Democrats set to lose another Congressional seat (NY-9) to unknown Republican

I know of no democrat that has any means to challenge him.. It is already tending to late and short.

That said, the race in 68 didn't start until march, and the front runner got shot in June which threw everything open.

If there are any more elections between now and 2012 we might see Obama bow out for the good of the party. They don't want to go through 1980 again.
I know of no democrat that has any means to challenge him.. It is already tending to late and short.

That said, the race in 68 didn't start until march, and the front runner got shot in June which threw everything open.

If there are any more elections between now and 2012 we might see Obama bow out for the good of the party. They don't want to go through 1980 again.

obama bow out? are you kidding? That arrogant fucker wouldn't bow out to save his party from anything
Not for nothing but I'm sure THIS has nothing to do with this thread:

CNN Poll: President gets no bounce from speech, but disapproval rating peaks – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

CNN Poll: President gets no bounce from speech, but disapproval rating peaks
mug.cnnpolitics By: CNN Political Unit

Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama didn't score any political points with his speech on jobs to a joint session of Congress last Thursday. According to a new CNN/ORC International poll released Tuesday, the president's approval rating stands at 43 percent, virtually unchanged from the 45 percent approval rating in the previous CNN poll.

Although this is not the lowest number of those who say they approve of how Obama is handling his job-he reached 42 percent one year ago-the number who disapprove of the president reached its highest during his presidency in the poll.

The survey reveals that 55 percent say they do not approve of how Obama is handling his duties in the White House and the number of Americans who think he is a strong leader has dropped to a new low.

Anywho, this means nothing. Go back to sleep Dems!!!
And if Obama loses, what will happen? Republicans will cut taxes even more? We've been going that route for the last thirty years, and it's worked so well I guess we should just keep cutting taxes even more.

You do know that you can pay more taxes if you want, don't you?

Why don't you?

Personally, I pay too much....

Congressional Democrats have to see the writting on the wall despite Obamas blindness. I smell some major spending cuts coming down the pipeline in an attempt to salvage some careers

This is an enormous defeat for democrats--and you can bet that democrats are looking at it as such. Republicans haven't won this seat since 1923!

In fact it's so BAD--that in reality it has turned Barack Obama into a Lame Duck President 1-1/2 years prior to the 2012 election.

I really can't imagine how Chuckie Schumer and John Kerry are reacting to this news tonight. They have got to be very WORRIED--especially Kerry who himself will find himself challenged in 2012.
I know of no democrat that has any means to challenge him.. It is already tending to late and short.

That said, the race in 68 didn't start until march, and the front runner got shot in June which threw everything open.

If there are any more elections between now and 2012 we might see Obama bow out for the good of the party. They don't want to go through 1980 again.

obama bow out? are you kidding? That arrogant fucker wouldn't bow out to save his party from anything

Actually he's pretty good at bowing...

[ame=]Obama Bows to Saudi King - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama bows to Japanese Emperor - YouTube[/ame]
I know of no democrat that has any means to challenge him.. It is already tending to late and short.

That said, the race in 68 didn't start until march, and the front runner got shot in June which threw everything open.

If there are any more elections between now and 2012 we might see Obama bow out for the good of the party. They don't want to go through 1980 again.

After this loss we may see a frantic move within the DNC to do so. Carter was challenged by Ted Kennedy--and I think the only thing that would stop them--would be because they are worried that they may lose the black voting block forever.

Heck they should anyway--have you seen the black unemployment rate in this country? It's outrageous.
I know of no democrat that has any means to challenge him.. It is already tending to late and short.

That said, the race in 68 didn't start until march, and the front runner got shot in June which threw everything open.

If there are any more elections between now and 2012 we might see Obama bow out for the good of the party. They don't want to go through 1980 again.

There's no doubt that it's going to look like 1980 again--after this loss. I doubt though that Obama would just drop out--I don't think any sitting President has done this--regardless of the polling data--and the writing on the wall.

Hillary--is probably so ticked off at her party--I doubt she would jump in here--so who knows. But really at this point in time--the only way Democrats are going to save the White House is to challenge Barack Obama for the nomination. At this point he is effectively a LAME DUCK--he won't have any democrat support coming from the senate or the house. And I don't think he is capable of doing a 90 degree turn to the right.
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It is a disaster for Obama, but I would be hesitant to read too much into this. 2012 is still a political lifetime away.

I would love to see Obama crushed like a bug and for the Republicans to take back the Senate so they could repeal Obamacare. But right after they were done, I'd want a divided government again. These people have a knack for screwing things up, regardless of party.!!!
I've just read this thread from beginning to end.
Some of the most thrilling internet I've ever seen!
Blow by blow, cut, thrust, parry...
Phew, my heart's still pounding!!!!
Gotta be honest, I really didn't see this one coming. I thought Scott Brown getting elected to the Senate from Massachusetts was shocking but this one is even more surprising.

I imagine the lights are burning late at the White House tonight. If a Republican can win Weiner's old seat then there aren't many seats out there that are iron clad sure things for the Democrats anymore.

Sorry, Barack...but I don't think the electorate is buying the whole blame it on Bush and the Republicans thing. If you can't sell that message in Queens, then you sure as heck aren't going to be able to sell it in Ohio, Colorado, Florida and Pennsylvania. If you really are as smart as you've made yourself out to be? You've got one chance to pivot hard to the right ala Bill Clinton. Keep playing left wing ideologue and you're going to go down in flames next year.
Yeah Im sure the peopel who rank the republican lower than the president will vote in a bunch od republicans instead huh?

why is the right so delusional?

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