Democrats Putting Record-Setting Hypocrisy On Display In New Tantrum


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'The President did not collude with the Russians, but he did learn what the Russians were doing and did nothing.'

In 2014 President Barak Obama learned what the Russians were doing and let it continue for 2 years.

'Donald Trump and his team wanted 'dirt' on Hillary. Trump Jr met with a Russian lawyer about 'dirt' on Hillary.'

- Mueller stated that meeting was not illegal

- No information exchanged hands.

- Obama overrode his own Dept of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer preventing her from entering the country so she could come to the US for the meeting

- The Russian lawyer met with the same co-conspiring company both Hillary's campaign and Comey's FBI were both working with to get the fake news dossier - Fusion GPS - TGE DAY BWFORE and TGE DAY AFTER the meeting with Trump Jr. (Coincidence? :p )

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians for a propaganda-filled document used to attempt to alter the 2016 election.

The FBI colluded with / paid a Trump-hating foreign spy who admittedly worked with Russians to get part of the contents of the Dossier, which was used illegally by Obama's CIA Chief Brennan and by Comey and his FBI.

Smackdown: Attorney General Barr Shuts Down Reporter Who Tried To Insinuate He Was Protecting Trump

''When Trump's team was offered dirt on Hillary from Russians they should have said ''No' instead of meeting with them."

Hillary Clinton's team COLLUDED WITH AND PAID Trump-hating foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win in 2016...

Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI used the false info provided to them by a Trump-hating foreign spy, Russians, and Hillary Clinton (Trump's political opponent) to commit FISA Court Abuses, Perjury before Congress, and begin a criminal political coup.

President Obama personally took action - overriding his own Immigration Department's ban - to facilitate the entrance into the United States Putin's top lawyer - WHEN HE ALREADY KNEW WHAT PUTIN AND RUSSIA WAS DOING IN THE UNITED STATES - and to make sure / allow the meeting to happen.

'President Trump WANTED to Obstruct an investigation (but failed to do so).'

President did NOT obstruct the investigation.
- No denial of documents.
- No firing of Mueller.
- No firing of Mueller team members.
- No 'executive privileged' cited
- No calls for info to be redacted
- Told the GOP to let Mueller finish...

As opposed to...

Hillary lied to the FBI

Hillary withheld official subpoenaed docs

Hillary attempted to destroy 15+k official subpoenaed docs

Hillary refused to legally comply with both the FOIA & Federal Records Act

Hillary attempted to Bleachbit her unaymuthorized, unencrypted, unsecured server to purge criminal evidence

Hillary and her team lied about and illegally destroyed official classified subpoenaed devices in an attempt to hide evidence...

The Obama DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI withheld evidence / the truth and engaged in criminal FISA Court Abuses and Perjury before Congress...

Obama US AG Lynch LIED about a 'casual meeting' between her and Bill Clinton when it was revealed their meeting was scheduled...

Rosenstein and Mueller refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas...

Comey and Schiff both admitted to leaking classified info...

Even TODAY new FBI Director Wray is criminally non-compliant with the FOIA by refusing to release 2 sets of information that embarasses the FBI, exposes it for leaking and collaborating with Leftist media to sensationalize and produce fake news / false perceptions and narratives against the President and his associates who were just proven to be innocent of false unproven accusations against them.
Democrats and snowflakes are still attempting to accuse the President of TRYING to do what Hillary and Obama's traitors ACTUALLY DID!
'The President did not collude with the Russians, but he did learn what the Russians were doing and did nothing.'

In 2014 President Barak Obama learned what the Russians were doing and let it continue for 2 years.

'Donald Trump and his team wanted 'dirt' on Hillary. Trump Jr met with a Russian lawyer about 'dirt' on Hillary.'

- Mueller stated that meeting was not illegal

- No information exchanged hands.

- Obama overrode his own Dept of Immigration's ban on the Russian lawyer preventing her from entering the country so she could come to the US for the meeting

- The Russian lawyer met with the same co-conspiring company both Hillary's campaign and Comey's FBI were both working with to get the fake news dossier - Fusion GPS - TGE DAY BWFORE and TGE DAY AFTER the meeting with Trump Jr. (Coincidence? :p )

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy and Russians for a propaganda-filled document used to attempt to alter the 2016 election.

The FBI colluded with / paid a Trump-hating foreign spy who admittedly worked with Russians to get part of the contents of the Dossier, which was used illegally by Obama's CIA Chief Brennan and by Comey and his FBI.

Smackdown: Attorney General Barr Shuts Down Reporter Who Tried To Insinuate He Was Protecting Trump


All the Obama crowd including Hillary, Brennan and Comey should all be arrested, but of course that is not going to happen, but it should.
It's amusing to watch a gaggle of Trump supporters try to spin Barr and his conclusions the way we see here.

Me... I'm waiting for the House to subpoena the full, un-redacted report and its constituent raw data...

And Trump's subpoenaed tax returns, as promised...

And subpoenaed testimony by Mueller and his team in open public session.

People with nothing to hide do not fight this hard against transparency and full disclosure.


If The Creature won't provide transparency and disclosure, the United States Congress will force the issue.

As to the other useless, deflecting, distracting noise being pumped into the room here...

If Shrillary or Obumble or any of their own Mini-Me's are guilty of wrongdoing, then drop the hammer on them, as well, but...

This isn't about them...

This is about Trump and HIS minions...

Focus, grasshopper... focus.
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The WH turned over more than 1 MILLION pages of documents (Washington Post) to the Mueller investigation team...

3 years, 2 investigations, thousands of subpoenas, hundreds of interviews, and President Trump did not try to stop it and cooperated with Mueller's team...

President Trump did not attempt to Fire Muelller or stop his investigation...

President Trump allowed everything that was released to be released rather than allow embarrassing items to be made public....

As opposed to evidence Obama's DOJ and FBI protected Hillary from indictment and that Hillary attempted to delete over 15,000 official subpoenaed documents that were evidence of violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act....
It's amusing to watch a gaggle of Trump supporters try to spin Barr and his conclusions the way we see here.

Me... I'm waiting for the House to subpoena the full, un-redacted report and its constituent raw data...

And Trump's subpoenaed tax returns, as promised...

And subpoenaed testimony by Mueller and his team in open public session.

People with nothing to hide do not fight this hard against transparency and full disclosure.


If The Creature won't provide transparency and disclosure, the United States Congress will force the issue.

As to the other useless, deflecting, distracting noise being pumped into the room here...

If Shrillary or Obumble or any of their own Mini-Me's are guilty of wrongdoing, then drop the hammer on them, as well, but...

This isn't about them...

This is about Trump and HIS minions...

Focus, grasshopper... focus.

Hope springs eternal. :21:
One dumbass Dem just stated that Mueller's declaration that neither Trump nor his team committed the 'crime of collusion' just means Mueller COULD NOT FIND ANY EVIDENCE THAT THE CRIME THAT WAS COMMITTTED ACTUALLY WAS COMMITTED.... just can't fix mental illness that bad.... :p
One dumbass Dem just stated that Mueller's declaration that neither Trump nor his team committed the 'crime of collusion' just means Mueller COULD NOT FIND ANY EVIDENCE THAT THE CRIME THAT WAS COMMITTTED ACTUALLY WAS COMMITTED.... just can't fix mental illness that bad.... :p

If the Democrats had normal advisors, they would advise them to stop all this Russian Conspiracy Theory CRAP because continuing it is making them look totally deranged....oh wait, hold on I forgot :eusa_doh:


Remember the House floor sit-in?

What they were thinking.

'Conducting secret electronic surveillance on Americans who do not know its going on is NOT 'Spying'.


Comey also lied his ass off by declaring the illegal SPYING he and his FBI did on Trump and his team was 'COURT ORDERED'.

This, of course, was a LIE!

The secret FISA Court did not GO TO THE FBI and ORDER them to SPY on Carter Page.

Evidence shows Obama's treasonous DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI Agency Directors used the Dossier to go to the FISA Court and perpetrate FISA Court Abuses by withholding information, deceiving the FISA Court - AS TGEY DID AT LEAST 75 TIMES BEFORE UNDER FBI DIRECTOR MUELLER - to illegally acquire warrants to illegally spy on the Democrats' political Presidential election opponent.

The traitors went to the FISA Court...and Brennan went before Congress and perjured himself to con them using the Dossier.

Forget 'hypocrisy' - Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Baker, Strzok, Page, Lynch, Hillary...Obama...have been exposed as the traitors / criminals.

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