Democrats Protected AIG Bonuses

If the treasury is blaming Dodd, that is a ringing endorsement for the man, because we know the treasury is responsible.

I'm going to apologize to him for even doubting him.

And all I had to back up my concern was info from Fox Financial?

What was I thinking.

And if that is the case, and Obama as recent as today stated he supports Geithner, you must ask who then is to blame for this mess? Would it be the president? He has already stated he is to blame - do you agree with Obama then?

We must also ask who actually altered the amendment allowing the bonus protection in the stimulus bill passed last month? That could not have been Geithner - it had to have been a legislator who knew of the Dodd amendment, then proceeded to amend it on their own. Who would have the authority to do that in a Congress dominated by Democrats?

We need to find out who took out the NO BONUS clause in committee.

Dodd and Republicans put in that they can get NO bonus' and/or $100K max bonus.

Who took those things out?

But I am not going to take your deductions seriously because I know your take on things is highly slanted. Sorry.

You are too ready to blame democrats and ignore what the Republicans have done.

Just like you were so ready to blame Freddy & Fanny and Dodd but ignore everything the GOP did to cause this mess. (deregulations, bundle loans together, send jobs overseas, predatory lending, etc).

If you ignore all the things that caused our economy to collapse, how do you dare blame freddy & fanny for giving poor people loans?

Wouldn't they still have their homes if their jobs were still here in America?

But look on the bright side. Some chinaman is making a good living manufacturing the products we use to make ourselves.

Now we have cheap products but no one is buying because we aren't making as much as we used to and/or we are afraid we will lose our jobs next.

And these bankers aren't loaning out the money we gave them. Instead they are buying up other banks, giving themselves bonus', etc. Is it any wonder that Bush tried to slip this into the $750 billion bailout?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

So we know in September last year, Bush and Paulson were in favor of executive bonus'.

Here is the proof:

The deal proposed by Paulson is nothing short of outrageous. It includes no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gives congressional blessing and funding to what he has already been doing, ad hoc. He plans to retain Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper. There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

What say you?

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

Was that meant as a racist slant against the Chinese Bobo?

Just curious.
If the treasury is blaming Dodd, that is a ringing endorsement for the man, because we know the treasury is responsible.

I'm going to apologize to him for even doubting him.

And all I had to back up my concern was info from Fox Financial?

What was I thinking.

And if that is the case, and Obama as recent as today stated he supports Geithner, you must ask who then is to blame for this mess? Would it be the president? He has already stated he is to blame - do you agree with Obama then?

We must also ask who actually altered the amendment allowing the bonus protection in the stimulus bill passed last month? That could not have been Geithner - it had to have been a legislator who knew of the Dodd amendment, then proceeded to amend it on their own. Who would have the authority to do that in a Congress dominated by Democrats?

Any ideas on this earlier posed question Bobo?

I am curious to hear your response.

I don't mean to be confrontational, but sincerely wish to hear what an obviously Democrat partisan feels regarding the connecting dots of this mess...

It seems that the bank lobbyists have gotten to the Democratic leadership, and that the Democratic leadership was hoping this went by unnoticed.

And it seems that while Bush and Paulson were doign this last year and the GOP said nothing, the exact same thing is happening now, only now they are trying to put this all on the Democrats.

Because no one in the GOP minds blaming Bush for anything. As if he was a traitor to the party. You guys all say, "he wasn't as conservative as we would have liked".

But you all ignore all the pork spending that happened in 2004-2007 when the GOP were in charge.

And all the GOP deregulations and tax loopholes and allowing companies to bundle bad loans and sell them up the chain so everyone made money off these bad loans, and now us tax payers have to bail them out?

I have been telling people like you for years that the GOP's plan was to socialize the losses and privatize the profits. And this is a perfect example. So is Iraq. We pay for reconstruction while Haloburton, Blackwater and the oil companies make all the profits.

So that hasn't changed either. Even though Obama is in charge, we are still paying for the Iraq occupation.

So I suspect that will be the next issue you prove to us that the Dems are no better than the GOP.

Or immigration. You'll show us how the Dems aren't trying hard enough to stop that too.

But what you won't show us ever is that the GOP were doing a good job on any of these issues. That's because they were not.

And at least together, you conservatives and us liberals will call Obama/Reed/Pelosi and complain and then they will be forced to do what is right.

My question to you is, "where were you the last 8 years?"

The only things you complained about were when Bush tried to sell ports to Dubai and when we all got worked up over illegal immigrants. Those were the only two issues we flooded the white house with complaints over.

Now at least when we see shit like this going on, you will have us to help you right the wrongs.

Next time the GOP is in charge, you might want to consider not defending Bush on all the illegal shit he did.
More and more in the media are now working to uncover who allowed the bonus protection clause - CNN, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Yahoo News, Washington Post, etc. To those who try to paint this as some partisan investigation done by "conservative" media, you are simply choosing to ignore the reality. There appears to be a story here, and some in the media are finally interested in seeing where it leads.

Dodd remains a prime suspect, as does others within the Democrat Congressional leadership -and certainly figures within the White House top the list as well.

Yet another blog site picking up on this - and the aggressive tone it takes does mirror the growing agitation in the country as a whole regarding the AIG fiasco.

As for Obama, he is flying to LA to be on Leno...

Obama’s Own Stimulus Bill Protects the AIG Bonuses He Now Condemns — AIG May Justify Bonuses by Following the Law of the Obama Spending Bill — Resignation Chatter Growing — But As For Me

What do you think all that money AIG gave Dodd was for? Clearly, -- services rendered.
And if that is the case, and Obama as recent as today stated he supports Geithner, you must ask who then is to blame for this mess? Would it be the president? He has already stated he is to blame - do you agree with Obama then?

We must also ask who actually altered the amendment allowing the bonus protection in the stimulus bill passed last month? That could not have been Geithner - it had to have been a legislator who knew of the Dodd amendment, then proceeded to amend it on their own. Who would have the authority to do that in a Congress dominated by Democrats?

We need to find out who took out the NO BONUS clause in committee.

Dodd and Republicans put in that they can get NO bonus' and/or $100K max bonus.

Who took those things out?

But I am not going to take your deductions seriously because I know your take on things is highly slanted. Sorry.

You are too ready to blame democrats and ignore what the Republicans have done.

Just like you were so ready to blame Freddy & Fanny and Dodd but ignore everything the GOP did to cause this mess. (deregulations, bundle loans together, send jobs overseas, predatory lending, etc).

If you ignore all the things that caused our economy to collapse, how do you dare blame freddy & fanny for giving poor people loans?

Wouldn't they still have their homes if their jobs were still here in America?

But look on the bright side. Some chinaman is making a good living manufacturing the products we use to make ourselves.

Now we have cheap products but no one is buying because we aren't making as much as we used to and/or we are afraid we will lose our jobs next.

And these bankers aren't loaning out the money we gave them. Instead they are buying up other banks, giving themselves bonus', etc. Is it any wonder that Bush tried to slip this into the $750 billion bailout?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

So we know in September last year, Bush and Paulson were in favor of executive bonus'.

Here is the proof:

The deal proposed by Paulson is nothing short of outrageous. It includes no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gives congressional blessing and funding to what he has already been doing, ad hoc. He plans to retain Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper. There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

What say you?

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

Was that meant as a racist slant against the Chinese Bobo?

Just curious.
And if that is the case, and Obama as recent as today stated he supports Geithner, you must ask who then is to blame for this mess? Would it be the president? He has already stated he is to blame - do you agree with Obama then?

We must also ask who actually altered the amendment allowing the bonus protection in the stimulus bill passed last month? That could not have been Geithner - it had to have been a legislator who knew of the Dodd amendment, then proceeded to amend it on their own. Who would have the authority to do that in a Congress dominated by Democrats?

We need to find out who took out the NO BONUS clause in committee.

Dodd and Republicans put in that they can get NO bonus' and/or $100K max bonus.

Who took those things out?

But I am not going to take your deductions seriously because I know your take on things is highly slanted. Sorry.

You are too ready to blame democrats and ignore what the Republicans have done.

Just like you were so ready to blame Freddy & Fanny and Dodd but ignore everything the GOP did to cause this mess. (deregulations, bundle loans together, send jobs overseas, predatory lending, etc).

If you ignore all the things that caused our economy to collapse, how do you dare blame freddy & fanny for giving poor people loans?

Wouldn't they still have their homes if their jobs were still here in America?

But look on the bright side. Some chinaman is making a good living manufacturing the products we use to make ourselves.

Now we have cheap products but no one is buying because we aren't making as much as we used to and/or we are afraid we will lose our jobs next.

And these bankers aren't loaning out the money we gave them. Instead they are buying up other banks, giving themselves bonus', etc. Is it any wonder that Bush tried to slip this into the $750 billion bailout?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

So we know in September last year, Bush and Paulson were in favor of executive bonus'.

Here is the proof:

The deal proposed by Paulson is nothing short of outrageous. It includes no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gives congressional blessing and funding to what he has already been doing, ad hoc. He plans to retain Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper. There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

What say you?

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

Was that meant as a racist slant against the Chinese Bobo?

Just curious.

Nah, that's just the way they talk in "fly-over" country.
We need to find out who took out the NO BONUS clause in committee.

Dodd and Republicans put in that they can get NO bonus' and/or $100K max bonus.

Who took those things out?

But I am not going to take your deductions seriously because I know your take on things is highly slanted. Sorry.

You are too ready to blame democrats and ignore what the Republicans have done.

Just like you were so ready to blame Freddy & Fanny and Dodd but ignore everything the GOP did to cause this mess. (deregulations, bundle loans together, send jobs overseas, predatory lending, etc).

If you ignore all the things that caused our economy to collapse, how do you dare blame freddy & fanny for giving poor people loans?

Wouldn't they still have their homes if their jobs were still here in America?

But look on the bright side. Some chinaman is making a good living manufacturing the products we use to make ourselves.

Now we have cheap products but no one is buying because we aren't making as much as we used to and/or we are afraid we will lose our jobs next.

And these bankers aren't loaning out the money we gave them. Instead they are buying up other banks, giving themselves bonus', etc. Is it any wonder that Bush tried to slip this into the $750 billion bailout?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

So we know in September last year, Bush and Paulson were in favor of executive bonus'.

Here is the proof:

The deal proposed by Paulson is nothing short of outrageous. It includes no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gives congressional blessing and funding to what he has already been doing, ad hoc. He plans to retain Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper. There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

What say you?

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

Was that meant as a racist slant against the Chinese Bobo?

Just curious.

If I bitch about how the arabs in the middle east doubled our gas prices in the 80's because we sided with Israel, it is not a racist comment.

And if we are sending all our jobs to china and that hurts an American but helps a chinaman, that is not a racist comment either.

If I bitch about illegal immigration, it is not because I hate mexicans.

This is just your way of changing the subject. I understand. Forget all the points i made. Lets talk about if I'm racist for the rest of the day.
We need to find out who took out the NO BONUS clause in committee.

Dodd and Republicans put in that they can get NO bonus' and/or $100K max bonus.

Who took those things out?

But I am not going to take your deductions seriously because I know your take on things is highly slanted. Sorry.

You are too ready to blame democrats and ignore what the Republicans have done.

Just like you were so ready to blame Freddy & Fanny and Dodd but ignore everything the GOP did to cause this mess. (deregulations, bundle loans together, send jobs overseas, predatory lending, etc).

If you ignore all the things that caused our economy to collapse, how do you dare blame freddy & fanny for giving poor people loans?

Wouldn't they still have their homes if their jobs were still here in America?

But look on the bright side. Some chinaman is making a good living manufacturing the products we use to make ourselves.

Now we have cheap products but no one is buying because we aren't making as much as we used to and/or we are afraid we will lose our jobs next.

And these bankers aren't loaning out the money we gave them. Instead they are buying up other banks, giving themselves bonus', etc. Is it any wonder that Bush tried to slip this into the $750 billion bailout?

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

So we know in September last year, Bush and Paulson were in favor of executive bonus'.

Here is the proof:

The deal proposed by Paulson is nothing short of outrageous. It includes no oversight of his own closed-door operations. It merely gives congressional blessing and funding to what he has already been doing, ad hoc. He plans to retain Wall Street firms as advisors to decide just how to cut deals to value and mop up Wall Street's dubious paper. There are to be no limits on executive compensation for the firms that get relief, and no equity share for the government in exchange for this massive infusion of capital.

What say you?

Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter

Was that meant as a racist slant against the Chinese Bobo?

Just curious.

Nah, that's just the way they talk in "fly-over" country.

What did he mean by SLANT? Was that a racist comment about chinese? :lol:
More and more in the media are now working to uncover who allowed the bonus protection clause - CNN, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Yahoo News, Washington Post, etc. To those who try to paint this as some partisan investigation done by "conservative" media, you are simply choosing to ignore the reality. There appears to be a story here, and some in the media are finally interested in seeing where it leads.

Dodd remains a prime suspect, as does others within the Democrat Congressional leadership -and certainly figures within the White House top the list as well.

Yet another blog site picking up on this - and the aggressive tone it takes does mirror the growing agitation in the country as a whole regarding the AIG fiasco.

As for Obama, he is flying to LA to be on Leno...

Obama’s Own Stimulus Bill Protects the AIG Bonuses He Now Condemns — AIG May Justify Bonuses by Following the Law of the Obama Spending Bill — Resignation Chatter Growing — But As For Me

What do you think all that money AIG gave Dodd was for? Clearly, -- services rendered.

What about the money AIG gave the Republicans.

If you use your logic, the GOP gave them something to.

Or was the money given to Republicans all for nothing?

And I am all for making it illegal for any and all corporations to get involved in politics. Are you?

That means no lobbyists, no corporate contributions, etc.

One person, one vote. Corporations can't vote, so they shouldn't be involved in politics.

Now you may tell me why that isn't possible.

And my reply will be, then stop complaining that corporations donate money to politicians.

Unless you are willing to do something about it that is.

For years/decades, corporations gave way more to the GOP than they did to the dems. If you did the math since Reagan, it isn't even close.

And it is obvious which party caters more to corporations.

So if anything, all you are doing is showing us that Democrats are no different than Republicans.

If so, tell us why you vote GOP.
Unblievable! It appears all of the supposed outrage over the AIG bonuses is a complete fabrication - at least when viewed through the prism of the very bailout history constructed by the current Democrat leadership.

None other than Chris Dodd, who is now threatening to tax back the bonuses to the US government, protected these very bonuses with his own amendment contained within the stimulus bill.

Protect the bonuses followed by outrage over the bonuses you protected.

Oh, and guess who received over a hundred thousand in campaign contributions from AIG?

Ah, yes...

Amid AIG Furor, Dodd Tries to Undo Bonus Protections He Put In -

I started a new thread called Fox repeated falsehood that Dodd to blame for AIG bonuses because this thread title that you started is a lie.

If we are going to continue to discuss this, it should be in the right thread. Right?

And when you find out who in committee stripped out the provision that said bonus' were NOT to be paid, you can start a new thread.

But its kind of hard to continue discussing here because it promotes your misinformation.
Uh Sealy? Geithner is a Dem and he knew about the bonuses last fall because he put together the AIG package. He knew that these bonuses were going to be paid out on 3/15 but still said ok to another $30 billion dollar handout two weeks ago. Dems protecting AIG bonuses? Yup. Thread title is accurate.
Uh Sealy? Geithner is a Dem and he knew about the bonuses last fall because he put together the AIG package. He knew that these bonuses were going to be paid out on 3/15 but still said ok to another $30 billion dollar handout two weeks ago. Dems protecting AIG bonuses? Yup. Thread title is accurate.
bobo is a partisan moron hack
Uh Sealy? Geithner is a Dem and he knew about the bonuses last fall because he put together the AIG package. He knew that these bonuses were going to be paid out on 3/15 but still said ok to another $30 billion dollar handout two weeks ago. Dems protecting AIG bonuses? Yup. Thread title is accurate.

Read my new thread titled Fox news lied about Dodd.........

It will explain that Dodd and Co. dealt with this, and someone stripped it out in the weee hours of the night.

You are spreading misinformation. Half the facts. Go to media matters and do some more homework.
Uh Sealy? Geithner is a Dem and he knew about the bonuses last fall because he put together the AIG package. He knew that these bonuses were going to be paid out on 3/15 but still said ok to another $30 billion dollar handout two weeks ago. Dems protecting AIG bonuses? Yup. Thread title is accurate.

Read my new thread titled Fox news lied about Dodd.........

It will explain that Dodd and Co. dealt with this, and someone stripped it out in the weee hours of the night.

You are spreading misinformation. Half the facts. Go to media matters and do some more homework.

BTDT. BTW, go read the links provided in this thread. There are several and not a one is from Fox. BTW, you are getting that Dodd isn't the bad guy here, right? (well, not thee bad guy).
Last edited:
Uh Sealy? Geithner is a Dem and he knew about the bonuses last fall because he put together the AIG package. He knew that these bonuses were going to be paid out on 3/15 but still said ok to another $30 billion dollar handout two weeks ago. Dems protecting AIG bonuses? Yup. Thread title is accurate.

Read my new thread titled Fox news lied about Dodd.........

It will explain that Dodd and Co. dealt with this, and someone stripped it out in the weee hours of the night.

You are spreading misinformation. Half the facts. Go to media matters and do some more homework.
mediamatters LIES
Uh Sealy? Geithner is a Dem and he knew about the bonuses last fall because he put together the AIG package. He knew that these bonuses were going to be paid out on 3/15 but still said ok to another $30 billion dollar handout two weeks ago. Dems protecting AIG bonuses? Yup. Thread title is accurate.

Read my new thread titled Fox news lied about Dodd.........

It will explain that Dodd and Co. dealt with this, and someone stripped it out in the weee hours of the night.

You are spreading misinformation. Half the facts. Go to media matters and do some more homework.
mediamatters LIES

Show me where they are wrong:

Media Matters - Fox's Hannity, Doocy repeated falsehood that Dodd to blame for AIG bonuses
Uh Sealy? Geithner is a Dem and he knew about the bonuses last fall because he put together the AIG package. He knew that these bonuses were going to be paid out on 3/15 but still said ok to another $30 billion dollar handout two weeks ago. Dems protecting AIG bonuses? Yup. Thread title is accurate.

Read my new thread titled Fox news lied about Dodd.........

It will explain that Dodd and Co. dealt with this, and someone stripped it out in the weee hours of the night.

You are spreading misinformation. Half the facts. Go to media matters and do some more homework.

BTDT. BTW, go read the links provided in this thread. There are several and not a one is from Fox. BTW, you are getting that Dodd isn't the bad guy here, right? (well, not thee bad guy).
bobo bitches about fox news all the time
and usually uses that fucked up lying site, mediamatters, as proof
he is such a partisan hack he doesnt even know he is being lied to by THEM
Read my new thread titled Fox news lied about Dodd.........

It will explain that Dodd and Co. dealt with this, and someone stripped it out in the weee hours of the night.

You are spreading misinformation. Half the facts. Go to media matters and do some more homework.
mediamatters LIES

Show me where they are wrong:

Media Matters - Fox's Hannity, Doocy repeated falsehood that Dodd to blame for AIG bonuses
because it was in HIS amendment
so fox news did NOT lie
Read my new thread titled Fox news lied about Dodd.........

It will explain that Dodd and Co. dealt with this, and someone stripped it out in the weee hours of the night.

You are spreading misinformation. Half the facts. Go to media matters and do some more homework.
mediamatters LIES

Show me where they are wrong:

Media Matters - Fox's Hannity, Doocy repeated falsehood that Dodd to blame for AIG bonuses

As stated on your other thread, yes Fox got it wrong. GO READ THE OTHER ARTICLES LINKED IN THIS THREAD. Geesh!
Uh Sealy? Geithner is a Dem and he knew about the bonuses last fall because he put together the AIG package. He knew that these bonuses were going to be paid out on 3/15 but still said ok to another $30 billion dollar handout two weeks ago. Dems protecting AIG bonuses? Yup. Thread title is accurate.

Read my new thread titled Fox news lied about Dodd.........

It will explain that Dodd and Co. dealt with this, and someone stripped it out in the weee hours of the night.

You are spreading misinformation. Half the facts. Go to media matters and do some more homework.

BTDT. BTW, go read the links provided in this thread. There are several and not a one is from Fox. BTW, you are getting that Dodd isn't the bad guy here, right? (well, not thee bad guy).

Yesterday, the right wingers here were saying Dodd was the bad guy. The title of this thread even suggests he's the bad guy.

Well as far as we know right now, he isn't.

But he could turn out to be.

I just know Fox, rush, Drudge and the right wingers on this site got it wrong, AGAIN!!!:clap2:

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