Democrats roll out $90 million super PAC aimed at swing states that President Trump won in 2016!

Trump is shitting his pants. HE'S ON THE ROPES! HE'S ON THE ROOOOOOOOOOPES!

Democrats roll out $90 million super PAC aimed at swing states
Soros is your master.

Too bad Democrats don’t have a platform that appeals to Americans.

“For Our Future operates in tandem with a “dark money” political nonprofit called For Our Future Action Fund that doesn’t have to disclose donors. Billionaire Tom Seyer funded the super PAC since it started in 2016.”
With a clown car full of the Dems running for POTUS that 90 million won't make a difference. They should save their money.
SERIOUSLY worth watching.

dimocrap scum needn't bother because -- You're scum and it doesn't do a bit of good to expose scum to the truth. Like infinity, any number added to or subtracted from it is still infinity.

No matter how much you talk to dimocrap scum, no matter how much you cajole them, educate them, plead with them, threaten them, expose them to the truth -- They're still infinite scum

Watch it all --

Tucker Carlson: Corporations, not voters, are in charge now and want to boss you around for the activist left
Kind of reminds me of what Jeb Bush did.
He blew 115 million dollars in areas that he thought he could take away from Trump and still got his ass completely kicked.

BTW.... Yeah.... What the hell is their platform anyway?



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