Democrats & Repugs Think If You Aren't Kissing Foreigner's Asses You're A Racist


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
The big secret is simple. Trump is leading the polls because our politicians are a bunch of sap-sucking assholes who tell us we have to be nice to foreigners that are stealing the wealth of this country. Trump appears to be the only guy that wants to stop it, and is willing to back up his rhetoric. Every single one of the other candidates want us to think that you have to show sympathy to the rest of the world at the same time they're stealing us blind.

Both Democrats and Republicans are pandering to Hispanics. Jeb showed once again his ability to speak fluent Spanish with his wife in an ad. VIDEO: Jeb Bush Releases New Bilingual Ad Costarring His 'Secret Weapon' – Wife Columba:

In a new ad aimed at Hispanic voters – and quite possibly English language advocates Sarah Palin and Donald TrumpJeb Bush crusades for the presidency in Spanish and rolls out his "secret weapon" – his wife, Columba.

After Palin and Trump criticized Bush for speaking Spanish on the campaign trail – with Palin suggesting that the GOP candidate "speak American" while in the U.S. – Bush released the bilingual ad declaring Hispanics "an integral part of the American dream."

"The United States of America is a great country," Bush says in Spanish. "Thanks to the people that come from all over the world, contributing to our economy and community. To me, Hispanic culture is very important and positive."​

Joe Biden was talking yesterday to a Hispanic group:

Joe Biden: Donald Trump's 'sick' message is xenophobic -

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump's campaign remarks about Mexican immigrants represent a play to the worst parts of society, Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday.

Speaking at a reception marking Hispanic Heritage Month, Biden laid into the businessman turned GOP front-runner -- naming him twice -- as reverting to "xenophobia" in a play for votes.

"There's one guy absolutely denigrating an entire group of people, appealing to the baser side of human nature, working on this notion of xenophobia in a way that hasn't occurred in a long time," Biden said at the backyard reception, held around the swimming pool at his Washington residence.

Later in his speech, Biden named Trump as the purveyor of a "sick message" about immigrants coming to the United States. He said that political tack wouldn't ultimately resonate with most of the country.

"Folks, the American people are with us. I know it doesn't feel that way, but I'm telling you, I'm telling you the American people agree with us," he said.

Trump has drawn criticism for his hardline stance on immigration, and for claiming that some Mexicans coming to the United States are killers and rapists.

His message has caused anger among American Latinos, and consternation among the Republican establishment, which has been working to increase its standing among minority voters.

Biden on Tuesday suggested that instead of Trump, more Americans were drawn to the message of Pope Francis, who will visit Washington next week.

"This will pass: Trump, and that stuff that you're hearing on the other team," he said.

Biden is currently weighing a run for president, saying last week he's unsure if he's ready emotionally following the death of his son Beau this spring.

At the conclusion of his fiery remarks, the small crowd chanted "Run, Joe, Run" -- to which the vice president said only, "No, no, no, no."

Making the sign of the cross and saying "bless me Father," he offered only a "thank you" before walking away from the podium.

Another liberal using religion when it's convenient.
Looks like both sides favor foreigners over Americans it appears.

This is why Trump is leading in the polls. Because these folks seem to treat illegals better than our veterans.


Pull my finger.......
Coming from a guy who said "Blacks with or without guns is the problem", you indignation is hilarious.
You have it all wrong.

'You're a Racist' is a TOOL to intimidate, bully, guilt, and otherwise force you to comply / go along with an agenda or at least silence 'you'.

For Example:
- Don't like Obama adding over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years? YOU'RE A RACIST!

- Don't like the Iran deal and how Obama has kept Americans from knowing what is in it? YOU'RE A RACIST!

- Think when a black man steals from a store, assaults the clerk/owner, disrespects a police officer, resists arrests, attacks the officer, tries to take the officer's gun, and gets shot and killed in self defense that the officer is the guilty one and should go to jail...and you disagree that this is good enough reason to burn down your city, loot the stores who had nothing to do with it, and call for the murder of cops and whites? Ain't it OBVIOUS? YOU'RE A RACIST!

- Oppose bringing in 10,000 Syrians who have terrorists inter-mingled in their midst...yet absolutely refuse to allow any Christians seeking to flee murder/death, at the hands of the 'rebels'/terrorists Obama armed, to come to the US? YOU'RE A RACIST!
I generally don't have a problem if new arrivals want to do things from there old country. A great deal of the things we do actually come from other countries. I do have a problem when they expect us to abandon our ways and completely adopt theirs.
I generally don't have a problem if new arrivals want to do things from there old country. A great deal of the things we do actually come from other countries. I do have a problem when they expect us to abandon our ways and completely adopt theirs.

Yeah, the problem is when people come here and reject everything this country stands for, refuses to participate in the 'melting pot', then our culture / way of life / country becomes watered down and gradually replaced, lost as the nation we were. Many of the illegals coming her want only what they can take, steal, or get for free and have no desire to embrace this country's culture...while others are coming here simply to try to destroy it.

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