Democrats say “migrants outperform Americans”… this true and is this how little Democrats think of Americans?

Wait. Aren‘t you the poster who said he had an MBA, but made sure to work such minimal hours that all six of his kids qualified for full welfare benefits?

And now you own businesses and employ people?
Not full welfare benefits. Just made sure to max out the EITC. Be damned if I was going to pay an 80 plus percentage marginal tax rate. Would you? Now the kids are all grown and out of the house, so yeah, I own two businesses. One was the very same business I had back when the kids were young, I mean seriously, how do you think I controlled my income and hours? Deferred as much income as possible and reinvested, now that business pretty much runs on auto-pilot.

Now I get to do something I love and mentor others.
I have seen first hand how hard Migrants work on farms. It would be the rare American worker that could match their output. That does NOT mean we should throw our borders wide open and bring in 200,000 undocumented immigrants every month. That is unsustainable and very destructive to the cities and communities that are forced to absorb them.

Yes, we need immigrants who come into the country through our LEGAL process. We MUST stop the perpetual caravans showing up at our border.
It is not just farms. They live in a gutted out single-wide trailer, just a bathroom or two, and then cots lined up, eight to ten to a side. So you got, maybe twenty of them, living in that one single-wide. They do all the cooking outside, many have a nice smoker, a grill, and a fryer.

They show up at the furniture factory or the hosiery mill at six in the morning. , Work an eight hour shift, and then a quick change of clothes, maybe a big mac, and it is off to the restaurant to work as a line-cook, or a busboy. Six or seven hours later they leave. They are working 14 to 16 hours a day, sometimes six days a week. They aren't spending shit, on rent, on food, on entertainment. Yeah, they got a cell phone. But it don't take long, in a few years, they are driving a brand new Ford Pick-up, paid cash. Then they are moving Mama and the kids in, renting their own single wide in a trailer park near you.

I mean I don't get it. Who can have a problem with this? Hard work, frugality, self-dependence, is that not what made America great? I mean it has been that way for a couple hundred years. I got to tell you, if I have to attach my wagon to anyone it is going to be one of those migrant workers busting their ass living in that gutted out single wide. k It sure as hell ain't going to be some white ass "native" that thinks the world owes him a living.
It is not just farms. They live in a gutted out single-wide trailer, just a bathroom or two, and then cots lined up, eight to ten to a side. So you got, maybe twenty of them, living in that one single-wide. They do all the cooking outside, many have a nice smoker, a grill, and a fryer.

They show up at the furniture factory or the hosiery mill at six in the morning. , Work an eight hour shift, and then a quick change of clothes, maybe a big mac, and it is off to the restaurant to work as a line-cook, or a busboy. Six or seven hours later they leave. They are working 14 to 16 hours a day, sometimes six days a week. They aren't spending shit, on rent, on food, on entertainment. Yeah, they got a cell phone. But it don't take long, in a few years, they are driving a brand new Ford Pick-up, paid cash. Then they are moving Mama and the kids in, renting their own single wide in a trailer park near you.

I mean I don't get it. Who can have a problem with this? Hard work, frugality, self-dependence, is that not what made America great? I mean it has been that way for a couple hundred years. I got to tell you, if I have to attach my wagon to anyone it is going to be one of those migrant workers busting their ass living in that gutted out single wide. k It sure as hell ain't going to be some white ass "native" that thinks the world owes him a living.

Your individual experience with illegals doesn’t tell the whole story.

  • At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.

  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – just under $32 billion – from the gross negative economic impact of illegal immigration, $182 billion.

What the taxpayer is burdened with are the costs of welfare, healthcare and the costs to American children in terms of overcrowded classrooms.
How many workers make little enough to be eligible for gov't benefits? WalMart, our military, etc etc
How many workers make little enough to be eligible for gov't benefits? WalMart, our military, etc etc
Or, how many workers make enough with under the table side jobs and sanctuary city welfare that they will do really, really well with gov’t benefits?

Migrants are costing the city $10 million each day, according to Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, the Daily Mail reported. Migrants staying at the Roosevelt are being fed and their rooms are being cleaned. With all of their expenses met, some migrants and asylum seekers have taken up part-time work as delivery drivers for Uber, which is illegal for them to do.
And you know how much he pays his employees how?

And you do? We all know why dishonest people love illegal alien labor, and it isn't because 'they're hard workers' n stuff'. They like them because they're cheap and easily abused. That is also true of green card workers; they are treated pretty bad and cheated a lot,so it could only be far worse with illegals. Business ethics are non-existent in this country outside of a few Christian businessmen, and we can see here in this board the vicious lying that goes on about those guys.

Here is why 'farm labor shortages' are not only a lie re finding Americans to work, but why the 'shortages' are self-inflicted by farmers themselves.

Although the federal government oversees wages and working conditions, farmers often mistreat H-2A workers without fear of being penalized. A six-month investigation of the program by Mother Jones reveals widespread complaints that growers have threatened workers at gunpoint, refused them water in the fields, housed them in crumbling, rat-infested buildings where sewage bubbles up through the drains, and denied them medical care after exposing them to pesticides. Farmers control their visitors, their mail, even their weekly shopping trips. A study by the U.S. General Accounting Office notes that H-2A workers, knowing they can be deported at any time, “are unlikely to complain about worker protection violations, fearing they will lose their jobs or will not be hired in the future.” Workers say they have adopted several unwritten rules: Don’t gripe about wages and working conditions. Don’t seek the benefits you’re entitled to. Don’t make noise, even when your health is in jeopardy. “What you see, you must remain silent,” says a Jamaican H-2A worker assigned to a Massachusetts vegetable farm. “What you hear, remain silent.”
Then they are moving Mama and the kids in, renting their own single wide in a trailer park near you.

I mean I don't get it. Who can have a problem with this? Hard work, frugality, self-dependence, is that not what made America great?
You would feel pretty foolish inferring I live in a trailer park if you saw my house. But I expect meaningless insults from irrational Democrats. So you really don't get it? How can you confuse legal immigration bringing in VETTED hard working people with the insanity that is happening at our border and in our country? We both agree about their work ethic and determination, but when you are literally letting ANYONE IN, then you also get the riff-raff. And we are getting WAY TOO MANY and they are overwhelming our resources. I can't make it any simpler than that.
You would feel pretty foolish inferring I live in a trailer park if you saw my house. But I expect meaningless insults from irrational Democrats. So you really don't get it? How can you confuse legal immigration bringing in VETTED hard working people with the insanity that is happening at our border and in our country? We both agree about their work ethic and determination, but when you are literally letting ANYONE IN, then you also get the riff-raff. And we are getting WAY TOO MANY and they are overwhelming our resources. I can't make it any simpler than that.

Some 25% of those detained have criminal records at one point; it's probably higher now than in the past.

Immigrants with past criminal convictions accounted for 74% of all arrests made by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in fiscal 2017, according to data from the agency. The remainder were classified as “non-criminal” arrestees, including 16% with pending criminal charges and 11% with no known criminal convictions or charges.
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Or, how many workers make enough with under the table side jobs and sanctuary city welfare that they will do really, really well with gov’t benefits?

Migrants are costing the city $10 million each day, according to Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, the Daily Mail reported. Migrants staying at the Roosevelt are being fed and their rooms are being cleaned. With all of their expenses met, some migrants and asylum seekers have taken up part-time work as delivery drivers for Uber, which is illegal for them to do.

All I can see are a collection of anecdotal stories from people who hire illegal aliens, pretty much worthless when compared to the actual data.
It would be the rare American worker that could match their output

American workers have been heavily disrcirminated against, which is why they suddenly claim they need to use labor racketeers. It's a self-inflicted 'shortage', and not one Americans need to keep subsidizing. Employers should all be billed for the full costs of their 'cheap hard working labor'.
And you do? We all know why dishonest people love illegal alien labor, and it isn't because 'they're hard workers' n stuff'. They like them because they're cheap and easily abused. That is also true of green card workers; they are treated pretty bad and cheated a lot,so it could only be far worse with illegals. Business ethics are non-existent in this country outside of a few Christian businessmen, and we can see here in this board the vicious lying that goes on about those guys.

Here is why 'farm labor shortages' are not only a lie re finding Americans to work, but why the 'shortages' are self-inflicted by farmers themselves.

Although the federal government oversees wages and working conditions, farmers often mistreat H-2A workers without fear of being penalized. A six-month investigation of the program by Mother Jones reveals widespread complaints that growers have threatened workers at gunpoint, refused them water in the fields, housed them in crumbling, rat-infested buildings where sewage bubbles up through the drains, and denied them medical care after exposing them to pesticides. Farmers control their visitors, their mail, even their weekly shopping trips. A study by the U.S. General Accounting Office notes that H-2A workers, knowing they can be deported at any time, “are unlikely to complain about worker protection violations, fearing they will lose their jobs or will not be hired in the future.” Workers say they have adopted several unwritten rules: Don’t gripe about wages and working conditions. Don’t seek the benefits you’re entitled to. Don’t make noise, even when your health is in jeopardy. “What you see, you must remain silent,” says a Jamaican H-2A worker assigned to a Massachusetts vegetable farm. “What you hear, remain silent.”

I only know
And you do? We all know why dishonest people love illegal alien labor, and it isn't because 'they're hard workers' n stuff'. They like them because they're cheap and easily abused. That is also true of green card workers; they are treated pretty bad and cheated a lot,so it could only be far worse with illegals. Business ethics are non-existent in this country outside of a few Christian businessmen, and we can see here in this board the vicious lying that goes on about those guys.

Here is why 'farm labor shortages' are not only a lie re finding Americans to work, but why the 'shortages' are self-inflicted by farmers themselves.

Although the federal government oversees wages and working conditions, farmers often mistreat H-2A workers without fear of being penalized. A six-month investigation of the program by Mother Jones reveals widespread complaints that growers have threatened workers at gunpoint, refused them water in the fields, housed them in crumbling, rat-infested buildings where sewage bubbles up through the drains, and denied them medical care after exposing them to pesticides. Farmers control their visitors, their mail, even their weekly shopping trips. A study by the U.S. General Accounting Office notes that H-2A workers, knowing they can be deported at any time, “are unlikely to complain about worker protection violations, fearing they will lose their jobs or will not be hired in the future.” Workers say they have adopted several unwritten rules: Don’t gripe about wages and working conditions. Don’t seek the benefits you’re entitled to. Don’t make noise, even when your health is in jeopardy. “What you see, you must remain silent,” says a Jamaican H-2A worker assigned to a Massachusetts vegetable farm. “What you hear, remain silent.”

I have only said I knew what people were paid if I actually knew.

You make a blanket accusation for everyone who hires hispanics. And you base that on what? Yes, there are those who want the cheapest labor they can get. But that is not every business that hires Mexicans.
Some 25% of those detained have criminal records at one point; it's probably higher now than in the past.

Immigrants with past criminal convictions accounted for 74% of all arrests made by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in fiscal 2017, according to data from the agency. The remainder were classified as “non-criminal” arrestees, including 16% with pending criminal charges and 11% with no known criminal convictions or charges.
The border deniers always fall back on the same old sob songs. No country with leaders that care about their country would allow this.
American workers have been heavily disrcirminated against, which is why they suddenly claim they need to use labor racketeers. It's a self-inflicted 'shortage', and not one Americans need to keep subsidizing. Employers should all be billed for the full costs of their 'cheap hard working labor'.
Talk to any farmer or construction foreman or restaurant owner. It's brutal trying to find good dependable workers. That's just reality.
Talk to any farmer or construction foreman or restaurant owner. It's brutal trying to find good dependable workers. That's just reality.

It's just reality it's a self-inflicted 'shortage'; I already posted one study on why that is. It's not anybody's fault but their own. Such problems solve themselves when the govt. stops allowing criminal illegal aliens in and employers start getting prosecuted for hiring them. That's just real reality.

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