Democrats Put People at Risk for Votes

For power, they have engaged in riots, vandalism, arson, looting, terrorism, threats, intimidation, violence, have rigged elections, cheated, have called for military coups and assassinations, and now have proven to have committed ESPIONAGE against their own govt in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the govt.


Democrats vote to defend sanctuary cities, block mandatory jail time for repeat illegals
In light of the recent rape at a Maryland high school by illegal immigrants it has become clear that this is a result of a national push by Democrats to support the concept of sanctuary cities in order to attract votes from Hispanic community.
Rockville High Rape an Example of Trump's Immigration Stance
It's pretty clear that Democrats don't benefit from peace and prosperity.
Democrats vote to defend sanctuary cities, block mandatory jail time for repeat illegals
In light of the recent rape at a Maryland high school by illegal immigrants it has become clear that this is a result of a national push by Democrats to support the concept of sanctuary cities in order to attract votes from Hispanic community.
Rockville High Rape an Example of Trump's Immigration Stance

Seen this news story this morning. This is why Trump is in the White House. I notice, the lefty posters won't touch this. It is against their narrative.

Sorry lefties, you can spam this board all you want, but the heartland isn't buying your propaganda. For all intensive purposes, for the immediate future, you far leftists are done. The only people listening to your narratives is like minded people that we already defeated. You are wasting your effort.

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Remember the rebuilding after Katrina? When the Mayor insisted that the below sea level low income housing be rebuilt so that New Orleans could remain a "Chocolate CIty"?

Why would you build housing under sea level in a sinking city?

Because their lives have no value other than their support for the local Democratic Machine.

What a legacy.

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