You will not end America without a fight.
End America? Snowflake, America has never been stronger than it has been under President Trump. Record highs in the market. Record lows in unemployment. A secured border. And he has restored constitutional government.

Only a communist would consider those things "ending a nation" :lmao:
Wow, seems like you're the one that can't come to grips with the November 2018 mid-terms.
You mean the election where Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate? No, I'm quite good with the outcome of the November 2018 midterms. :laugh:

Winning the House is what's going to prevent the wall from happening.
That may very well be the case. However, that's not what we're discussing here. We're discussing

A. the minority party blocking and obstructing the appointment of judges (after whining about that same thing). The American people have spoken.

B. the left actively trying to create reasons for a sitting president to be removed simply because he's from the other political party.

Elections have consequences. You just lost your wall because of what the American people voted for in the 2018 midterms.

You can celebrate your gains in the Senate all you like. But you lost the wall because of what happened in the House.
this is the problem with presidents who only win the electoral college and not the popular vote as well..

citizens don't take lightly, having their actual vote, cancelled out....

we the people, did not choose president Trump, we chose someone else by 3 million votes more, than the present incumbent got from we the people...

Same with GWBush, he lost the popular vote as well in 2000.... by half a million, to Al Gore....

These type of presidencies, although legitimately won thru the electoral college, but indirectly lost thru the popular vote, never bode well...

President Obama, by a landslide, won both the electoral college AND the popular vote....

HE HAD A MANDATE where he could legitimately say, elections have consequences because 'we the people', overwhelmingly voted for him....

this president, can never say that, about 'we the people' choosing him.... because we didn't.
this is the problem with presidents who only win the electoral college and not the popular vote as well..

citizens don't take lightly, having their actual vote, cancelled out....

we the people, did not choose president Trump, we chose someone else by 3 million votes more, than the present incumbent got from we the people...

Same with GWBush, he lost the popular vote as well in 2000.... by half a million, to Al Gore....

These type of presidencies, although legitimately won thru the electoral college, but indirectly lost thru the popular vote, never bode well...

President Obama, by a landslide, won both the electoral college AND the popular vote....

HE HAD A MANDATE where he could legitimately say, elections have consequences because 'we the people', overwhelmingly voted for him....

this president, can never say that, about 'we the people' choosing him.... because we didn't.
California is where those 3 million votes came from RETARD, before California was counted Trump was over a million votes ahead of Hilary try as hard as you want, ONE State does not elect our Presidents.
Democrats were funny ... and hypocritical ... as hell when Schumer, forced to talk to President Trump in front of the world about funding the border at the WH, made the comment that elections have consequences. He obviously meant that this, like the Cinstitution and US laws, only applies to Republicans.

Immediately after Trump won Schumer declared the Democrats were NOT accepting the fact that elections have consequences but instead that the Democrats had 100% committed themselves to engaging in obstruction, resistance, sedition, and even treason.

They dedicated themselves to undermining everything the President and Republicans in power attempted to accomplish for the success and improvement of the United States.

They dedicated themselves to attempting to UNDO the democratic 2016 election...instead of accepting the consequences of losing the 2016 election they instead became criminal tantrum-throwing children willing to divide the country more than the Russians could ever have hoped to in an attempt to carry out a soft coup.

'Elections have consequences'.

According to Democrats and sbowflakes, nothing the Democrats do or can ever do has consequences.
What a Drama Queen

Trumps support is eroding. The last election proved that
Once Mueller delivers his report, Trump will be the line man in the room
this is the problem with presidents who only win the electoral college and not the popular vote as well..

citizens don't take lightly, having their actual vote, cancelled out....

we the people, did not choose president Trump, we chose someone else by 3 million votes more, than the present incumbent got from we the people...

Same with GWBush, he lost the popular vote as well in 2000.... by half a million, to Al Gore....

These type of presidencies, although legitimately won thru the electoral college, but indirectly lost thru the popular vote, never bode well...

President Obama, by a landslide, won both the electoral college AND the popular vote....

HE HAD A MANDATE where he could legitimately say, elections have consequences because 'we the people', overwhelmingly voted for him....

this president, can never say that, about 'we the people' choosing him.... because we didn't.
California is where those 3 million votes came from RETARD, before California was counted Trump was over a million votes ahead of Hilary try as hard as you want, ONE State does not elect our Presidents.
bull crud! every person's vote is EQUAL in the popular vote...

YOU DO NOT get to choose which people in which states should count, and which should not... silly one!
this is the problem with presidents who only win the electoral college and not the popular vote as well..

citizens don't take lightly, having their actual vote, cancelled out....

we the people, did not choose president Trump, we chose someone else by 3 million votes more, than the present incumbent got from we the people...

Same with GWBush, he lost the popular vote as well in 2000.... by half a million, to Al Gore....

These type of presidencies, although legitimately won thru the electoral college, but indirectly lost thru the popular vote, never bode well...

President Obama, by a landslide, won both the electoral college AND the popular vote....

HE HAD A MANDATE where he could legitimately say, elections have consequences because 'we the people', overwhelmingly voted for him....

this president, can never say that, about 'we the people' choosing him.... because we didn't.
California is where those 3 million votes came from RETARD, before California was counted Trump was over a million votes ahead of Hilary try as hard as you want, ONE State does not elect our Presidents.
Damn...looks like you are making shit up

Why don’t you provide some evidence and prove me wrong
They loved that phrase when Barack Insane Obama sat in the Oval Office. But after the American people spoke, and elected President Trump, the Democrats have refused to accept the results of the election or the voice of the people.
Today, 126 positions on the U.S. District Court and U.S. Court of Appeals are vacant. In fact, we’re in the longest period of triple-digit vacancies in 25 years. Vacancies today are 52% higher than when Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., declared a “vacancy crisis” in July 2016. They are 88% higher than in September 2015, when then-Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., warned that “we are heading into a judicial vacancy crisis.”
Elections have consequences, Democrats. MaObama smugly declared that over and over and over as he took his victory laps while he should have been leading. You loved it then. You should love it now. Time to fill these vacancies with President Trump's appointments.

By Democrats' Own Standard, We Have a Judicial Vacancy Crisis

I'm concerned about who's whispering names into his ear.

Kavanaugh was not exactly a stellar SC pick by a longshot.
Sure do...

Beat Republicans by 9 million votes in the last election

But it wasn't because White Straight Christian Middle America likes your policies...

It's only because they are beginning to see a danger from and are becoming disgusted with The Creature.

They didn't vote for YOU !

They voted against HIM !

Got it?


Now remember that, as we move towards 2020.

Dump the Illegal Beaners, and the Gays, and the Muzzies, and you might just have a shot at staying in power this time.

Fail to learn the lessons of November 8, 2016, at your own very great political peril.
They loved that phrase when Barack Insane Obama sat in the Oval Office. But after the American people spoke, and elected President Trump, the Democrats have refused to accept the results of the election or the voice of the people.
Today, 126 positions on the U.S. District Court and U.S. Court of Appeals are vacant. In fact, we’re in the longest period of triple-digit vacancies in 25 years. Vacancies today are 52% higher than when Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., declared a “vacancy crisis” in July 2016. They are 88% higher than in September 2015, when then-Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., warned that “we are heading into a judicial vacancy crisis.”
Elections have consequences, Democrats. MaObama smugly declared that over and over and over as he took his victory laps while he should have been leading. You loved it then. You should love it now. Time to fill these vacancies with President Trump's appointments.

By Democrats' Own Standard, We Have a Judicial Vacancy Crisis
Yeah consequences ,,but not a death wish
Something like half the open important vacancies in the government have not yet been filled.

Two years into Orange Jesus's mandate.

That ain't the Democrats' fault.
this is the problem with presidents who only win the electoral college and not the popular vote as well..

citizens don't take lightly, having their actual vote, cancelled out....

we the people, did not choose president Trump, we chose someone else by 3 million votes more, than the present incumbent got from we the people...

Same with GWBush, he lost the popular vote as well in 2000.... by half a million, to Al Gore....

These type of presidencies, although legitimately won thru the electoral college, but indirectly lost thru the popular vote, never bode well...

President Obama, by a landslide, won both the electoral college AND the popular vote....

HE HAD A MANDATE where he could legitimately say, elections have consequences because 'we the people', overwhelmingly voted for him....

this president, can never say that, about 'we the people' choosing him.... because we didn't.
California is where those 3 million votes came from RETARD, before California was counted Trump was over a million votes ahead of Hilary try as hard as you want, ONE State does not elect our Presidents.
bull crud! every person's vote is EQUAL in the popular vote...

YOU DO NOT get to choose which people in which states should count, and which should not... silly one!
And with 49 states voting Trump had a Million more votes sorry dumb ass but California does not elected the President IN FACT the Electoral college exists for this exact reason.
Something like half the open important vacancies in the government have not yet been filled.

Two years into Orange Jesus's mandate.

That ain't the Democrats' fault.
The link proves otherwise. You should really try reading before commenting. What a concept, uh?
this is the problem with presidents who only win the electoral college and not the popular vote as well..
The only problem is your ignorance. The Electoral College exists for a reason. To prevent a candidate from pandering to two cities (New York & Los Angeles) at the expense of 50 states and thousands of cities.
You can celebrate your gains in the Senate all you like.
I have. And I will.
:dance: :dance: :dance:
But you lost the wall because of what happened in the House.
But we gained even greater ability to block anything your Dumbocrat House does and get appointees approved.

Kavanaugh was not exactly a stellar SC pick by a longshot.
I agree 100%. The last Republican president to get Supreme Court Justices right was Ronald Reagan. George W. Bush screwed us horribly with Justice Roberts.

The good news with Kavanaugh is that he’s so pissed off at how the Dumbocrats tried to lynch him that he’s going to make them pay. Since everything the Dumbocrats do and support is unconstitutional, that will ensure that Kavanaugh rules in favor of the U.S. Constitution.

We desperately need Ted Cruz or Mike Lee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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