Democrats somehow sink lower and lower


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

In the midst of Kamala running for President and advocating murdering viable infants even till right before birth, and publically condemning the violence in the riots but funding their release, we now have ANOTHER Californian democrat advocating for gay men and women to be able to have sex with minors. Why only gay men and women? Please, don't try and use logic to understand these people.

And yes, his name is Wiener. You simply can't make this stuff up.

I know in prison that if you are put away for messing with kids you are targeted for "special" treatment, let's just say. Could it be we have reached an era when morality within the prison walls across America is better than the morality outside those walls?

In the midst of Kamala running for President and advocating murdering viable infants even till right before birth, and publically condemning the violence in the riots but funding their release, we now have ANOTHER Californian democrat advocating for gay men and women to be able to have sex with minors. Why only gay men and women? Please, don't try and use logic to understand these people.

And yes, his name is Wiener. You simply can't make this stuff up.

I know in prison that if you are put away for messing with kids you are targeted for "special" treatment, let's just say. Could it be we have reached an era when morality within the prison walls across America is better than the morality outside those walls?

It's end times, Jack. Maybe not in a Biblical sense but most definitely in a civilizational one. THIS is what humans always do at the end of their long running civilizations: they kill and rape children. That's about where we're at. Smoke'em if ya got' em.
Sounds to me like a classic case of Equal Protection Under the Law violation of our Constitution. It's ether illegal to have sex with children or it isn't. Sexual preference should not be a get out of jail free card.

If we are to give anybody breaks, it should be those hot female teachers boffing their teen boy students in school. How do you give a harsh punishment to women who provide a fantasy many young males have?

In the midst of Kamala running for President and advocating murdering viable infants even till right before birth, and publically condemning the violence in the riots but funding their release, we now have ANOTHER Californian democrat advocating for gay men and women to be able to have sex with minors. Why only gay men and women? Please, don't try and use logic to understand these people.

And yes, his name is Wiener. You simply can't make this stuff up.

I know in prison that if you are put away for messing with kids you are targeted for "special" treatment, let's just say. Could it be we have reached an era when morality within the prison walls across America is better than the morality outside those walls?
This is what should be guiding principle for any State laws:
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

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