Democrats Prove Impeachment 'Political Theater', Not About 'High Crimes'

Democrats have been squirming to find a cause ever since they abandoned the American worker and taxpayer in 1994. Favoring illegal aliens over Americans didn't work for them. Open borders didn't work for them. So finally when the Obama-Clinton administration came along, they decided that rigging elections and government bureaucracies was going to be their way to totally control government. Every crime they committed was swept under the rug. They fixed elections, extorted money and sold influence to anyone with money, even mortal enemies. And as long as Hillary got elected, they were assured of getting away with all of it. That's why it's such a blessing that Trump was elected. The perfect grand finale would be for all these criminals in the deep state to get arrested and convicted for their crimes and government to be returned to the people. But "of the people, by the people and for the people" will never exist again until we prosecute those that have committed treason against our President and the American people.
...Aren't you one of those that kept claiming Mueller and his crew would be perp walking everyone out of the White House?

I did, indeed, express that as a hope, but I don't remember ever claiming that it was actually going to happen.

Perhaps I've forgotten, but I don't think so.

Actually, the Mueller Report ended-up leaving the Presidential sanctions to Congress... which is exactly what we see unfolding now.
...Aren't you one of those that kept claiming Mueller and his crew would be perp walking everyone out of the White House?

I did, indeed, express that as a hope, but I don't remember ever claiming that it was actually going to happen.

Perhaps I've forgotten, but I don't think so.

Actually, the Mueller Report ended-up leaving the Presidential sanctions to Congress... which is exactly what we see unfolding now.
Lol. You and every one of the Trump haters all claimed that he conspired with Russia and that Mueller would be taking them out. But it is nice that you want to do a left handed backtrack.

What we see is the Democrats floundering around trying to find any dirt they can because they are desperate. But then again way to try and hide that. Most of the country sees it for the desperation it is. It will definitely not help in 2020. I think a large number will be asking what did they do other then play got you.
...Lol. You and every one of the Trump haters all claimed that he conspired with Russia and that Mueller would be taking them out. But it is nice that you want to do a left handed backtrack...
You're very welcome to go searching for any statement by me claiming with surety that the Mueller Investigation would result in such arrests.

...What we see is the Democrats floundering around trying to find any dirt they can because they are desperate...
They're not desperate. They're alarmed. They're pissed. And they control the House, which has sole responsibility for Impeachment.

...But then again way to try and hide that...
No hiding involved. It's all out in the open for all to see.

...Most of the country sees it for the desperation it is...
Well, some of the country, perhaps, that listens to Rush Limpbaugh and the like... Drumpf Bumper-Sticker Kool-Aid Drinkers.

...It will definitely not help in 2020...
The morning of November 4, 2020 will give us that answer.

...I think a large number will be asking what did they do other then play got you.
The morning of November 4, 2020 will give us that answer.
Speaking of political theater, in his closing statement minutes ago Adam Schiff just told the entire world on live tv that we are at war with Russia.
...Lol. You and every one of the Trump haters all claimed that he conspired with Russia and that Mueller would be taking them out. But it is nice that you want to do a left handed backtrack...
You're very welcome to go searching for any statement by me claiming with surety that the Mueller Investigation would result in such arrests.

...What we see is the Democrats floundering around trying to find any dirt they can because they are desperate...
They're not desperate. They're alarmed. They're pissed. And they control the House, which has sole responsibility for Impeachment.

...But then again way to try and hide that...
No hiding involved. It's all out in the open for all to see.

...Most of the country sees it for the desperation it is...
Well, some of the country, perhaps, that listens to Rush Limpbaugh and the like... Drumpf Bumper-Sticker Kool-Aid Drinkers.

...It will definitely not help in 2020...
The morning of November 4, 2020 will give us that answer.

...I think a large number will be asking what did they do other then play got you.
The morning of November 4, 2020 will give us that answer.
So you really want to claim that Mueller was investigating quid pro quo with Ukraine, oh my bad we are now supposed to use bribery since it does better with focus groups? If you believe that then you really need to have who ever takes care of you stop typing and seek help.

Too funny. Of course they are alarmed they have nothing to offer but giveaways and they know it won't work. The Dems have been going after tax returns as if the IRS is totally incompetent. They have not finished their Ukraine squirrel hunt and already on to hoping they can get some kind of a lie about Mueller. Maxine Waters is trying to blame Trump for the homeless in California. Maybe your definition of desperate is diffrent then everyone else's.

People tend to vote with their pocketbook and their minds.
...Uh, it would only be a political advantage if there is truth to it...
All it takes is reasonable proof of corrupt intent, and we're finding TONS of THAT... it's not exactly difficult, eh?

...Have at it, dig away, there's nothing to find
Why, thank you, I think we will, but the 'nothing' outcome is far from certain. Meanwhile, enjoy the wait. :21:

Um, are you confused or did you have an epiphany?

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