Democrats stopped being Democrats


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I left the party because they lost their ideals. Yes, Obama. Yes. Lets vote along race lines to fix past inequities. Except Obama is as much white as black, and his white family raised him, his black half abandoned his black ass. I leave it there.
Democrats are not what they used to be many decades ago. :dunno:

I left the party because they lost their ideals. Yes, Obama. Yes. Lets vote along race lines to fix past inequities. Except Obama is as much white as black, and his white family raised him, his black half abandoned his black ass. I leave it there.

What is a "democrat" supposed to be?

The party encompasses about half of the voting country. How can you get half of the country and say "this is what these people are"?
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What is a "democrat" supposed to be?

The party encompasses about half of the voting country. How can you get half of the country and say "this is what these people are"?
You tell me, I left the party because the "democrats" stopped listening, and started dictating.
You tell me, I left the party because the "democrats" stopped listening, and started dictating.

Well, I just did tell you. Being democrat or republican means nothing.

I support Proportional Representation so that the US could have at least 6 different choices if not 10 different choices when going to vote. And everyone's vote counts equally, and these parties represent a part of the political spectrum rather than representing nothing but big money.
I was a democrat back before they abandoned liberalism and embraced tribal identity politics.

Today, they are just demagogues using identity politics as a strategy to get elected for personal enrichment
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Lets all jump on the bash Trump/whites/ conservatives bandwagon though. Brandon, er Biden abandoned Afghanistan and well, what did Trump do? Said stuff on twitter. Lived though countless allegations and impeached TWICE not for actual criminal reasons, just Political ones.
Lets all jump on the bash Trump/whites/ conservatives bandwagon though. Brandon, er Biden abandoned Afghanistan and well, what did Trump do? Said stuff on twitter. Lived though countless allegations and impeached TWICE not for actual criminal reasons, just Political ones.

So in other words you’re a Republican trying to come off as a democrat on an internet site. Got it.
So in other words you’re a Republican trying to come off as a democrat on an internet site. Got it.
No. I sort of layed it out here, kiddo. Democrats abandoned democratic principles and Americans. Instead of defending them you need to fight this crap.
I left the party because they lost their ideals. Yes, Obama. Yes. Lets vote along race lines to fix past inequities.
What ideals exactly?

Democrats elected a black guy, voted for a white woman after that and then elected a white guy in the last election. "Vote along race lines"? Lady you are on crack.
Well, when we have deconstructive everything white/heterosexuals/ is bad contrarians are "democrats"...I will take republicans any day of the week.

Well, I guess that's the difference between you and me... I won't choose the lesser of two evils just because it is the lesser of the two. It's still evil.
I left the party because they lost their ideals. Yes, Obama. Yes. Lets vote along race lines to fix past inequities. Except Obama is as much white as black, and his white family raised him, his black half abandoned his black ass. I leave it there.
You never voted democrat in your racist life.
What is a "democrat" supposed to be?

The party encompasses about half of the voting country. How can you get half of the country and say "this is what these people are"?

The 2 parties TOGETHER barely have 1/2 the country any more.. The stench of them just drives normal folk away.. That's one reason why the polls are so screwed up lately.. Because they DO NOT WEIGHT Independents..

Today's Dem party has NO tolerance for moderation.. They dont even try to "run to the middle" to get elected.. They've gone full gonzo woke Marxist power hungry fools..
The 2 parties TOGETHER barely have 1/2 the country any more.. The stench of them just drives normal folk away.. That's one reason why the polls are so screwed up lately.. Because they DO NOT WEIGHT Independents..

Today's Dem party has NO tolerance for moderation.. They dont even try to "run to the middle" to get elected.. They've gone full gonzo woke Marxist power hungry fools..
Democrats have DE-evolved into a bunch of contrarian deconstructionist weirdo decedent weirdos. They represent the worst angles of our nature. No. They don't build things, they don't cure diseases or do moon shots. They only tear down and destroy.

The current leadership has no special problem solving skills. And they also have no humility.. They are very arrogant and detached from people's everyday problems. They IGNORE all the public polling on what folks are most concerned about..

They cant manage the MONSTROUSITY of govt that we already let them create and their lack of humility allows them to think they can Centralize all power in D.C. and handle that. That's simply delusional.. They are easy pickins because they're on a Marxist reconstruction mission and they HAVE to wield the power they have to consolidate a lock on Wash NOW -- because their ideas and performance are turning most Americans off..
So in other words you’re a Republican trying to come off as a democrat on an internet site. Got it.
So in 1990 when I go to caucus, and then I'm TOLD (dictated) what the various issue are...well, think about that. Democrats used to listen to US. That changed, NOW they TELL US what the issues ARE. (whom ever they ARE) I reupdate that. I reject THAT. Stop with this "I'm a republican" bull. Is it to hard for you to accept the democratic party is broken?
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The 2 parties TOGETHER barely have 1/2 the country any more.. The stench of them just drives normal folk away.. That's one reason why the polls are so screwed up lately.. Because they DO NOT WEIGHT Independents..

Today's Dem party has NO tolerance for moderation.. They dont even try to "run to the middle" to get elected.. They've gone full gonzo woke Marxist power hungry fools..

They control the country. People want to be able to vote for other parties, but they feel it's not worth it.

Until the electoral system chances, then nothing will change because FPTP benefits the largest two parties in any system.

Dems and Reps have no moderation, neither party really tries to do anything other than manipulate people into voting for them. Marxist, they're not.

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