Democrats refuse to acknowledge safe borders are necessary


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
so, good luck in November with that strategy

between knowing:

  • illegal border crossing attempts are up over 400%
  • many people are attempting to enter with children that aren't their own kids
  • Mexico has been complicit in assisting folks from South & Central America to overwhelm our border
Trump ran on stopping open borders and the flow of drugs and human trafficking

his administration has also been aggressively negotiating for businesses to invest in America, with a decent degree of success.

The stricter immigration and refugee policies HAVE been a big part of bringing the unemployment numbers down and getting pay up. We've also see companies start projects and give out big bonuses because of the tax cuts

the "trade wars" are making some things a little more expensive, sure. But more people are working and more companies are scrambling to hire and having to pay people more

this is really helping the black community and the Hispanic community that is already here, especially those here legally

Border integrity is a winning political issue; despite the attempts from my friends on the left and their sycophants in the media to shift from a porn star to manufactured outrage over "muh kids in cages"; despite the fact that this has been going on for decades

Because stopping illegal immigration is popular in much of the nation, it is not surprising that an early poll finds most criticism directed at the Central American parents who risk their children’s lives by bringing them on the dangerous journey or sending them with smugglers.

Rasmussen reports that 54 percent of likely voters said the parents are more to blame for the crisis, against 35 percent who say the government is more to blame.

Meanwhile, the left is going in the opposite direction by uniting behind California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who turned 85 last week and is seeking another six-year term. Trying to rally the far-left base in her blue state, Feinstein authored a bill that would, among other things, prohibit an arrest for illegal entry anywhere within 100 miles of a border.

Incredibly, the other 48 Senate Dems signed on, meaning they’ve all cast their lots with an outlandishly radical policy.

Yet Feinstein and others insist they don’t favor open borders. OK, then, let’s put it this way: they favor no borders and want the US to admit the whole world, free of charge and no questions asked.

Yeah, that’ll sell in November.
so, good luck in November with that strategy

between knowing:

  • illegal border crossing attempts are up over 400%
  • many people are attempting to enter with children that aren't their own kids
  • Mexico has been complicit in assisting folks from South & Central America to overwhelm our border
Trump ran on stopping open borders and the flow of drugs and human trafficking

his administration has also been aggressively negotiating for businesses to invest in America, with a decent degree of success.

The stricter immigration and refugee policies HAVE been a big part of bringing the unemployment numbers down and getting pay up. We've also see companies start projects and give out big bonuses because of the tax cuts

the "trade wars" are making some things a little more expensive, sure. But more people are working and more companies are scrambling to hire and having to pay people more

this is really helping the black community and the Hispanic community that is already here, especially those here legally

Border integrity is a winning political issue; despite the attempts from my friends on the left and their sycophants in the media to shift from a porn star to manufactured outrage over "muh kids in cages"; despite the fact that this has been going on for decades

Because stopping illegal immigration is popular in much of the nation, it is not surprising that an early poll finds most criticism directed at the Central American parents who risk their children’s lives by bringing them on the dangerous journey or sending them with smugglers.

Rasmussen reports that 54 percent of likely voters said the parents are more to blame for the crisis, against 35 percent who say the government is more to blame.

Meanwhile, the left is going in the opposite direction by uniting behind California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who turned 85 last week and is seeking another six-year term. Trying to rally the far-left base in her blue state, Feinstein authored a bill that would, among other things, prohibit an arrest for illegal entry anywhere within 100 miles of a border.

Incredibly, the other 48 Senate Dems signed on, meaning they’ve all cast their lots with an outlandishly radical policy.

Yet Feinstein and others insist they don’t favor open borders. OK, then, let’s put it this way: they favor no borders and want the US to admit the whole world, free of charge and no questions asked.

Yeah, that’ll sell in November.

I am telling ya, short of nuclear war, or economic collapse, the left is screwed in November. Everything the Left spews out of their mouth as far as policy, will easily be shown to HURT the economy, or Americans in general. They want to rescind the tax cuts? Now, who is going to vote for that who got more money in their pocket? Who is going to vote to put people in that will have to charge us more, to take care of people that are not even Americans...…….and they are trying to get here to TAKE THEIR JOBS!

Logic says the Left will not win. We don't need a poll to tell us that at all. That is not a view from a partisan lens, that is the view from an American lens.
so, good luck in November with that strategy

between knowing:

  • illegal border crossing attempts are up over 400%
  • many people are attempting to enter with children that aren't their own kids
  • Mexico has been complicit in assisting folks from South & Central America to overwhelm our border
Trump ran on stopping open borders and the flow of drugs and human trafficking

his administration has also been aggressively negotiating for businesses to invest in America, with a decent degree of success.

The stricter immigration and refugee policies HAVE been a big part of bringing the unemployment numbers down and getting pay up. We've also see companies start projects and give out big bonuses because of the tax cuts

the "trade wars" are making some things a little more expensive, sure. But more people are working and more companies are scrambling to hire and having to pay people more

this is really helping the black community and the Hispanic community that is already here, especially those here legally

Border integrity is a winning political issue; despite the attempts from my friends on the left and their sycophants in the media to shift from a porn star to manufactured outrage over "muh kids in cages"; despite the fact that this has been going on for decades

Because stopping illegal immigration is popular in much of the nation, it is not surprising that an early poll finds most criticism directed at the Central American parents who risk their children’s lives by bringing them on the dangerous journey or sending them with smugglers.

Rasmussen reports that 54 percent of likely voters said the parents are more to blame for the crisis, against 35 percent who say the government is more to blame.

Meanwhile, the left is going in the opposite direction by uniting behind California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who turned 85 last week and is seeking another six-year term. Trying to rally the far-left base in her blue state, Feinstein authored a bill that would, among other things, prohibit an arrest for illegal entry anywhere within 100 miles of a border.

Incredibly, the other 48 Senate Dems signed on, meaning they’ve all cast their lots with an outlandishly radical policy.

Yet Feinstein and others insist they don’t favor open borders. OK, then, let’s put it this way: they favor no borders and want the US to admit the whole world, free of charge and no questions asked.

Yeah, that’ll sell in November.

I am telling ya, short of nuclear war, or economic collapse, the left is screwed in November. Everything the Left spews out of their mouth as far as policy, will easily be shown to HURT the economy, or Americans in general. They want to rescind the tax cuts? Now, who is going to vote for that who got more money in their pocket? Who is going to vote to put people in that will have to charge us more, to take care of people that are not even Americans...…….and they are trying to get here to TAKE THEIR JOBS!

Logic says the Left will not win. We don't need a poll to tell us that at all. That is not a view from a partisan lens, that is the view from an American lens.
Of course, logic is out the window..for most voters..Left or Right. This November..will be emotionally driven, IMO. People on both sides will fling facts and alternative facts to bolster their positions..but those positions will be emotionally arrived at...reason...really influences only a few.

My prediction? Democrats narrowly take control of the House...the Senate stays Republican..gridlock continues..and Trump does exactly what Obama did..and governs via illegal Executive Orders.
That's an odd way to run a country -- issue executive orders and let the courts sort it out later.

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