Democrats react to PBA endorsement of Trump

Not gonna look up links to stuff you will just ignore, here is a simple fact about Unions and what the Members believe and what actually happens. Union FactsUse of Dues for Politics - Union Facts

I have never heard of this public ballot stuff, hence my question. Disagreeing with you on something is not ignoring it. is itself problematic....

It seems as if one of their Aims is to end union participation in politics which would be devastating for workers rights given that trade groups routinely us their dues collected on political activities.
Not gonna look up links to stuff you will just ignore, here is a simple fact about Unions and what the Members believe and what actually happens. Union FactsUse of Dues for Politics - Union Facts

I have never heard of this public ballot stuff, hence my question. Disagreeing with you on something is not ignoring it. is itself problematic....

It seems as if one of their Aims is to end union participation in politics which would be devastating for workers rights given that trade groups routinely us their dues collected on political activities.
And yet rather then provide a source disputing their claims you just attack them for their purpose. Meanwhile you routinely attack us for attacking the PURPOSE of the Democrats or specific Unions.
Good riddance.... the police union is half the problem with the few bad cops getting their jobs back, making all the good cops take the heat for the bad ones the union fought to keep....
When unions get too powerful, there needs to be reform...just like corporations. They need to balance each other imo.
And yet you think the National Unions that exist are fine right? Corrupt to the core but you support them.

They are as corrupt or non-corrupt as any other large scale entity. When something becomes violates the law, then something should be done about until it is back in compliance.

That is really kind of a stupid question.

Let’s turn it around with a similar broadbrush question:

And yet you think huge national corporations that exist are fine right? Corrupt to the core but you support them.
I support Business but have no stake in supporting Corporations other the they employee millions of people. And they are heavily regulated while Unions are not thanks to democrats. Democrats support such things as open votes in Union elections so that the Union bosses can identify and harass those that disagree with them, They support Unions taking dues from members and giving it illegally to the democrats. They hae openly voted in support of both those things repeatedly.

What is the difference between business and corporations in your view?

As a comparison...I support the right to unionize and for workers to have collective rights, but that doesn’t mean I support all unions, all union actions etc.

How is unions giving money to political parties illegal? Part of the Unions job is to politically advocate for legislation and candidates that support their positions. It isn’t any different from trade associations representing business’ who take money from dues and support political candidates and parties.

For example Teachers Unions force non union members to pay dues and then give money they got that way to democrats. And when ever it is comes up in Congress the dems claim it is OK nothing to see here.

States have made laws making it ILLEGAL to work at companies if they have a Union while forcing non union companies to hire Union members. States run by democrats have tried to make votes to become a Union public so that Union organizers can terrorize those that oppose it.

For the first, it isn’t illegal. Unions have a political fund. They have used to support both parties.

Tried implies they failed which is good. I have also never heard of it. Can provide any links?
With all due respect, Coyote...are you really claiming that unions support BOTH parties? I think you know as well as I do that isn't the case.

It is the case. For the past two decades, the majority by far goes to Democrats, but the Republicans also get it.
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
What about Democrats' DEFUND THE POLICE!? Did they think there would be no consequences?
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
Which will of course lead to fewer jobs for union workers. So did you want to explain to me why that's a good thing for blue collar workers, Coyote? With Biden strengthening unions and giving workers more "rights" that's just one more incentive for multi national corporations to take their jobs elsewhere! Then throw in the tax increases Biden says he'll give us and the Green New Deal legislation that he's also backing and our economy is going to go down like the Hindenburg! Just saying...

Unions, providing collective power for workers, serve to balance the collective power companies have both in bargaining for their rights and safety and for political issues that an individual has little ability to affect.

Would you agree with that?

That said, like ANY entity they become to powerful, or corrupt. Just like their opposition, the corporate interests. There have been many easy to find cases of corruption, and cases where they have become too powerful, hobbling the industries they represent, losing jobs, and even leading to bankruptcy or relocation.
We live in a global economy, Coyote. What happened to American jobs when unions strong armed employers into providing wages and benefits that were way out of bounds? Do you remember? So why does Joe Biden think he can allow unions to do that again...and not have the same results?

And what happens when corporations Provide poor wages, no benefits and unsafe working conditions?

It is a balance.
I would love to see the US the leader in the world manufacturing enter but it isn't going to happen because living in the US is very expensive and workers can't afford to live on $1200 dollars a year like they do in China.

And there Is another aspect people keep ignoring. The biggest source of job loss is automation.
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Good riddance.... the police union is half the problem with the few bad cops getting their jobs back, making all the good cops take the heat for the bad ones the union fought to keep....
When unions get too powerful, there needs to be reform...just like corporations. They need to balance each other imo.
And yet you think the National Unions that exist are fine right? Corrupt to the core but you support them.

They are as corrupt or non-corrupt as any other large scale entity. When something becomes violates the law, then something should be done about until it is back in compliance.

That is really kind of a stupid question.

Let’s turn it around with a similar broadbrush question:

And yet you think huge national corporations that exist are fine right? Corrupt to the core but you support them.
I support Business but have no stake in supporting Corporations other the they employee millions of people. And they are heavily regulated while Unions are not thanks to democrats. Democrats support such things as open votes in Union elections so that the Union bosses can identify and harass those that disagree with them, They support Unions taking dues from members and giving it illegally to the democrats. They hae openly voted in support of both those things repeatedly.

What is the difference between business and corporations in your view?

As a comparison...I support the right to unionize and for workers to have collective rights, but that doesn’t mean I support all unions, all union actions etc.

How is unions giving money to political parties illegal? Part of the Unions job is to politically advocate for legislation and candidates that support their positions. It isn’t any different from trade associations representing business’ who take money from dues and support political candidates and parties.

For example Teachers Unions force non union members to pay dues and then give money they got that way to democrats. And when ever it is comes up in Congress the dems claim it is OK nothing to see here.

States have made laws making it ILLEGAL to work at companies if they have a Union while forcing non union companies to hire Union members. States run by democrats have tried to make votes to become a Union public so that Union organizers can terrorize those that oppose it.

For the first, it isn’t illegal. Unions have a political fund. They have used to support both parties.

Tried implies they failed which is good. I have also never heard of it. Can provide any links?
With all due respect, Coyote...are you really claiming that unions support BOTH parties? I think you know as well as I do that isn't the case.

It is the case. For the past two decades, the majority by far goes to Democrats, but the Republicans also get it.
Care to estimate what % of those union donations go to Democrats and how much to Republicans, Coyote? Claiming that the GOP get's substantial union donations is a bit of a stretch which is why you're obviously dancing around that!
Rank and file cops who support someone who encourages people to look the other way on how they 'dominate the streets'..what a surprise

What a surprise, a bed wetting liberal who believes criminal sociopaths who keep getting released from jail by autistic democrook lawyers should be treated as an oppressed victim rather than get the ass kicking they deserve.

You're right, we should just get rid of cops, and watch bed wetting urban liberal douchebags get cannibalized by feral savage ghetto rats and trailer trash. Then when the vermin move out in the burbs for fresh victims we can drop them at the outskirts and let the carrion devour them.

What's wrong with purging rogue cops who think a badge is a license to kill unarmed people?

They do get prosecuted and sent to prison. It is so rare an occasion that a cop shoots or somehow kills someone without justification that it doesn't even show up on the radar.

Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
Which will of course lead to fewer jobs for union workers. So did you want to explain to me why that's a good thing for blue collar workers, Coyote? With Biden strengthening unions and giving workers more "rights" that's just one more incentive for multi national corporations to take their jobs elsewhere! Then throw in the tax increases Biden says he'll give us and the Green New Deal legislation that he's also backing and our economy is going to go down like the Hindenburg! Just saying...

Unions, providing collective power for workers, serve to balance the collective power companies have both in bargaining for their rights and safety and for political issues that an individual has little ability to affect.

Would you agree with that?

That said, like ANY entity they become to powerful, or corrupt. Just like their opposition, the corporate interests. There have been many easy to find cases of corruption, and cases where they have become too powerful, hobbling the industries they represent, losing jobs, and even leading to bankruptcy or relocation.
We live in a global economy, Coyote. What happened to American jobs when unions strong armed employers into providing wages and benefits that were way out of bounds? Do you remember? So why does Joe Biden think he can allow unions to do that again...and not have the same results?

And what happens when corporations Provide poor wages, no benefits and unsafe working conditions?

It is a balance.
They lose their good employees to their competitors that offer better wages, better benefits and safer working conditions?
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
Which will of course lead to fewer jobs for union workers. So did you want to explain to me why that's a good thing for blue collar workers, Coyote? With Biden strengthening unions and giving workers more "rights" that's just one more incentive for multi national corporations to take their jobs elsewhere! Then throw in the tax increases Biden says he'll give us and the Green New Deal legislation that he's also backing and our economy is going to go down like the Hindenburg! Just saying...

Unions, providing collective power for workers, serve to balance the collective power companies have both in bargaining for their rights and safety and for political issues that an individual has little ability to affect.

Would you agree with that?

That said, like ANY entity they become to powerful, or corrupt. Just like their opposition, the corporate interests. There have been many easy to find cases of corruption, and cases where they have become too powerful, hobbling the industries they represent, losing jobs, and even leading to bankruptcy or relocation.
We live in a global economy, Coyote. What happened to American jobs when unions strong armed employers into providing wages and benefits that were way out of bounds? Do you remember? So why does Joe Biden think he can allow unions to do that again...and not have the same results?

And what happens when corporations Provide poor wages, no benefits and unsafe working conditions?

It is a balance.
They lose their good employees to their competitors that offer better wages, better benefits and safer working conditions?
I ran large businesses for a long time, Coyote. I never abused my employees because it never made sense for the bottom line. I'm not saying there aren't businesses who do that but I think you'd see that few of them last very long.
Good riddance.... the police union is half the problem with the few bad cops getting their jobs back, making all the good cops take the heat for the bad ones the union fought to keep....
When unions get too powerful, there needs to be reform...just like corporations. They need to balance each other imo.
And yet you think the National Unions that exist are fine right? Corrupt to the core but you support them.

They are as corrupt or non-corrupt as any other large scale entity. When something becomes violates the law, then something should be done about until it is back in compliance.

That is really kind of a stupid question.

Let’s turn it around with a similar broadbrush question:

And yet you think huge national corporations that exist are fine right? Corrupt to the core but you support them.
I support Business but have no stake in supporting Corporations other the they employee millions of people. And they are heavily regulated while Unions are not thanks to democrats. Democrats support such things as open votes in Union elections so that the Union bosses can identify and harass those that disagree with them, They support Unions taking dues from members and giving it illegally to the democrats. They hae openly voted in support of both those things repeatedly.

What is the difference between business and corporations in your view?

As a comparison...I support the right to unionize and for workers to have collective rights, but that doesn’t mean I support all unions, all union actions etc.

How is unions giving money to political parties illegal? Part of the Unions job is to politically advocate for legislation and candidates that support their positions. It isn’t any different from trade associations representing business’ who take money from dues and support political candidates and parties.

For example Teachers Unions force non union members to pay dues and then give money they got that way to democrats. And when ever it is comes up in Congress the dems claim it is OK nothing to see here.

States have made laws making it ILLEGAL to work at companies if they have a Union while forcing non union companies to hire Union members. States run by democrats have tried to make votes to become a Union public so that Union organizers can terrorize those that oppose it.

For the first, it isn’t illegal. Unions have a political fund. They have used to support both parties.

Tried implies they failed which is good. I have also never heard of it. Can provide any links?
With all due respect, Coyote...are you really claiming that unions support BOTH parties? I think you know as well as I do that isn't the case.

It is the case. For the past two decades, the majority by far goes to Democrats, but the Republicans also get it.
Care to estimate what % of those union donations go to Democrats and how much to Republicans, Coyote? Claiming that the GOP get's substantial union donations is a bit of a stretch which is why you're obviously dancing around that!

Did you even read what I posted?

Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
Which will of course lead to fewer jobs for union workers. So did you want to explain to me why that's a good thing for blue collar workers, Coyote? With Biden strengthening unions and giving workers more "rights" that's just one more incentive for multi national corporations to take their jobs elsewhere! Then throw in the tax increases Biden says he'll give us and the Green New Deal legislation that he's also backing and our economy is going to go down like the Hindenburg! Just saying...

Unions, providing collective power for workers, serve to balance the collective power companies have both in bargaining for their rights and safety and for political issues that an individual has little ability to affect.

Would you agree with that?

That said, like ANY entity they become to powerful, or corrupt. Just like their opposition, the corporate interests. There have been many easy to find cases of corruption, and cases where they have become too powerful, hobbling the industries they represent, losing jobs, and even leading to bankruptcy or relocation.
We live in a global economy, Coyote. What happened to American jobs when unions strong armed employers into providing wages and benefits that were way out of bounds? Do you remember? So why does Joe Biden think he can allow unions to do that again...and not have the same results?

And what happens when corporations Provide poor wages, no benefits and unsafe working conditions?

It is a balance.
They lose their good employees to their competitors that offer better wages, better benefits and safer working conditions?
I ran large businesses for a long time, Coyote. I never abused my employees because it never made sense for the bottom line. I'm not saying there aren't businesses who do that but I think you'd see that few of them last very long.

That is good, but I think it is variable with some industries being much worse than others. If there weren’t a need for unions, we would not still have them.
Democrats betray the police, abandon the police, join ranks with looters, rapists, murderers, anarchists, terrorists...they facilitated the weakening of, the defunding of, disarming of, the hunting of, the assault upon, and the murder of THE POLICE...

So is it arrogance or just f*ing stupidity that they can actually be surprised that...angry about...the police have chosen to support Donald Trump?

How can you snowflakes support people that crooked, that treasonous,...and THAT f*ing stupid?


They are Democrats
It's in their DNA
Good riddance.... the police union is half the problem with the few bad cops getting their jobs back, making all the good cops take the heat for the bad ones the union fought to keep....
When unions get too powerful, there needs to be reform...just like corporations. They need to balance each other imo.
And yet you think the National Unions that exist are fine right? Corrupt to the core but you support them.

They are as corrupt or non-corrupt as any other large scale entity. When something becomes violates the law, then something should be done about until it is back in compliance.

That is really kind of a stupid question.

Let’s turn it around with a similar broadbrush question:

And yet you think huge national corporations that exist are fine right? Corrupt to the core but you support them.
I support Business but have no stake in supporting Corporations other the they employee millions of people. And they are heavily regulated while Unions are not thanks to democrats. Democrats support such things as open votes in Union elections so that the Union bosses can identify and harass those that disagree with them, They support Unions taking dues from members and giving it illegally to the democrats. They hae openly voted in support of both those things repeatedly.

What is the difference between business and corporations in your view?

As a comparison...I support the right to unionize and for workers to have collective rights, but that doesn’t mean I support all unions, all union actions etc.

How is unions giving money to political parties illegal? Part of the Unions job is to politically advocate for legislation and candidates that support their positions. It isn’t any different from trade associations representing business’ who take money from dues and support political candidates and parties.

For example Teachers Unions force non union members to pay dues and then give money they got that way to democrats. And when ever it is comes up in Congress the dems claim it is OK nothing to see here.

States have made laws making it ILLEGAL to work at companies if they have a Union while forcing non union companies to hire Union members. States run by democrats have tried to make votes to become a Union public so that Union organizers can terrorize those that oppose it.

For the first, it isn’t illegal. Unions have a political fund. They have used to support both parties.

Tried implies they failed which is good. I have also never heard of it. Can provide any links?
With all due respect, Coyote...are you really claiming that unions support BOTH parties? I think you know as well as I do that isn't the case.

It is the case. For the past two decades, the majority by far goes to Democrats, but the Republicans also get it.
Care to estimate what % of those union donations go to Democrats and how much to Republicans, Coyote? Claiming that the GOP get's substantial union donations is a bit of a stretch which is why you're obviously dancing around that!

Did you even read what I posted?
Yes I do and you support unions when a specific offender is brought up that is corrupt and vilates it union members you make some mindless comment about not supporting them all, then when SPECIFICALLY ask about that union you refer to your previous post, which is your usual dodge to avoid admitting you are full of horseshit.

You were specifically ask if you thought it was a good idea for Unions to openly support parties that then vote for the Union to get more power more authority and more rights. You did not answer. Government Unions should NOT be allowed to donate to politics at all.
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
Which will of course lead to fewer jobs for union workers. So did you want to explain to me why that's a good thing for blue collar workers, Coyote? With Biden strengthening unions and giving workers more "rights" that's just one more incentive for multi national corporations to take their jobs elsewhere! Then throw in the tax increases Biden says he'll give us and the Green New Deal legislation that he's also backing and our economy is going to go down like the Hindenburg! Just saying...

Unions, providing collective power for workers, serve to balance the collective power companies have both in bargaining for their rights and safety and for political issues that an individual has little ability to affect.

Would you agree with that?

That said, like ANY entity they become to powerful, or corrupt. Just like their opposition, the corporate interests. There have been many easy to find cases of corruption, and cases where they have become too powerful, hobbling the industries they represent, losing jobs, and even leading to bankruptcy or relocation.
We live in a global economy, Coyote. What happened to American jobs when unions strong armed employers into providing wages and benefits that were way out of bounds? Do you remember? So why does Joe Biden think he can allow unions to do that again...and not have the same results?

And what happens when corporations Provide poor wages, no benefits and unsafe working conditions?

It is a balance.
They lose their good employees to their competitors that offer better wages, better benefits and safer working conditions?

In an ideal world. Fact is, in some industries there isn’t much in the way of better, especially for unskilled workers.
Trump and the Republicans are all about Union busting (except for the police union). I don’t see much union support coming their way when Biden is vowing to strengthen unions and worker’s rights.
Which will of course lead to fewer jobs for union workers. So did you want to explain to me why that's a good thing for blue collar workers, Coyote? With Biden strengthening unions and giving workers more "rights" that's just one more incentive for multi national corporations to take their jobs elsewhere! Then throw in the tax increases Biden says he'll give us and the Green New Deal legislation that he's also backing and our economy is going to go down like the Hindenburg! Just saying...

Unions, providing collective power for workers, serve to balance the collective power companies have both in bargaining for their rights and safety and for political issues that an individual has little ability to affect.

Would you agree with that?

That said, like ANY entity they become to powerful, or corrupt. Just like their opposition, the corporate interests. There have been many easy to find cases of corruption, and cases where they have become too powerful, hobbling the industries they represent, losing jobs, and even leading to bankruptcy or relocation.
We live in a global economy, Coyote. What happened to American jobs when unions strong armed employers into providing wages and benefits that were way out of bounds? Do you remember? So why does Joe Biden think he can allow unions to do that again...and not have the same results?

And what happens when corporations Provide poor wages, no benefits and unsafe working conditions?

It is a balance.
They lose their good employees to their competitors that offer better wages, better benefits and safer working conditions?

In an ideal world. Fact is, in some industries there isn’t much in the way of better, especially for unskilled workers.
If you're a worker and you don't have "skills" have nothing to bargain with! Once you acquire skills it's you that's in the driver's seat not the other way around. That my friend is the Real World!
So now public unions are good. Just clarifying from you anti worker folk.

What does "anti-worker" even mean? I don't care if they're union or not, they're allowed to vote for whoever the hell they want to.

It's interesting how they become bad people if they don't vote for your causes. Yes, I know exactly where this is going and there is no need for you to deny it.


Why are you calling me into this and what is it exactly that you expect me to answer?
I am interested in your opinions, that's why :)

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