Democrats react to PBA endorsement of Trump

I’m convinced Democrats are trying to lose this election on purpose. They call for the police to be defunded. They vote to slash police salaries. They vilify police everywhere. They don’t allow police to do their jobs. They cheer a football player that calls them pigs. THEN, They get upseat when the police endorse Trump. WTF did I miss here??? LOL
Yes I do and you support unions when a specific offender is brought up that is corrupt and vilates it union members you make some mindless comment about not supporting them all, then when SPECIFICALLY ask about that union you refer to your previous post, which is your usual dodge to avoid admitting you are full of horseshit.

Oh brother, it is crap like this that makes me realize discussion with you is a complete waste of brain cells.

you: I am going to ask a question and have pre-decided what you are going to say.

me: xyz

you: no, you said what I pre-decided you were to say and that was abc.

me: but I said xyz.

you: LIAR, you said abc and in addition you said lmno and efg! I DEMAND that you say abc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: umh but I only said xyz...

You were specifically ask if you thought it was a good idea for Unions to openly support parties that then vote for the Union to get more power more authority and more rights. You did not answer. Government Unions should NOT be allowed to donate to politics at all.

I was asked specifically if I support specific unions. I don’t support any specific unions. Which is what I said.

In the above example, you are moving the goal posts and now making it about public sector unions. Which do you mean public or private or is there any difference to you?

I do not have an issue with unions using their political funds to support politics (think I also said that). It is up to the members to make sure it is doing it in the way wish. Likewise, I do not have a problem with trade groups doing the same.

Now, this is the last response I am making to you because either you deliberately mistake what I say or really aren’t reading it.

Last edited:
One of my pet peeves with unions was that they protected poor workers. The good workers don't really need protection. They're a valued commodity. Once a union inserts itself into the process though...the poor workers can't be fired easily anymore which generally means their work becomes even more shoddy.
Yes I do and you support unions when a specific offender is brought up that is corrupt and vilates it union members you make some mindless comment about not supporting them all, then when SPECIFICALLY ask about that union you refer to your previous post, which is your usual dodge to avoid admitting you are full of horseshit.

Oh brother, it is crap like this that makes me realize discussion with you is a complete waste brain cells.

you: I am going to ask a question and have pre-decided what you are going to say.

me: xyz

you: no, you said what I pre-decided you were to say and that was abc.

me: but I said xyz.

you: LIAR, you said abc and in addition you said lmno and efg! I DEMAND that you say abc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: umh but I only said abc...

You were specifically ask if you thought it was a good idea for Unions to openly support parties that then vote for the Union to get more power more authority and more rights. You did not answer. Government Unions should NOT be allowed to donate to politics at all.

I was asked specifically if I support specific Unions. I don’t Support any specific unions. Which is what I said.

In the above example, you are moving the goal posts and now making it about public sector unions. Which do you mean public or private or is there any difference?

I do not have an issue with unions using their political fund to support politics. It is up to the members to make sure is doing it in the way wish. Likewise, I do not have a problem with trade groups doing the same.

Now, this is the last response I am making to you because either you deliberately mistake what I say or really aren’t reading it.

The question still begs to be answered, Coyote. Do you support Public Sector unions giving millions of dollars to get politicians elected that then turn around and give them lavish deals that the City/County/State/Country can't afford?
Rank and file cops who support someone who encourages people to look the other way on how they 'dominate the streets'..what a surprise

What a surprise, a bed wetting liberal who believes criminal sociopaths who keep getting released from jail by autistic democrook lawyers should be treated as an oppressed victim rather than get the ass kicking they deserve.

You're right, we should just get rid of cops, and watch bed wetting urban liberal douchebags get cannibalized by feral savage ghetto rats and trailer trash. Then when the vermin move out in the burbs for fresh victims we can drop them at the outskirts and let the carrion devour them.

What's wrong with purging rogue cops who think a badge is a license to kill unarmed people?

They do get prosecuted and sent to prison. It is so rare an occasion that a cop shoots or somehow kills someone without justification that it doesn't even show up on the radar.

Very very rarely.
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
How is defunding the police, ending fracking and vilifying those with disparate political views strengthening anything?

The Democrats have gone insane.
One of my pet peeves with unions was that they protected poor workers. The good workers don't really need protection. They're a valued commodity. Once a union inserts itself into the process though...the poor workers can't be fired easily anymore which generally means their work becomes even more shoddy.

I disagree. It really depends on the industry. I read somewhere where there are calculations made on the monetary value of worker vs the cost of increased safety measures, the value of the “product”, the cost of bad publicity. It all went in to decision making ... and if the valuation went against the workers, it was easier just to quietly settle the lawsuits with non disclosure agreements, of course.

Not saying everyone is like that, but it is much more common in industries that tend to employ low skilled workers or in some, where the workers are paid such as mining.
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
How is defunding the police, ending fracking and vilifying those with disparate political views strengthening anything?

The Democrats have gone insane.
What does that have to do with what I said? (p.s. everyone vilifies those with disparate political views, including your side, one look at this message board should tell you that)
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
The only “workers” Biden wants to strengthen are Chinese ones. He spent his whole career shipping jobs to China and bending America over to get raped by China trade policies.
That is incorrect. What specific actions of his “shipped jobs to China”? That was a free market decision. You guys are all about that right?

Beijing Biden’s trade record:

No to tariffs; just enforce the law

Q: Would you call for tariffs to protect American consumers from unsafe products from China? Are you willing to go there?
A: I'm not. No, I'm not willing to go there. You don't need to start a tariff war. All you have to do is enforce the law. Enforce the law.

  • 1993: voted in favor of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • 1998: voted in favor of Fast-Track Trade Authority.
  • 2000: voted to approve Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China.

Voted YES on permanent normal trade relations with China.

Vote to give permanent Normal Trade Relations [NTR] status to China. Currently, NTR status for China is debated and voted on annually.
Reference: Bill HR.4444 ; vote number 2000-251 on Sep 19, 2000

Voted YES on expanding trade to the third world.
Vote to expand trade with more than 70 countries in Africa, Central America and the Caribbean. The countries would be required to meet certain eligibility requirements in protecting freedoms of expression and association.
Reference: Bill HR.434 ; vote number 2000-98 on May 11, 2000
Yes, many Republicans voted for those items also.
And I have always been critical of the GOP globalist policies. It does not excuse Biden’s role. Dems were just as bad if not worse. President Trump isn’t like the GOP, he is a nationalist not a globalist and believes we should bring jobs back from China to here.
If Trump does believe that why is his products and his families still made overseas or in Mexico?
Because our laws don’t protect manufacturing in the many times does it have to be explained to you?
Yes I do and you support unions when a specific offender is brought up that is corrupt and vilates it union members you make some mindless comment about not supporting them all, then when SPECIFICALLY ask about that union you refer to your previous post, which is your usual dodge to avoid admitting you are full of horseshit.

Oh brother, it is crap like this that makes me realize discussion with you is a complete waste brain cells.

you: I am going to ask a question and have pre-decided what you are going to say.

me: xyz

you: no, you said what I pre-decided you were to say and that was abc.

me: but I said xyz.

you: LIAR, you said abc and in addition you said lmno and efg! I DEMAND that you say abc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: umh but I only said abc...

You were specifically ask if you thought it was a good idea for Unions to openly support parties that then vote for the Union to get more power more authority and more rights. You did not answer. Government Unions should NOT be allowed to donate to politics at all.

I was asked specifically if I support specific Unions. I don’t Support any specific unions. Which is what I said.

In the above example, you are moving the goal posts and now making it about public sector unions. Which do you mean public or private or is there any difference?

I do not have an issue with unions using their political fund to support politics. It is up to the members to make sure is doing it in the way wish. Likewise, I do not have a problem with trade groups doing the same.

Now, this is the last response I am making to you because either you deliberately mistake what I say or really aren’t reading it.

The question still begs to be answered, Coyote. Do you support Public Sector unions giving millions of dollars to get politicians elected that then turn around and give them lavish deals that the City/County/State/Country can't afford?

No. It is no different than business doing the same and I would consider it corruption.
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
The only “workers” Biden wants to strengthen are Chinese ones. He spent his whole career shipping jobs to China and bending America over to get raped by China trade policies.
That is incorrect. What specific actions of his “shipped jobs to China”? That was a free market decision. You guys are all about that right?

Beijing Biden’s trade record:

No to tariffs; just enforce the law

Q: Would you call for tariffs to protect American consumers from unsafe products from China? Are you willing to go there?
A: I'm not. No, I'm not willing to go there. You don't need to start a tariff war. All you have to do is enforce the law. Enforce the law.

  • 1993: voted in favor of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • 1998: voted in favor of Fast-Track Trade Authority.
  • 2000: voted to approve Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China.

Voted YES on permanent normal trade relations with China.

Vote to give permanent Normal Trade Relations [NTR] status to China. Currently, NTR status for China is debated and voted on annually.
Reference: Bill HR.4444 ; vote number 2000-251 on Sep 19, 2000

Voted YES on expanding trade to the third world.
Vote to expand trade with more than 70 countries in Africa, Central America and the Caribbean. The countries would be required to meet certain eligibility requirements in protecting freedoms of expression and association.
Reference: Bill HR.434 ; vote number 2000-98 on May 11, 2000
Yes, many Republicans voted for those items also.
And I have always been critical of the GOP globalist policies. It does not excuse Biden’s role. Dems were just as bad if not worse. President Trump isn’t like the GOP, he is a nationalist not a globalist and believes we should bring jobs back from China to here.
If Trump does believe that why is his products and his families still made overseas or in Mexico?
Because our laws don’t protect manufacturing in the many times does it have to be explained to you?
That doesn’t make sense....Trump can manufacture where he wants.
One of my pet peeves with unions was that they protected poor workers. The good workers don't really need protection. They're a valued commodity. Once a union inserts itself into the process though...the poor workers can't be fired easily anymore which generally means their work becomes even more shoddy.

I disagree. It really depends on the industry. I read somewhere where there are calculations made on the monetary value of worker vs the cost of increased safety measures, the value of the “product”, the cost of bad publicity. It all went in to decision making ... and if the valuation went against the workers, it was easier just to quietly settle the lawsuits with non disclosure agreements, of course.

Not saying everyone is like that, but it is much more common in industries that tend to employ low skilled workers or in some, where the workers are paid such as mining.
As I've said before there are instances of companies treating employees badly. As a rule of thumb though good employees are a valued asset of any company...arguably their most valuable asset! One of the selling points of most unions when they are trying to unionize a workplace is that it will be much harder for management to fire you. That isn't an appeal to the good employees, Coyote...that is an appeal to the poor ones!
Yes I do and you support unions when a specific offender is brought up that is corrupt and vilates it union members you make some mindless comment about not supporting them all, then when SPECIFICALLY ask about that union you refer to your previous post, which is your usual dodge to avoid admitting you are full of horseshit.

Oh brother, it is crap like this that makes me realize discussion with you is a complete waste brain cells.

you: I am going to ask a question and have pre-decided what you are going to say.

me: xyz

you: no, you said what I pre-decided you were to say and that was abc.

me: but I said xyz.

you: LIAR, you said abc and in addition you said lmno and efg! I DEMAND that you say abc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: umh but I only said abc...

You were specifically ask if you thought it was a good idea for Unions to openly support parties that then vote for the Union to get more power more authority and more rights. You did not answer. Government Unions should NOT be allowed to donate to politics at all.

I was asked specifically if I support specific Unions. I don’t Support any specific unions. Which is what I said.

In the above example, you are moving the goal posts and now making it about public sector unions. Which do you mean public or private or is there any difference?

I do not have an issue with unions using their political fund to support politics. It is up to the members to make sure is doing it in the way wish. Likewise, I do not have a problem with trade groups doing the same.

Now, this is the last response I am making to you because either you deliberately mistake what I say or really aren’t reading it.

The question still begs to be answered, Coyote. Do you support Public Sector unions giving millions of dollars to get politicians elected that then turn around and give them lavish deals that the City/County/State/Country can't afford?

No. It is no different than business doing the same and I would consider it corruption.
Actually it's totally different from a business doing the same thing because it's done with public monies...not the money from a Private Sector company! A Private Sector company would only give so much money to a politician because it's coming out of THEIR pockets so it has to make fiscal sense that what they're getting in return is worthwhile. Unions and politicians on the other hand are doing this with money from the Public Sector.
So now public unions are good. Just clarifying from you anti worker folk.

What does "anti-worker" even mean? I don't care if they're union or not, they're allowed to vote for whoever the hell they want to.

It's interesting how they become bad people if they don't vote for your causes. Yes, I know exactly where this is going and there is no need for you to deny it.


Why are you calling me into this and what is it exactly that you expect me to answer?
I am interested in your opinions, that's why :)

Ok...wasn’t sure and was not sure who you were asking the question.

Anti-worker...I guess that is like anti-business....policies and legislation that go against the rights of workers. Such diminishing collective bargaining rights, legislation that reduces safety, ability to report unsafe conditions, practices that force workers without pay for some portion of the time, discriminatory practices...

In terms of voting, I do not see any one arguing that an individual Can or should not be able for whomever they wish.
One of my pet peeves with unions was that they protected poor workers. The good workers don't really need protection. They're a valued commodity. Once a union inserts itself into the process though...the poor workers can't be fired easily anymore which generally means their work becomes even more shoddy.

I disagree. It really depends on the industry. I read somewhere where there are calculations made on the monetary value of worker vs the cost of increased safety measures, the value of the “product”, the cost of bad publicity. It all went in to decision making ... and if the valuation went against the workers, it was easier just to quietly settle the lawsuits with non disclosure agreements, of course.

Not saying everyone is like that, but it is much more common in industries that tend to employ low skilled workers or in some, where the workers are paid such as mining.
As I've said before there are instances of companies treating employees badly. As a rule of thumb though good employees are a valued asset of any company...arguably their most valuable asset! One of the selling points of most unions when they are trying to unionize a workplace is that it will be much harder for management to fire you. That isn't an appeal to the good employees, Coyote...that is an appeal to the poor ones!

I disagree, because, again, it depends on the industry, even an entire sector. There are many companies who’s employees are valued and shown they are valued, they have no desire to unionize. And that is good. They do not need a union.

There are also sectors where employees are not so valued. They can be fired and replaced, and as a result, will often endure a lot of abuses because speaking up could result in loss of job...even just calling in sick. This is where a union is needed.
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
How is defunding the police, ending fracking and vilifying those with disparate political views strengthening anything?

The Democrats have gone insane.
What does that have to do with what I said? (p.s. everyone vilifies those with disparate political views, including your side, one look at this message board should tell you that)
Not quite. One can wear a Biden/Harris shirt freely. Not so with a Trump/Pence shirt. Different rules. Hypocrisy 101.
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
The only “workers” Biden wants to strengthen are Chinese ones. He spent his whole career shipping jobs to China and bending America over to get raped by China trade policies.
That is incorrect. What specific actions of his “shipped jobs to China”? That was a free market decision. You guys are all about that right?

Beijing Biden’s trade record:

No to tariffs; just enforce the law

Q: Would you call for tariffs to protect American consumers from unsafe products from China? Are you willing to go there?
A: I'm not. No, I'm not willing to go there. You don't need to start a tariff war. All you have to do is enforce the law. Enforce the law.

  • 1993: voted in favor of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • 1998: voted in favor of Fast-Track Trade Authority.
  • 2000: voted to approve Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China.

Voted YES on permanent normal trade relations with China.

Vote to give permanent Normal Trade Relations [NTR] status to China. Currently, NTR status for China is debated and voted on annually.
Reference: Bill HR.4444 ; vote number 2000-251 on Sep 19, 2000

Voted YES on expanding trade to the third world.
Vote to expand trade with more than 70 countries in Africa, Central America and the Caribbean. The countries would be required to meet certain eligibility requirements in protecting freedoms of expression and association.
Reference: Bill HR.434 ; vote number 2000-98 on May 11, 2000
Yes, many Republicans voted for those items also.
And I have always been critical of the GOP globalist policies. It does not excuse Biden’s role. Dems were just as bad if not worse. President Trump isn’t like the GOP, he is a nationalist not a globalist and believes we should bring jobs back from China to here.
If Trump does believe that why is his products and his families still made overseas or in Mexico?
Because our laws don’t protect manufacturing in the many times does it have to be explained to you?
That doesn’t make sense....Trump can manufacture where he wants.
Not if it puts him out of business. Gawd you’re an idiot.
One of my pet peeves with unions was that they protected poor workers. The good workers don't really need protection. They're a valued commodity. Once a union inserts itself into the process though...the poor workers can't be fired easily anymore which generally means their work becomes even more shoddy.

I disagree. It really depends on the industry. I read somewhere where there are calculations made on the monetary value of worker vs the cost of increased safety measures, the value of the “product”, the cost of bad publicity. It all went in to decision making ... and if the valuation went against the workers, it was easier just to quietly settle the lawsuits with non disclosure agreements, of course.

Not saying everyone is like that, but it is much more common in industries that tend to employ low skilled workers or in some, where the workers are paid such as mining.
As I've said before there are instances of companies treating employees badly. As a rule of thumb though good employees are a valued asset of any company...arguably their most valuable asset! One of the selling points of most unions when they are trying to unionize a workplace is that it will be much harder for management to fire you. That isn't an appeal to the good employees, Coyote...that is an appeal to the poor ones!

I disagree, because, again, it depends on the industry, even an entire sector. There are many companies who’s employees are valued and shown they are valued, they have no desire to unionize. And that is good. They do not need a union.

There are also sectors where employees are not so valued. They can be fired and replaced, and as a result, will often endure a lot of abuses because speaking up could result in loss of job...even just calling in sick. This is where a union is needed.
What sector are you referring to?
Some of this is hardly rocket science. Republicans have a long anti-union history that's only grown worse recently. So why would anyone seriously expect unions to support Republicans? And yet many do, as Coyote has said because, here and there, a particular Republican will prove more supportive than their opponent.

Unions exist to support and protect workers against the perfectly natural tendency of employers to exploit and neglect them, wittingly or no. Yes, "in a perfect world".. But there's no such thing. Kudos to the Hawk, btw, for remaining mostly honest and informative here.
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.

Ummmm, Coyote, Trumps policies have overwhelmingly helped unions, and union workers.

You should actually check in with the union workers and stop listening to propaganda.

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