Democrats start to eat their own again.... such entertainment!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
It seems CORRUPTION isn't a resume enhancement for DummycRATS on the West coast! Who would have thought???!!!

Top Democrats call on Oregon governor to resign

Associated Press ^
Oregonā€™s top Democrats urged Gov. John Kitzhaber to resign Thursday, saying he cannot lead the state effectively amid a growing ethics scandal involving his fiancĆ©e, a green-energy consultant accused of using her relationship with the governor to land contracts for her business. Senate President Peter Courtney said he and House Speaker Tina Kotek asked Kitzhaber, a Democrat who recently started his fourth term, to step down. ā€œI finally said, ā€˜This has got to stop,ā€™ā€ Courtney told reporters after he and Kotek met with the governor. ā€œI donā€™t know what else to do right now. It seems to be escalating. It...
Gov. John Kitzhaber's Office Sought To Destroy Thousands of His Emails (Oregon)

Willamette Week ^
Gov. John Kitzhaberā€™s office last week requested state officials destroy thousands of records in the governorā€™s personal email accounts, according to records obtained by WW and 101.9 KINK/FM News 101 KXL. The request came as investigations into allegations of influence-peddling involving Kitzhaber and first lady Cylvia Hayes were intensifying. Records show the request to destroy Kitzhaberā€™s emails came from Jan Murdock, Kitzhaberā€™s executive assistant. She wanted all emails from Kitzhaberā€™s personal email accounts removed from state servers. [snip]Personal emails of public officials can be subject to the stateā€™s open records laws if they are used to discuss public business. Earlier...

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