Democrats Silent After 2000 Mules Premier

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Avoidance of the truth allows them to live in their fantasies.
They claim there is no evidence of election fraud.....and now that there is official evidence in the public square they simply choose to ignore it and remain ignorant.
It works for everything else with them including abortion and anti-gun legislation.
They choose to ignore the fact that a fetus is a human-being and taking guns away from gun owners isn't going to stop gun violence.
It has become literally pathological in them. They are convinced that if their media echoes their beliefs then EVERYONE ELSE is compelled to accept it as real. Big wake-up coming in about 6 months. Meanwhile, they'll keep everyone entertained with burning blue cities this summer.
No one cares, outside of Trump's Holy Warriors.

The only place I've heard about this is here.

I recall you saying the say thing about Hunter's laptop. Funny how listening to lying and fake legacy news organizations equates to having your head completely up your ass. :D

Maybe the sexual harassers, pedophiles, and deviants at CNN will eventually tell you the truth, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Nothing can be done about the past but good news is same bullshit will not be done this November
It has become literally pathological in them. They are convinced that if their media echoes their beliefs then EVERYONE ELSE is compelled to accept it as real. Big wake-up coming in about 6 months. Meanwhile, they'll keep everyone entertained with burning blue cities this summer.
Remember, they are what they say anyone else is
But the critics are out in full force...

"A film debuting in over 270 theaters across the United States this week uses a flawed analysis of cellphone location data and ballot drop box surveillance footage to cast doubt on the results of the 2020 presidential election nearly 18 months after it ended."

"Praised by former President Donald Trump as exposing “great election fraud,” the movie, called “2000 Mules,” paints an ominous picture suggesting Democrat-aligned ballot “mules” were supposedly paid to illegally collect and drop off ballots in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin."

"But that’s based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data, which is not precise enough to confirm that somebody deposited a ballot into a drop box, according to experts."

Maybe it's just not worth watching. Next.

Liberal fact checking is merely opinion intervention yet on other side they call conservative opinion as “misinformation”
No, we need to fix the laws so it will not happen again. The Midterms will go along way in that regard. The Democrats have destroyed their party. Deal with it.

You never answered why the MSM did not cover this.
The goat-f#ucker is just trolling. It reminds me of Harry Reid mocking Romney and how the Dems "won" even if they did lie. They are down to being fully exposed as end justifies the means. Imagine their surprise when they hit the streets to burn, loot, and murder, and find out they aren't alone this time.
You have no idea just how pissed off the women in this country are over this.
Done some polling, have you? Rasmussen's latest polling has the population nearly evenly split. Dem women were never going to vote R anyway and a majority of women who would normally vote R may be upset, maybe, but they will not vote for a party candidate that has proven themselves to support chaos, violence, and lawlessness. Never underestimate the power of fear causing people to prioritize their choices. That's why I'll enjoy your brain dead pink-haired zealots being in the streets this summer.
Done some polling, have you? Rasmussen's latest polling has the population nearly evenly split. Dem women were never going to vote R anyway and a majority of women who would normally vote R may be upset, maybe, but they will not vote for a party candidate that has proven themselves to support chaos, violence, and lawlessness. Never underestimate the power of fear causing people to prioritize their choices. That's why I'll enjoy your brain dead pink-haired zealots being in the streets this summer.
You just keep relying on those polls. Lets see how it turns out. One thing I can guarantee. Republicans will accept the results of the next election as long as they win. ;)
Done some polling, have you? Rasmussen's latest polling has the population nearly evenly split. Dem women were never going to vote R anyway and a majority of women who would normally vote R may be upset, maybe, but they will not vote for a party candidate that has proven themselves to support chaos, violence, and lawlessness. Never underestimate the power of fear causing people to prioritize their choices. That's why I'll enjoy your brain dead pink-haired zealots being in the streets this summer.
It has become obvious that violence and threats are more or less the Democratic platform. The voters should realize that as long as Democrats remain in power this kind of intimidation will only get worse. That and an economy in a shambles and a stolen election, now proven, will destroy the party.
No one really expected you folks to admit anything. The Independents may well find it compelling. Considering your turnip in DC is down to about 30% popularity among Independents, November is looking better and better all the time. IF we see a stuck-on-stupid response to this draft SCOTUS ruling and are treated to another summer of love, the losses may be EPIC.
All over the place! Damn!
You just keep relying on those polls. Lets see how it turns out. One thing I can guarantee. Republicans will accept the results of the next election as long as they win. ;)
Well if you challenge the results you will be a traitor according to your own party. Wow, what can you do? :mm:

I recently watched the Dinesh D’Souza film “2000 Mules.” At the very least, the movie makes a compelling case using what appears to be incontrovertible evidence that not only was there massive “ballot stuffing” fraud in the key swing states, but that the fraud literally stole the election from former President Donald Trump and gave it to President Biden.

“2000 Mules” bases its conclusions primarily upon cellphone tracking data provided by carriers and surveillance video of ballot drop boxes provided by multiple state governments. The only ways to dismiss the film’s conclusion that Mr. Biden’s victory derived from massive ballot stuffing is to show that the data used to track the cell phones was corrupt, the analysis of the data was flawed or the videos received from the respective governments were doctored. No one has established any such improprieties, yet the mainstream media’s knee-jerk reaction is to reject the film and its conclusions and offer absurd suggestions to explain how the data and video evidence is false.

It has been suggested that the people in the videos are election workers retrieving ballots from the boxes or that the cellphone data is of taxi drivers who happen to pass the ballot boxes. All one must do to reject such nonsense is watch the film.

Game over.

I recently watched the Dinesh D’Souza film “2000 Mules.” At the very least, the movie makes a compelling case using what appears to be incontrovertible evidence that not only was there massive “ballot stuffing” fraud in the key swing states, but that the fraud literally stole the election from former President Donald Trump and gave it to President Biden.

“2000 Mules” bases its conclusions primarily upon cellphone tracking data provided by carriers and surveillance video of ballot drop boxes provided by multiple state governments. The only ways to dismiss the film’s conclusion that Mr. Biden’s victory derived from massive ballot stuffing is to show that the data used to track the cell phones was corrupt, the analysis of the data was flawed or the videos received from the respective governments were doctored. No one has established any such improprieties, yet the mainstream media’s knee-jerk reaction is to reject the film and its conclusions and offer absurd suggestions to explain how the data and video evidence is false.

It has been suggested that the people in the videos are election workers retrieving ballots from the boxes or that the cellphone data is of taxi drivers who happen to pass the ballot boxes. All one must do to reject such nonsense is watch the film.

Game over.
Serious question. Should trump be reinstated now (which would make him ineligible to run in 2024) or should we not have an election in 2024 and hand the election to trump?
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