Democrats stopped being Democrats

I left the party because they lost their ideals. Yes, Obama. Yes. Lets vote along race lines to fix past inequities. Except Obama is as much white as black, and his white family raised him, his black half abandoned his black ass. I leave it there.
We were quite happy to see you go. Not a big loss.
Very few people are capable of original thought, but if they DID think about it, they would realize that far from being the most progressive form of politics, the identity politics pushed by Democrats is the most primitive.

Primitive people orient themselves around tribe. People who are advanced work for an egalitarian society and so oppose the notion that a person is defined by their tribe.
What is a "democrat" supposed to be?

The party encompasses about half of the voting country. How can you get half of the country and say "this is what these people are"?
I left the democrats over this basic issue, the democratic leaders are too busy DICTATING and not LISTENING to US. All of US. Not special groups or minorities or their PACS/lawyers. All of us.
I left the democrats over this basic issue, the democratic leaders are too busy DICTATING and not LISTENING to US. All of US. Not special groups or minorities or their PACS/lawyers. All of us.

And what are you doing about it?

Pushing for Proportional Representation or simply mentioning every month or so that you don't support the Democrats?
And what are you doing about it?

Pushing for Proportional Representation or simply mentioning every month or so that you don't support the Democrats?
So, now we get a tiny minority of fringe groups getting HUGE representation and dominating our political system. How is that fair or democratic?
Democrats and what they USED to represent: FDR then JFK and New Deals and Great societies. Now? They support anything left of normal. They fight against right handed people as oppressors just because they are 90% of the population. Really. This is just how broken the Democrats have become.
So, now we get a tiny minority of fringe groups getting HUGE representation and dominating our political system. How is that fair or democratic?

It's not. The US political system isn't democratic. As many republicans and they'll tell you democracy is "mob rule". They don't like it because they want more power than they should have.

Proportional Representation will allow more political parties for people to choose from, and everyone will get the representation they want (well, not all, but most).
Democrats and what they USED to represent: FDR then JFK and New Deals and Great societies. Now? They support anything left of normal. They fight against right handed people as oppressors just because they are 90% of the population. Really. This is just how broken the Democrats have become.

Well... I think if you went back in time, you'd find people saying the same as you now. The only difference is people were less likely to have opinions of things because there was no internet. You got radio, or TV and that was it, that was what was giving you your opinions. Now there are a whole host of narratives flying around the internet that people are finding convenient.

The Democrats, Republicans, the whole system, is broken and has always been broken.
Democrats are not the party of John F Kennedy anymore. JFK would be a Republican in 2021. They aren’t even the party of Bill Clinton anymore. Democrats are partly Socialist and Communist being led by a frail, old, racist white man.
I left the democrats over this basic issue, the democratic leaders are too busy DICTATING and not LISTENING to US. All of US. Not special groups or minorities or their PACS/lawyers. All of us.
You left the Democrat Party because it wasn't racist enough for you.'

Good Riddance
I left the party because they lost their ideals. Yes, Obama. Yes. Lets vote along race lines to fix past inequities. Except Obama is as much white as black, and his white family raised him, his black half abandoned his black ass. I leave it there.

You left the party because you lost your mind because a black man was president. You’re the one who lost your ideals. You voted for Trump, a criminal ConMan who destroyed your country, but hey at least he was a white guy!

You are just that blinded by your hatred that you are willing to destroy the entire nation rather than see a black man thrive in it.
Democrats are not the party of John F Kennedy anymore. JFK would be a Republican in 2021. They aren’t even the party of Bill Clinton anymore. Democrats are partly Socialist and Communist being led by a frail, old, racist white man.

Hey stupid! JFK wrote the Civil Rights Bill, the Voting Rights Bill, and tried to pass Medicare. Johnson passed all three after his death.

JFK was more Bernie Sanders, than Bill Clinton. That’s why he was killed. No fucking way JFK would ever be a Republican, especially not a Trump Republican.

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