Democrats set to lose another Congressional seat (NY-9) to unknown Republican

Queens is trending ever more to the Democrat, but he is still real close. Queens is about 45% done.

Brooklyn is looking ever more toward the republican, but they only have 12% in. Brooklyn is going 71% for Turner. At one time they were 75% turner.

Where can we see the actual count? Is there a link?

News from The Associated Press

It looks like it is going to be close--Queens looks to be still in the can for dems.
actually, gramps, your assessment is pretty silly...

try some real analysis. and remember that turner came close to unseating anthony weiner...

Real analysis is "turner came close to unseating anthony weiner"? Your "real" analysis is that an 18 point spread is close in a Republican dominated election cycle. I'd hate to see your not real analysis. :cuckoo:

In a congressional district that has not elected a Republican since 1923 anything even close will be a disaster for Obama and the Democrats, this is a deep, deep blue district with Democrats outnumbering Republicans 3-1. Obviously Democrats are jumping ship.

I guess she's trying to position herself for the argument that Turner had a fighting chance to begin with by saying the last election was close. The only point of reference in which it could be considered close is in comparisons to the two elections previous to 2010. In 2006 Weiner ran unopposed and got 100% of the vote and in 2008 he ran against someone from the Conservative party and got 93% of the vote. So if that's what you're using as a point of comparisons an 18+% spread is close, but that's still a crazy characterization.
In a congressional district that has not elected a Republican since 1923 anything even close will be a disaster for Obama and the Democrats, this is a deep, deep blue district with Democrats outnumbering Republicans 3-1. Obviously Democrats are jumping ship.

The former democrat mayor and others came out in support of Turner. Should be a very interesting race. If democrats lose this one--they will be running from Obama has fast as they can.

I am curious too--why no democrat has yet brought Obama's new porkulus bill to the house floor yet. I mean--where's Nancy Pelosi--:cuckoo:

Reid has publicly stated he has doubts about the bill

Have you guys looked at this bill yet? He wants to eliminate the mortgage interest rate deduction--form another federal government agency--and raise taxes on everyone making over 200K per year.

This one is dead on arrival.
Halfway there and about an equal number of precincts to report in both Brooklyn and queens. The totals are turning away from Turner. He is still nearly 70% in Brooklyn, but is getting only 46% in Queens. This is going to be interesting
The former democrat mayor and others came out in support of Turner. Should be a very interesting race. If democrats lose this one--they will be running from Obama has fast as they can.

I am curious too--why no democrat has yet brought Obama's new porkulus bill to the house floor yet. I mean--where's Nancy Pelosi--:cuckoo:

Reid has publicly stated he has doubts about the bill

Have you guys looked at this bill yet? He wants to eliminate the mortgage interest rate deduction--form another federal government agency--and raise taxes on everyone making over 200K per year.

This one is dead on arrival.

Yea, when I heard the details I flipped. I couldnt believe he pulled a BDBoop and just cut n pasted his last stimilus bill. lol
The former democrat mayor and others came out in support of Turner. Should be a very interesting race. If democrats lose this one--they will be running from Obama has fast as they can.

I am curious too--why no democrat has yet brought Obama's new porkulus bill to the house floor yet. I mean--where's Nancy Pelosi--:cuckoo:

Reid has publicly stated he has doubts about the bill

Have you guys looked at this bill yet? He wants to eliminate the mortgage interest rate deduction--form another federal government agency--and raise taxes on everyone making over 200K per year.

This one is dead on arrival.

It's called doubling down on insanity, the bill should be called Stimulus 2 or the son of Stimulus 1. I told my boss today that he could lay me off, and hire me again after this bill passes for a couple of days, then lay me off again and collect the $4,000 in tax credits as long as he splits the tax credit with me. :lol::lol::lol: That's just how those tax credits for hiring :lol:
Hey Grampa, we got merged! Do I have to send flowers or internet ju-ju your way or something?

Can I still post stupid YT videos and what-not? I so confused.
Reid has publicly stated he has doubts about the bill

Have you guys looked at this bill yet? He wants to eliminate the mortgage interest rate deduction--form another federal government agency--and raise taxes on everyone making over 200K per year.

This one is dead on arrival.

It's called doubling down on insanity, the bill should be called Stimulus 2 or the son of Stimulus 1. I told my boss today that he could lay me off, and hire me again after this bill passes for a couple of days, then lay me off again and collect the $4,000 in tax credits as long as he splits the tax credit with me. :lol::lol::lol: That's just how those tax credits for hiring :lol:

omg lol nice little scam. Only problem it only counts for people who have been out of work for over 6 months. I can still see this being abused somehow though
Real analysis is "turner came close to unseating anthony weiner"? Your "real" analysis is that an 18 point spread is close in a Republican dominated election cycle. I'd hate to see your not real analysis. :cuckoo:

In a congressional district that has not elected a Republican since 1923 anything even close will be a disaster for Obama and the Democrats, this is a deep, deep blue district with Democrats outnumbering Republicans 3-1. Obviously Democrats are jumping ship.

The former democrat mayor and others came out in support of Turner. Should be a very interesting race. If democrats lose this one--they will be running from Obama has fast as they can.

I am curious too--why no democrat has yet brought Obama's new porkulus bill to the house floor yet. I mean--where's Nancy Pelosi--:cuckoo:

Maybe Pelosi is going to run a primary against Obama. I know that Hillary is being asked or begged to do it.
Reid has publicly stated he has doubts about the bill

Have you guys looked at this bill yet? He wants to eliminate the mortgage interest rate deduction--form another federal government agency--and raise taxes on everyone making over 200K per year.

This one is dead on arrival.

Yea, when I heard the details I flipped. I couldnt believe he pulled a BDBoop and just cut n pasted his last stimilus bill. lol

i didn't know this was a catch all rant and rave about the president thread.

silly moi, i thought we were talking about one election. :eusa_shhh:
Real analysis is "turner came close to unseating anthony weiner"? Your "real" analysis is that an 18 point spread is close in a Republican dominated election cycle. I'd hate to see your not real analysis. :cuckoo:

In a congressional district that has not elected a Republican since 1923 anything even close will be a disaster for Obama and the Democrats, this is a deep, deep blue district with Democrats outnumbering Republicans 3-1. Obviously Democrats are jumping ship.

not really... silly assessment. you don't know much about the district.

I respectfully disagree. I was born in, educated and lived in Brooklyn, Sunset Park- right next to the 9th District. These seats are solid DEEP BLUE. The Republicans have never been competitive in NY-9 (or any other NY City district outside of Staten Island) This is a disaster for Obama.
Have you guys looked at this bill yet? He wants to eliminate the mortgage interest rate deduction--form another federal government agency--and raise taxes on everyone making over 200K per year.

This one is dead on arrival.

Yea, when I heard the details I flipped. I couldnt believe he pulled a BDBoop and just cut n pasted his last stimilus bill. lol

i didn't know this was a catch all rant and rave about the president thread.

silly moi, i thought we were talking about one election. :eusa_shhh:

I know right?! Threads getting derailed on USMB, whoda thunk it?
OK, about 120 preciencts from both Brooklyn and Queens remain to be counted. Brooklyn is running 70-30 for Turner, Queens is 50.01 for Weprin.

I am beginning to have hopes here.
Queens just closed the gap, currently @ 50/50...i guess those southern precincts (Rockaways) just kicked in. 53% Turner - 46% Weprin.
Real analysis is "turner came close to unseating anthony weiner"? Your "real" analysis is that an 18 point spread is close in a Republican dominated election cycle. I'd hate to see your not real analysis. :cuckoo:

In a congressional district that has not elected a Republican since 1923 anything even close will be a disaster for Obama and the Democrats, this is a deep, deep blue district with Democrats outnumbering Republicans 3-1. Obviously Democrats are jumping ship.

I guess she's trying to position herself for the argument that Turner had a fighting chance to begin with by saying the last election was close. The only point of reference in which it could be considered close is in comparisons to the two elections previous to 2010. In 2006 Weiner ran unopposed and got 100% of the vote and in 2008 he ran against someone from the Conservative party and got 93% of the vote. So if that's what you're using as a point of comparisons an 18+% spread is close, but that's still a crazy characterization.

We'll then you're going to have to explain the 1923 factor? No republican has taken this district since 1923? And the DNC threw 500K into this democrats campaign to save this district--which shows some panic here.

A Turner victory would be an ominous sign for Democrats and President Obama’s re-election campaign, as the district, which spans Brooklyn and Queens, is filled with the kind of white, middle-class, usually reliable Democratic voters that the president needs in his corner to get re-elected.

But the poll found voters in the district are down on the president, and the direction of the country.

Forty-three percent have a favorable opinion of Obama, while 54 percent have an unfavorable opinion, according to the poll. Nineteen percent believe the U.S. is on the right track, ” while 74 percent say the country is on the wrong track. Both sets of numbers are largely unchanged from a month ago.
What has changed is the voters’ views of the candidates: Weprin’s unfavorable ratings shot up, to 41 percent, from 24 percent a month ago. And by a 43-32 percent margin, likely voters say Turner is running the more positive campaign

“It’s a perfect storm for Turner and the Republicans,” said Steven Greenberg, a spokesman for the Siena Research Institute.

Sensing the seat could be slipping away, the national Democratic Party has begun pouring money into the race – including a $500,000 infusion this week from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Even if Weprin can pull out a victory, it is still an enormous expenditure in an election Democrats once believed was a lock.

With the possibility of a monumental upset now within reach, the Republican National Committee answered with an email appeal this afternoon seeking donations, saying the money was needed because “the Obama Democrats just put $500,000 into the race to defeat Bob Turner and keep this seat in their liberal hands.”

“We have a strong conservative candidate in Bob Turner who has the opportunity to win a congressional seat in the heart of New York City,” party Chairman Reince Priebus wrote in the email. “He is facing a career politician who will vote in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi in support of Barack Obama’s failed economic policies.”

GOP Challenger Pulls Ahead in Race for Weiner’s Spot - ABC News
Have you guys looked at this bill yet? He wants to eliminate the mortgage interest rate deduction--form another federal government agency--and raise taxes on everyone making over 200K per year.

This one is dead on arrival.

Yea, when I heard the details I flipped. I couldnt believe he pulled a BDBoop and just cut n pasted his last stimilus bill. lol

i didn't know this was a catch all rant and rave about the president thread.

silly moi, i thought we were talking about one election. :eusa_shhh:

Humm.. Ed Koch seems to think it's about the presdent:cool:
70% of the country wants to raise taxes on the rich- run on that LO'sL!

Have you ever been to a foriegn country to see how their poor live??? Our poor have roofs over their heads, education for their kids, free healthcare no one is ever denied health care, enough food to eat, clothing, heat and air-conditioning, refrigerator, microwave ovens, cell phones, computers, tv's, the world's poor have none of this. Suggestion: visit Hiati. Then come back and talk about our poor, Haiti's poor would give their right arms to be poor in our country.

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