Democrats set to lose another Congressional seat (NY-9) to unknown Republican

With this win, the first since 1923 in this district the spin in the morning should make anyone dizzy
It was a close race but a win is a win is a win

This may have MAJOR implications on Obamas new stimilus
I hope both sides treat this as a learning experience. Do pay attention to what the electorate is telling you. If you have polls that say your programs are stupid and they don't like them, maybe you should try other programs.
In a congressional district that has not elected a Republican since 1923 anything even close will be a disaster for Obama and the Democrats, this is a deep, deep blue district with Democrats outnumbering Republicans 3-1. Obviously Democrats are jumping ship.

The former democrat mayor and others came out in support of Turner. Should be a very interesting race. If democrats lose this one--they will be running from Obama has fast as they can.

I am curious too--why no democrat has yet brought Obama's new porkulus bill to the house floor yet. I mean--where's Nancy Pelosi--:cuckoo:

Maybe Pelosi is going to run a primary against Obama. I know that Hillary is being asked or begged to do it.

If this race goes to Turner--we may just see that happen. Right now 23% of democrats want Obama challenged.
About 90 Brooklyn precincts remain out, only about 75 Queens precincts. The Queens results remain pretty close to 53-47 and the Brooklyn ones have been stead at around 69-30 for about 45 minutes. The results look like they will widen for Turner as the night wears on.
I read Weprin's pro-choice stance didn't sit well with a lot of the Jewish community.... Especially the Orthodox...

those are the same people who voted for turner last go-round because anthony married an

Perhaps Turner has a more pro-Israel stance than Weprin as well....

Weprin would be just another Obama slappy that’s what Koch pointed to when he endorsed Turner, also for anyone to want a person to win simply because of their ethnic background is no better then blacks who blindly support Obama. I respect Koch for that.:cool: I've got to see the Jewish vote count
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I think this is in the bill too. So if you've been unemployed for a long time--which most have--you can claim discrimination on the interviewing employer-- if they don't hire you --you can sue them--:cuckoo: So prospective employers are NOT going to even interview people who have been laid off for awhile. This is absurd non-sense coming from our Harvard graduate--most intellectual President of all time--community organizer--and now amateur golfer.

Via Mark Steyn's, After America...

Abraham Lincoln, a predecessor of Barack Obama in both the White House and the Illinois state legislature, had eighteen months of formal education and became a soldier, surveyor, postmaster, rail-splitter, tavern keeper, and self-taught prairie lawyer. Obama went to Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard Law School, and became a “community organizer.” I’m not sure that’s progress — and it’s certainly not “sustainable.” — P.155

And there you have it. Crazy world we live in huh? :lol:
Will this, yet another loss, signal that the democrats may decide to mount a challenger to Obama?

For what?

You know what im talking about Sallow. Or are you guys gonna just sit by and watch the water rise helplessly in your ship? :eusa_whistle:

There's going to be no challenge to Obama from the Democratic party.

You should be happy that it's going to be Obama in 2012. It's a lock for you guys..


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