Democrats Silent After 2000 Mules Premier

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Although this is something that could have been predicted.

---For weeks now The Gateway Pundit team has been wondering how the Democrat Party and their media outlets would respond to this devastating news. So far the party has been silent. They really don’t have a way out of this. They’ve been caught and there is evidence of their illicit acts.---

The 2000 mules has already been shown to be a poorly research film and they didn't even know the laws in Georgia. And I heard there is a lawsuit come for the film mark for defamation.
The 2000 mules has already been shown to be a poorly research film and they didn't even know the laws in Georgia. And I heard there is a lawsuit come for the film mark for defamation.
Please substantiate your unsupported statements. All of them. Thanks.
Show me one support claim in this thread retard.
LOL. Resorted to name calling. What grade are you in?

Support the claim of widespread fraud? Okay. Here....

Hundreds of terabytes of processed data. Millions of hours of video. All laid out clear as day.

I suspect you lack the intellect to process and understand it, even though it is spelled out in very unsophisticated and simple terms.

Why don't you watch the complete video and decide for yourself?

The Democrats love to keep their supporters uninformed and in the dark. They even tell you what to think. They are happy that you are a willing participant.
educational material doesnt leave out relevant details.

Looked like a good movie to me. I only wish Rudy had this information right after the election.
The 'stolen election' seems to parallel Hillary's/Barry's/Biden's 'Russian Collusion' scandal.

For the longest time Democrats and the proven treasonous fake news liberal media pushed lies that it was all true, received pulitzers for their fictional works, and attempted non-stop coyp Impeachment attempts while censoring / blacking out any and all news, facts, etc... proving it was the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

Now we are at a point where the fact that Hillary initiated it and the criminal Obama administration and Democrats treasonously ran with it is 100% undeniable.

Much in the same way, the Democrats and same criminally complicit fake news media have done everything they can to keep hidden the fact that liberals engaged in massive organized crime / election fraud to steal an election.

There is no way to keep massive criminal scandals hidden forever. Eventually it all comes out ... as did the facts about Hillary's/Obama's 'Russian Collusion' scandal.

No amount of denial can change the fact that liberals engaged in massive organized voter fraud. They can't destroy all the evidence, though they have tried. They can refuse to watch the movie yet claim it is all fake (sort of like how children who don't want to hear something stick their fingers in their ears and repeat, 'Lalalalalalala').

The fact that some idiots respond d by saying, 'Yes the election was stolle, but you have been able to do nothing about it' only proves they know while exposing their immoral, unethical, criminal ccharacter.

Like with the 'Russian Collusion' scandal, the truth will / has come out, proving the Democratic Party to be the most criminal, most treasonous threat to this nation.
Dinesh D'Souza fact checks the fact checkers...

Some on the Left have criticized 2000 Mules for using flawed methods.

He notes that the critics have claimed that his movie is flawed since "vote harvesting is legal." Dinesh notes that vote harvesting is legal in 26 states and vote trafficking is illegal in all 50.

He also notes that the critics claim that geo-tracking is not accurate. Dinesh obliterates their arguments, noting the difference between accuracy and precision, and he gives several specific examples to prove how accurate it is, including the FDA using it for contact tracing and courts using it to track home confinements.

CLAIM: At least 2,000 “mules” were paid to illegally collect ballots and deliver them to drop boxes in key swing states ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

True the Vote didn’t prove this. The finding is based on false assumptions about the precision of cellphone tracking data and the reasons that someone might drop off multiple ballots, according to experts.

“Ballot harvesting” is a pejorative term for dropping off completed ballots for people besides yourself. The practice is legal in several states but largely illegal in the states True the Vote focused on, with some exceptions for family, household members and people with disabilities.

True the Vote has said it found some 2,000 ballot harvesters by purchasing $2 million worth of anonymized cellphone geolocation data — the “pings” that track a person’s location based on app activity — in various swing counties across five states. Then, by drawing a virtual boundary around a county’s ballot drop boxes and various unnamed nonprofits, it identified cellphones that repeatedly went near both ahead of the 2020 election.

If a cellphone went near a drop box more than 10 times and a nonprofit more than five times from Oct. 1 to Election Day, True the Vote assumed its owner was a “mule” — its name for someone engaged in an illegal ballot collection scheme in cahoots with a nonprofit.

The group’s claims of a paid ballot harvesting scheme are supported in the film only by one unidentified whistleblower said to be from San Luis, Arizona, who said she saw people picking up what she “assumed” to be payments for ballot collection. The film contains no evidence of such payments in other states in 2020.


-they claim there were more drop boxes in metro Atlanta (309) than actually existed in the *entire* state (just under 300) -the cell phone pings of “antifa rioters” don’t really correspond to real places (like a bunch in a cemetery?)

-the “mule” route doesn’t line up w/dropboxes?

-How come they don’t ever show you videos of the alleged “mules” showing up at multiple locations like they claim to have?

-how come they don’t tell you that even if a ballot is “harvested” the return method is illegal but the ballot (assuming info checks out) is?

-how come they made you pay $30 to consume something that should be so earth-shattering that it should be shared widely for free and it’s a for-profit movie and you can’t see all the evidence they have? -and how come there’s no resolution other than “trust us, it’s bad?”

If anything they claimed was true, many more trusted people and orgs would be sharing it.

It’s not a cover up, it’s a grift, by people who want to scare you into thinking the election was stolen by widespread absentee fraud instead of more people voting for the other candidate!

I’m going back to vacation, but the bottom line is you should trust your vote in Georgia, regardless of party affiliation. It’s the most scrutinized, most accessible most trustworthy system the state has seen. And I hope you still vote!
The group’s claims of a paid ballot harvesting scheme are supported in the film only by one unidentified whistleblower said to be from San Luis, Arizona, who said she saw people picking up what she “assumed” to be payments for ballot collection. The film contains no evidence of such payments in other states in 2020.
That did appear to be a shortcoming of the video, and I'm not so sure it would have added a lot of watchable content to the movie to have lots of those interviews, but if you think about it, someone has to go on camera and admit to a felony, so how many people are going to be willing to do that?
The quintessential image of whistling past the graveyard. Keep it up. We like it.

You never tire of being wrong, do you?

What do Democrats have to fear in regards to this film?? Nothing.

The “whistling” you’re hearing is the wind whistling through your empty head - in one ear and out the other with nothing in between to slow it down.
You never tire of being wrong, do you?

What do Democrats have to fear in regards to this film?? Nothing.

The “whistling” you’re hearing is the wind whistling through your empty head - in one ear and out the other with nothing in between to slow it down.
Aw, don't you feel like a clever, witty girl now? Glad I could provide the invaluable service of giving you a reason to feel superior.
Although this is something that could have been predicted.

---For weeks now The Gateway Pundit team has been wondering how the Democrat Party and their media outlets would respond to this devastating news. So far the party has been silent. They really don’t have a way out of this. They’ve been caught and there is evidence of their illicit acts.---

There is nothing devastating about it. It is a major con job and you Trump clowns are showing your stupidity.
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