legislation to prevent it. Geithner, Summers, and the Treasury are responsible for amending it and adding the provision that has allowed our money to go the already wealthy fuck-ups as bonuses. This is as plain as day, in the public record, and indisputable. They tried to hang Dodd out to dry for this by completely misrepresenting what happened, lots of mindless media drones passed it on like the loyal stenographers they are, but have been caught and hopefully that attempt has been killed.

However, Dodd still has several shady ties to shady businesses and is far from a great man. He should be commended for attempting to stop this, but that doesn't mean overall that he's a commendable public servant or uncorrupted.
And, in my opinion, that's the biggest point that this whole fiasco makes. They were more than willing to villify and tear apart AIG in the media and let all the stupid Americans believe that they were trying to protect the tax payer from the big evil corporation when the exactly the opposite was the case. Like someone mentioned above, the corporations own the government, and the government is complicit with the corps, they are all in it together. The government is not here to look out for the american citizen, whether it's democrat or replublican. You people who worship the Obama administration and the leftist idealogy they represent need to wake up, they don't give a damn about you.

Do you admit the GOP doesn't give a damn about you?

When the hell are you gonna wake up Ziggy?? GOVERNMENT doesn't care about us. :rolleyes:
bobo the moron thinks democrats actually care about him
they've been in charge of congress for over 2 years now, and they all voted for this fiasco, but he still blames republicans, who all but (3) THREE voted against this shit
Do you admit the GOP doesn't give a damn about you?

When the hell are you gonna wake up Ziggy?? GOVERNMENT doesn't care about us. :rolleyes:

Why don't you admit that it isn't just government? Who is government helping here? The rich? The oil companies, bankers, federal reserve, wallstreet, corporations going overseas, etc?

I'll admit Democrats are corruptable.

But what you guys seem to be suggesting is that Republicans are a better choice? is that what you are implying? Because what's going on right now was happening when Bush/Tom Delay were running things, only the media wasn't covering it like they are this. Maybe NPR or Air America would dish, but the mainstream media was pretty much quiet.

For example, I showed you from the Huffington Post that Bush/Paulson tried to slip this by last year. Why didn't Fox or you cry about this then? Hacks!

Just like they "liberal" media hounded Clinton, they are now all over Obama. So why weren't they this good the last 8 years? Maybe the media isn't as liberal as you think?
but what you MISS is not only are they corruptable, they are CORRUPT
grow the fuck up sometime bobo
Schummer says if they don't give the bonus's back we will take them
(not very American here sounds like something Hitler would say)

Then in the past he says American's don't care about pork. This major asshole is the most Fucked up person on the planet. Well maybe #2

If Rush is the leader of the Republican party,then Nancy Pelosi is the leader of the Democratis Party,But her mouth Piece is Obama!!!
Rush is his own mouth piece and big it is lolololol
So Dodd, Geitner and the boys didn't do their due diligence, shocker.....

No, I think they did. But Geithner knew about this from the get go. So why is he acting surprised and saying he just heard about it last week? Note the last sentence below. This isn't saying stop the bonus payments, but rather the bailout payments. (that's how I read it). Hmmmm . . . . why so seriousss, Tim?????

Lawyers working for both AIG and the Treasury spent hours poring over the contracts between the company and employees with the FP arm to see if it could renege on its 2008 bonuses.

The eventual advice - given the contracts stated that 2008 bonuses had to be equal to the value of 2007 bonuses, which related to a much stronger financial performance and had already been paid - was no, and so the bonuses were paid, last Friday.

In other words, any of those involved in the situation between October and now - Cuomo, Paulson, Geithner, Bernanke - could revealed what was about to happen in an attempt to stop the payments from being made. None did.

Read these as well, linked by Sinatra:

Firedoglake » Treasury Attempts to “Blame Dodd” for AIG Bonuses

Full text of Geithner letter to Pelosi - The Irish Times - Wed, Mar 18, 2009
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Remember we had Obama speak after one of Bush's state of the union addresses 4 or 5 years ago?

That's why the GOP trotted out Bobbi Jindal after Obama's last state of the economy address.

Remember? It went horribly.

Do I need to link that Rush is the leader of your party?

Do I really need to prove that your fucking pick for VP is considering a run in 2012?

Or that the very handsome Mitt Romney won't be back?

Why don't you tell me who you think your front runners are.

Way to soon to tell. I thought that was obvious. Please provide a link as to who is running in 2012.

Rush is the leader of the GOP. :lol: I see you been faithfully drinking your koolaid. What flavor is it this month?

Who is the leader of your party now?

Alas, they are still fumbling around with this one.
So Dodd, Geitner and the boys didn't do their due diligence, shocker.....

No, I think they did. But it seems to me that Geithner knew about this from the get go. So why is he acting surprised and saying he just heard about it last week? Note the last sentence below.

Lawyers working for both AIG and the Treasury spent hours poring over the contracts between the company and employees with the FP arm to see if it could renege on its 2008 bonuses.

The eventual advice - given the contracts stated that 2008 bonuses had to be equal to the value of 2007 bonuses, which related to a much stronger financial performance and had already been paid - was no, and so the bonuses were paid, last Friday.

In other words, any of those involved in the situation between October and now - Cuomo, Paulson, Geithner, Bernanke - could revealed what was about to happen in an attempt to stop the payments from being made. None did.

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Read these as well, linked by Sinatra:

Firedoglake » Treasury Attempts to “Blame Dodd” for AIG Bonuses

Full text of Geithner letter to Pelosi - The Irish Times - Wed, Mar 18, 2009

If the treasury is blaming Dodd, that is a ringing endorsement for the man, because we know the treasury is responsible.

I'm going to apologize to him for even doubting him.

And all I had to back up my concern was info from Fox Financial?

What was I thinking.
These companies in trouble taking our tax money just don't get it. They think they are some sort of privileged group. If all sides, right and left, raise enough of a noise to let them know their time of incompetent rule is over, we may get a better financial system at the other side.

Fire the CEOs like you would of any failed organization and have them find some competent people to do this work.

We seem to have bred a generation of incompetent financial lizards. Start over with the old organization and new leadership.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Remember we had Obama speak after one of Bush's state of the union addresses 4 or 5 years ago?

That's why the GOP trotted out Bobbi Jindal after Obama's last state of the economy address.

Remember? It went horribly.

Do I need to link that Rush is the leader of your party?

Do I really need to prove that your fucking pick for VP is considering a run in 2012?

Or that the very handsome Mitt Romney won't be back?

Why don't you tell me who you think your front runners are.

Way to soon to tell. I thought that was obvious. Please provide a link as to who is running in 2012.

Rush is the leader of the GOP. :lol: I see you been faithfully drinking your koolaid. What flavor is it this month?

Who is the leader of your party now?

I'm trying to figure out who is running your party?...It's a toss up between Pelosi, or Reid. I'm leaning toward Pelosi. :razz:
So Dodd, Geitner and the boys didn't do their due diligence, shocker.....

No, I think they did. But it seems to me that Geithner knew about this from the get go. So why is he acting surprised and saying he just heard about it last week? Note the last sentence below.

Lawyers working for both AIG and the Treasury spent hours poring over the contracts between the company and employees with the FP arm to see if it could renege on its 2008 bonuses.

The eventual advice - given the contracts stated that 2008 bonuses had to be equal to the value of 2007 bonuses, which related to a much stronger financial performance and had already been paid - was no, and so the bonuses were paid, last Friday.

In other words, any of those involved in the situation between October and now - Cuomo, Paulson, Geithner, Bernanke - could revealed what was about to happen in an attempt to stop the payments from being made. None did.

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Read these as well, linked by Sinatra:

Firedoglake » Treasury Attempts to “Blame Dodd” for AIG Bonuses

Full text of Geithner letter to Pelosi - The Irish Times - Wed, Mar 18, 2009

If the treasury is blaming Dodd, that is a ringing endorsement for the man, because we know the treasury is responsible.

I'm going to apologize to him for even doubting him.

And all I had to back up my concern was info from Fox Financial?

What was I thinking.

And if that is the case, and Obama as recent as today stated he supports Geithner, you must ask who then is to blame for this mess? Would it be the president? He has already stated he is to blame - do you agree with Obama then?

We must also ask who actually altered the amendment allowing the bonus protection in the stimulus bill passed last month? That could not have been Geithner - it had to have been a legislator who knew of the Dodd amendment, then proceeded to amend it on their own. Who would have the authority to do that in a Congress dominated by Democrats?
Way to soon to tell. I thought that was obvious. Please provide a link as to who is running in 2012.

Rush is the leader of the GOP. :lol: I see you been faithfully drinking your koolaid. What flavor is it this month?

Who is the leader of your party now?

I'm trying to figure out who is running your party?...It's a toss up between Pelosi, or Reid. I'm leaning toward Pelosi. :razz:

Each of them runs their own house.

Obama is the clear leader of our party.

Now who is our voice on the radio?

If you can't answer that, then maybe the media isn't as liberal as you think.

Why wouldn't we have a clear leader/voice on the radio if the media is all liberal?

I think you know the answer.
More and more in the media are now working to uncover who allowed the bonus protection clause - CNN, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Yahoo News, Washington Post, etc. To those who try to paint this as some partisan investigation done by "conservative" media, you are simply choosing to ignore the reality. There appears to be a story here, and some in the media are finally interested in seeing where it leads.

Dodd remains a prime suspect, as does others within the Democrat Congressional leadership -and certainly figures within the White House top the list as well.

Yet another blog site picking up on this - and the aggressive tone it takes does mirror the growing agitation in the country as a whole regarding the AIG fiasco.

As for Obama, he is flying to LA to be on Leno...

Obama’s Own Stimulus Bill Protects the AIG Bonuses He Now Condemns — AIG May Justify Bonuses by Following the Law of the Obama Spending Bill — Resignation Chatter Growing — But As For Me
The bonuses sicken me and make my stomach hurt. I feel a big revolt/change coming from this. This isn't so much a Republican/Democrat issue, I feel it's more of a "what's right and wrong" issue, and this is just plain wrong.

add-if we were more concerned about doing whats right than ripping into the parties, then maybe something good can come from this.
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The bonuses sicken me and make my stomach hurt. I feel a big revolt/change coming from this. This isn't so much a Republican/Democrat issue, I feel it's more of a "what's right and wrong" issue, and this is just plain wrong.

I would agree with that - though the current party in power will deservedly catch most the hell from this instance...
Who is the leader of your party now?

I'm trying to figure out who is running your party?...It's a toss up between Pelosi, or Reid. I'm leaning toward Pelosi. :razz:

Each of them runs their own house.

Obama is the clear leader of our party.

Now who is our voice on the radio?

If you can't answer that, then maybe the media isn't as liberal as you think.

Why wouldn't we have a clear leader/voice on the radio if the media is all liberal?

I think you know the answer.

Well Dan Rather was your voice on TV until his lies pushed him out......New York Times is your voice with the paper media, but they could go bankrupt this year, and Al Franken was your voice over the radio until they found out not enough people listened to him...I guess now it's Montell Williams. But, I'm not so sure Obama is the leader of your party....I really do believe that pelosi is pulling the strings. I think you know that, but can't bring yourself to say it.
No, I think they did. But it seems to me that Geithner knew about this from the get go. So why is he acting surprised and saying he just heard about it last week? Note the last sentence below.

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Read these as well, linked by Sinatra:

Firedoglake » Treasury Attempts to “Blame Dodd” for AIG Bonuses

Full text of Geithner letter to Pelosi - The Irish Times - Wed, Mar 18, 2009

If the treasury is blaming Dodd, that is a ringing endorsement for the man, because we know the treasury is responsible.

I'm going to apologize to him for even doubting him.

And all I had to back up my concern was info from Fox Financial?

What was I thinking.

And if that is the case, and Obama as recent as today stated he supports Geithner, you must ask who then is to blame for this mess? Would it be the president? He has already stated he is to blame - do you agree with Obama then?

We must also ask who actually altered the amendment allowing the bonus protection in the stimulus bill passed last month? That could not have been Geithner - it had to have been a legislator who knew of the Dodd amendment, then proceeded to amend it on their own. Who would have the authority to do that in a Congress dominated by Democrats?

Any ideas on this earlier posed question Bobo?

I am curious to hear your response.

I don't mean to be confrontational, but sincerely wish to hear what an obviously Democrat partisan feels regarding the connecting dots of this mess...

you guys are suffering from Wage envy.

So what if these AIG insurers get a bonus from a job Horribly done--has it ever occured to you that they were ordered todo the job in such a manner?

And the outrage? Look--that Politician talking about how mad he/she is over the bonuses is probably the same person that helped steer us into this Anarcho-nighmare economy. Say one thing, vote another way.

The AIG guys did their job, find the men who told them to act in such manner. In other words, find who or what led us down this road---so we can truly punish the madmen. Stop drooling over pawns. There is a King to Guillotine!!
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No, I think they did. But it seems to me that Geithner knew about this from the get go. So why is he acting surprised and saying he just heard about it last week? Note the last sentence below.

Whoops! Browser Settings Incompatible

Read these as well, linked by Sinatra:

Firedoglake » Treasury Attempts to “Blame Dodd” for AIG Bonuses

Full text of Geithner letter to Pelosi - The Irish Times - Wed, Mar 18, 2009

If the treasury is blaming Dodd, that is a ringing endorsement for the man, because we know the treasury is responsible.

I'm going to apologize to him for even doubting him.

And all I had to back up my concern was info from Fox Financial?

What was I thinking.

And if that is the case, and Obama as recent as today stated he supports Geithner, you must ask who then is to blame for this mess? Would it be the president? He has already stated he is to blame - do you agree with Obama then?

We must also ask who actually altered the amendment allowing the bonus protection in the stimulus bill passed last month? That could not have been Geithner - it had to have been a legislator who knew of the Dodd amendment, then proceeded to amend it on their own. Who would have the authority to do that in a Congress dominated by Democrats?

We need to find out who took out the NO BONUS clause in committee.

Dodd and Republicans put in that they can get NO bonus' and/or $100K max bonus.

Who took those things out?

But I am not going to take your deductions seriously because I know your take on things is highly slanted. Sorry.

You are too ready to blame democrats and ignore what the Republicans have done.

Just like you were so ready to blame Freddy & Fanny and Dodd but ignore everything the GOP did to cause this mess. (deregulations, bundle loans together, send jobs overseas, predatory lending, etc).

If you ignore all the things that caused our economy to collapse, how do you dare blame freddy & fanny for giving poor people loans?

Wouldn't they still have their homes if their jobs were still here in America?

But look on the bright side. Some chinaman is making a good living manufacturing the products we use to make ourselves.

Now we have cheap products but no one is buying because we aren't making as much as we used to and/or we are afraid we will lose our jobs next.

And these bankers aren't loaning out the money we gave them. Instead they are buying up other banks, giving themselves bonus', etc. Is it any wonder that Bush tried to slip this into the $750 billion bailout?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

So we know in September last year, Bush and Paulson were in favor of executive bonus'.

Here is the proof:

The deal proposed by Paulson is nothing short of outrageous. It includes no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gives congressional blessing and funding to what he has already been doing, ad hoc. He plans to retain Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper. There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

What say you?

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter
Who is the leader of your party now?

I'm trying to figure out who is running your party?...It's a toss up between Pelosi, or Reid. I'm leaning toward Pelosi. :razz:

Each of them runs their own house.

Obama is the clear leader of our party.

Now who is our voice on the radio?

If you can't answer that, then maybe the media isn't as liberal as you think.

Why wouldn't we have a clear leader/voice on the radio if the media is all liberal?

I think you know the answer.

Your radio leader is Ed Schultz. Just ask him. Otherwise, why would he be sitting in the front row of the White House press briefing starring Barack "the prompter reader" Obama?

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