Democrats set to lose another Congressional seat (NY-9) to unknown Republican

Here was an interesting tidbit from the MSNBC Article... (one only imagines their fingers bleeding while typing it.)

In the last week before the election, outside Democratic groups had spent nearly $700,000 boosting Weprin, while Republican and conservative groups spent $53,000 to support Turner, a 13-to-1 Democratic advantage.

Weprin’s own campaign also outraised Turner’s by better than two to one.

I wouldn't put ALL the blame on Obama for this one. Yes, his attitudes towards Israel cost Weprin, but so did Weprin's support of the unpopular gay marriage law.
I only hope the rest of the Republican party is popping the champagne around now.

I only hope the rest of the Republican party is popping the champagne around now.


That the Democrats could lose a seat like this does not bode well for them.

3-1 registration edge and a huge financial advantage, and they lost what should have been a SAFE seat to an unknown.
Bwaaaa haaaa haaaaa !! It's going to be fun watching the libbs in congress distancing themselves from Obama !!
Gotta be honest, I really didn't see this one coming. I thought Scott Brown getting elected to the Senate from Massachusetts was shocking but this one is even more surprising.

I imagine the lights are burning late at the White House tonight. If a Republican can win Weiner's old seat then there aren't many seats out there that are iron clad sure things for the Democrats anymore.

Sorry, Barack...but I don't think the electorate is buying the whole blame it on Bush and the Republicans thing. If you can't sell that message in Queens, then you sure as heck aren't going to be able to sell it in Ohio, Colorado, Florida and Pennsylvania. If you really are as smart as you've made yourself out to be? You've got one chance to pivot hard to the right ala Bill Clinton. Keep playing left wing ideologue and you're going to go down in flames next year.

I agree. WOW I thought for sure the Dems would pull it out at the last minute. The Dems have held this seat like forever.

Barry is a left wing ideologue. Clinton wasn't. Clinton had way more political savvy than Barry will ever have.

This is only one seat but a "safe" Dem seat just like the one Brown won in MA. Could be the portent of things to come for the Dems.

If I were them I'd be very worried about 2012.
I only hope the rest of the Republican party is popping the champagne around now.


That the Democrats could lose a seat like this does not bode well for them.

3-1 registration edge and a huge financial advantage, and they lost what should have been a SAFE seat to an unknown.

It's a complete friggin' disaster for the Dimocrats.

An 8 point win in a district that Barry carried by 11 points in '08. A heavily Dim district swings 19 points in favor of a Republican candidate? Uh-oh.

Reports this morning that independents abandoned them, a category largely responsible for Barry's win. And, more importantly, Jewish voters in the district turned their backs on an orthodox Jew candidate in order to turn their backs on Obama, obviously due to his lukewarm support of Israel since coming into office.

And now the early spin that it's no bid deal as the seat will likely disappear due to redistricting anyway. Duh, Republicans didn't even need the seat, but it's sure better than addressing the issue of their ass kicking, or more importantly, why they got so severely kicked.

Finally, how do you think those 23 Dim senators who have to defend their seats in '12 are feeling this morning? What would you do on a sinking ship?
It should be an interesting vote, especially if the Jews in the district turn their backs on the dimocrat candidate.

first of all, oh braindead imbecile, it's democrats. i suppose spelling isn't your strong suit, though. so we'll let it pass.

as for jews turning their backs... how stupid would the jews in the district have to be to turn their backs on the jewish candidate who's supported israel for his entire life?

i guess only in rightwingnut world would that make sense.

Speaking of imbeciles...

The Jews in the district didn't so much turn their backs on a candidate who has supported Israel his entire life. He was simply collateral damage as a result of Jews turning their backs on Barry because of his lukewarm support of Israel. Does that make sense in lefty world? If not, please enlighten us.
This is a complete and thorough repudiation of the Neo-Marxists running the Democrat Party.
The lost the Kennedy Seat, they lost governorship in NJ and VA they got their asses kicked in 2010 and they lost a super safe district in NYC
I only hope the rest of the Republican party is popping the champagne around now.


That the Democrats could lose a seat like this does not bode well for them.

3-1 registration edge and a huge financial advantage, and they lost what should have been a SAFE seat to an unknown.

I'm dying to see the spin doctors from the White House earn their money this morning. Talk about trying to polish a turd. If Obama's people follow the same script they used following the Scott Brown election, then they will blame this on the Democrat running a terrible campaign and pooh pooh any suggestion that it's a referendum on the President.
This is a complete and thorough repudiation of the Neo-Marxists running the Democrat Party.
The lost the Kennedy Seat, they lost governorship in NJ and VA they got their asses kicked in 2010 and they lost a super safe district in NYC

Frank I caution you 2012 is a long way off and politics has a way of doing a 180 against you. The liberals will be pissed at this lose and we will see more vindictive petty assualts against any tea party member they can. They only have their arrogence of 2008 to blame
This is a complete and thorough repudiation of the Neo-Marxists running the Democrat Party.
The lost the Kennedy Seat, they lost governorship in NJ and VA they got their asses kicked in 2010 and they lost a super safe district in NYC

Frank I caution you 2012 is a long way off and politics has a way of doing a 180 against you. The liberals will be pissed at this lose and we will see more vindictive petty assualts against any tea party member they can. They only have their arrogence of 2008 to blame

Of course they're going to go negative! It's so easy to see. What are they going to run on, Obama and Democrats sterling track record of record debt, deficits, poverty and down graded credit?
I'm surprised the rightwing nuts around here aren't treating this as no big deal,

the way they did the Democratic wins in GOP districts NY 26 and NY 23.

Oh, okay, I lied, I'm not surprised.

You monkeys keep entertaining us!
I'm surprised the rightwing nuts around here aren't treating this as no big deal,

the way they did the Democratic wins in GOP districts NY 26 and NY 23.

Oh, okay, I lied, I'm not surprised.

You monkeys keep entertaining us!

Yeah those were harbingers of how 2010 turned out.

Harbingers I tell you!
I'm surprised the rightwing nuts around here aren't treating this as no big deal,

the way they did the Democratic wins in GOP districts NY 26 and NY 23.

Oh, okay, I lied, I'm not surprised.

You monkeys keep entertaining us!

Yeah and we are really going to entertain you come Nov 12th, 2012. When it's a landslide GOP win with the senate, the house and the Presidency.:lol::lol: America repudiation of socalism on full scale in full view.
this is a complete and thorough repudiation of the neo-marxists running the democrat party.
The lost the kennedy seat, they lost governorship in nj and va they got their asses kicked in 2010 and they lost a super safe district in nyc

frank i caution you 2012 is a long way off and politics has a way of doing a 180 against you. The liberals will be pissed at this lose and we will see more vindictive petty assualts against any tea party member they can. They only have their arrogence of 2008 to blame

of course they're going to go negative! It's so easy to see. What are they going to run on, obama and democrats sterling track record of record debt, deficits, poverty and down graded credit?

oh yell that's right I did read a article last night about a record number of people are below the proverty level now

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