Democrats Silent After 2000 Mules Premier

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I never really cared much for science fiction movies.
Its claims, addressed:

It's easy to make claims with no challenges, especially when the rubes swallow them without question, like obedient sheep.

We need both sides going at it at one time, having to defend their "proof" in real time. One sided claims are meaningless.
Its claims, addressed:

It's easy to make claims with no challenges, especially when the rubes swallow them without question, like obedient sheep.

We need both sides going at it at one time, having to defend their "proof" in real time. One sided claims are meaningless.
The only problem is, that the law protects the identity of the voter and how they voted, the Trump Humpers want to deny the voters their right to vote in the confidence it will not be exposed to the public for scrutiny and for suppression of choice. Mail-in ballots to examine would have to expose voters' choices and their identity to verify their votes, and the Trump Humpers want to go to these people's homes to again ask them who they really voted for which is another violation of voter protection laws. What they want to do is intimidate people and harass them for their choice of who they vote for.
Those phone records are much more like exploding bombs, not smoking guns, And, most of those runners would probably roll over in a heartbeat when subpoenaed or arrested.
The only problem is, that the law protects the identity of the voter and how they voted, the Trump Humpers want to deny the voters their right to vote in the confidence it will not be exposed to the public for scrutiny and for suppression of choice. Mail-in ballots to examine would have to expose voters' choices and their identity to verify their votes, and the Trump Humpers want to go to these people's homes to again ask them who they really voted for which is another violation of voter protection laws. What they want to do is intimidate people and harass them for their choice of who they vote for.
The party knows that Democrats are more likely to vote by mail, so they convince the rubes that there's a big conspiracy. The rubes, as they do with everything else, swallow it whole, because that's what they do.
The party knows that Democrats are more likely to vote by mail, so they convince the rubes that there's a big conspiracy. The rubes, as they do with everything else, swallow it whole, because that's what they do.
Their own president and vice president voted by mail yet they have no issue with them doing it.
Interesting how the USSC Leak occurred the same exact day the movie premiered...proving they were scared to death of it and desperate to distractfrom it.

Much like With Hillary being the treasonous criminal source of the 'Russian Collusion' scandal, everyone already knows what happened.

The party knows that Democrats are more likely to vote by mail, so they convince the rubes that there's a big conspiracy. The rubes, as they do with everything else, swallow it whole, because that's what they do.
All you have to do is ask yourself….Could Democrats have won without MASS mail in ballots, without the underhanded workaround of state legislatures to change voting guidelines in the 11th hour under the guise of ‘national emergency’?
They used the same forensic analysis techniques that the F b I uses to develop criminal prospects. Why are these ballot stuffers using ONE GLOVE and taking Videos of the drop process ??? Same reason that Doordash makes you video the food drop off, to get paid. Are they going to use "Mail In Ballots" during the midterm ? Im surprised that none of these ballot boxes have been torched or destroyed.
Interesting how the USSC Leak occurred the same exact day the movie premiered...proving they were scared to death of it and desperate to distractfrom it.

Much like With Hillary being the treasonous criminal source of the 'Russian Collusion' scandal, everyone already knows what happened.

Oh how your mind works.
No one cares, outside of Trump's Holy Warriors.
Right. No one but MAGA people care whether a presidential election was honest or rigged? How fast do you want to see that attitude change if the SAME election were held tomorrow but with TRUMP winning by 7 million votes! Maybe the Right ought to switch to 100% mail in ballots too with all the same practices and rules applying to them as well!

Funny, you shitheads sure cared in 2017 when you spent TWO YEARS and 30 million on round the clock special investigations SURE that Russia had ever so slightly tipped the election Trump's way! You sure cared a lot THEN, dickweed!

The only place I've heard about this is here.
Speaks volumes for the quality of news sources you rely on. The Left is on orders to say nothing about D'Souza's revealing film because you are scared shitless what it contains so are on orders to say nothing which could legitimize the evidence!

For you see Mac, if there was some lie, some fatal flaw to the 2000 Mules movie and the evidence contained therein, you and the democrats would be ALL OVER IT ready to clearly denounce it so that no one more than can be helped take it seriously!

As Holmes would say, your silence speaks volumes.
Kinda like your not being able to do shit about abortion. Or Disney. Or Twitter. Or CRT. Or the price at the gas pump. Or this Fall's midterm election. :auiqs.jpg:
What do you mean not be able to do anything about Disney? Before all the press they were donating money to Republicans in Florida, now they're donating to their opponents. Turning businesses against racist whites will have long term effects.
Right. No one but MAGA people care whether a presidential election was honest or rigged? How fast do you want to see that attitude change if the SAME election were held tomorrow but with TRUMP winning by 7 million votes! Maybe the Right ought to switch to 100% mail in ballots too with all the same practices and rules applying to them as well!

Funny, you shitheads sure cared in 2017 when you spent TWO YEARS and 30 million on round the clock special investigations SURE that Russia had ever so slightly tipped the election Trump's way! You sure cared a lot THEN, dickweed!

Speaks volumes for the quality of news sources you rely on. The Left is on orders to say nothing about D'Souza's revealing film because you are scared shitless what it contains so are on orders to say nothing which could legitimize the evidence!

For you see Mac, if there was some lie, some fatal flaw to the 2000 Mules movie and the evidence contained therein, you and the democrats would be ALL OVER IT ready to clearly denounce it so that no one more than can be helped take it seriously!

As Holmes would say, your silence speaks volumes.
And, yet again:

I've told the sheep many times that I'm all for a thorough examination in which BOTH SIDES contribute, BOTH SIDES can challenge the other, and BOTH SIDES have to defend their positions in front of the other. In real time. Let's work together to find out what REALLY happened, and squeeze out any bullshit either side is shoveling.

But no, they don't want that. They actively, aggressively don't want to know anything other than what they're told in their cult.

I don't know the answers to my questions, but I do know they're acting like willfully ignorant rubes. Why is that?

I'm honest. I want the WHOLE story.

You're not. You don't.
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