Democrats support looters, gangs, chaos, China, Iran and illegals.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
That is why this election is the simplest in American history. If you want to empower looters, gangs, chaos, China, Iran and illegals then vote Democrat. If you want to empower Americans, vote for Donald J. Trump. I'm Mike and I approved this message. :113:
That is why this election is the simplest in American history.

And that's why Trump is losing so big. He's the most incompetent president ever. He can't win on issues, so all he can do is try to terrify people with made up stories, much like the stories the Nazis made up about the Jews. Sadly for Trump, there aren't enough vicious morons out there for that to work.
That is why this election is the simplest in American history.

And that's why Trump is losing so big. He's the most incompetent president ever. He can't win on issues, so all he can do is try to terrify people with made up stories, much like the stories the Nazis made up about the Jews. Sadly for Trump, there aren't enough vicious morons out there for that to work.
Hey moron ,then why did T have the greatest economy in World History until the China Flu
Biden is winning only because the avg American is a complete peon . Then you add in the illegal vote and mail in vote and it’s going to be very hard
Biden is winning only because the avg American is a complete peon . Then you add in the illegal vote and mail in vote and it’s going to be very hard

Good thinking. Get your excuses for losing big in place early.
He has not lost yet !!
And you “self hating whitey” will be destroyed in the “ New 4th Reich Order”
That is why this election is the simplest in American history. If you want to empower looters, gangs, chaos, China, Iran and illegals then vote Democrat. If you want to empower Americans, vote for Donald J. Trump. I'm Mike and I approved this message. :113:

People in democracies have the right to vote out democracy. That's the paradox of democracy.

So on November 3, thanks to the fantastic job that the media have done for the last three years and, yes, thanks to President Trump's obnoxious personality, a majority of Americans are going to vote in the Dems (I am assuming, maybe wrongly, that the election will be reasonably clean. I realize that we have never had squeaky clean elections).

I bet you dollars to donuts that on the evening of November 3, no matter who wins, the looters will turn out in droves. Businesses no doubt are already making arrangements to board up their stores on November 2. Of course, the cops will not be able to stop the looters any more than they could a few months ago. The looters know that both Dem & Republican mayors do not have the guts to stop them. (Our mayor ordered the cops not to use rubber bullets against the poor little babies!)
Well I just can't vote for the gop,. A vote for Dems is waaaay out of the realm of possibility. But the GOP has done a lousy job of selling my why I should vote FOR them vs against someone else. Epic fail.
That is why this election is the simplest in American history. If you want to empower looters, gangs, chaos, China, Iran and illegals then vote Democrat. If you want to empower Americans, vote for Donald J. Trump. I'm Mike and I approved this message. :113:
I wish I could say so. It seems either way, we will have hell to pay. Trillions of new deficit dollars, a stunned economy and two parties that are bringing out the worst in each other. Simply put, America will likely be nothing but a shell of itself regardless of who wins. Sure, nationalism is great but only when your people have one mind. That’s sadly not the case.
Republicans win, riots And division continues, crime goes up, we shut our borders, we stand against ourselves on the world stage. Or the Dems win and our country becomes a haven for depraved socioeconomic activity and the greatest abuse of political power we’ve ever seen. The choice matters, but not much.
That is why this election is the simplest in American history. If you want to empower looters, gangs, chaos, China, Iran and illegals then vote Democrat. If you want to empower Americans, vote for Donald J. Trump. I'm Mike and I approved this message. :113:
I wish I could say so. It seems either way, we will have hell to pay. Trillions of new deficit dollars, a stunned economy and two parties that are bringing out the worst in each other. Simply put, America will likely be nothing but a shell of itself regardless of who wins. Sure, nationalism is great but only when your people have one mind. That’s sadly not the case.
Republicans win, riots And division continues, crime goes up, we shut our borders, we stand against ourselves on the world stage. Or the Dems win and our country becomes a haven for depraved socioeconomic activity and the greatest abuse of political power we’ve ever seen. The choice matters, but not much.
Welcome to the board. You make some good points here but there is still more at stake. The wolf is at the door in the form of China and we need President Trump to lead a coalition of nations to pushback on China's evil. The other point is, the Democrats are no longer just a political alternative. They now represent a whole new form of government and Black Lives Matter appears to be at the forefront. That is well worth fighting against.
That is why this election is the simplest in American history. If you want to empower looters, gangs, chaos, China, Iran and illegals then vote Democrat. If you want to empower Americans, vote for Donald J. Trump. I'm Mike and I approved this message. :113:
I wish I could say so. It seems either way, we will have hell to pay. Trillions of new deficit dollars, a stunned economy and two parties that are bringing out the worst in each other. Simply put, America will likely be nothing but a shell of itself regardless of who wins. Sure, nationalism is great but only when your people have one mind. That’s sadly not the case.
Republicans win, riots And division continues, crime goes up, we shut our borders, we stand against ourselves on the world stage. Or the Dems win and our country becomes a haven for depraved socioeconomic activity and the greatest abuse of political power we’ve ever seen. The choice matters, but not much.
Welcome to the board. You make some good points here but there is still more at stake. The wolf is at the door in the form of China and we need President Trump to lead a coalition of nations to pushback on China's evil. The other point is, the Democrats are no longer just a political alternative. They now represent a whole new form of government and Black Lives Matter appears to be at the forefront. That is well worth fighting against.
This couldn’t be more true, but we have to assess what exactly is the greatest danger to our democracy, and ironically its the politicians and diplomats who use the government to serve the powerful, not the people over which it governs. China is a problem, but frankly Mike, I don’t see there being anything Trump or anyone else can do. I think China is done bending to the will of the west. We are in a different time and foreign policy is as secure as the times we live in. What do you think could be done to halt CCP efforts? I’m not sure they’d submit themselves to sanctions or any other efforts. We tried to stop them in Hong Kong. Now what do we do?
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That is why this election is the simplest in American history. If you want to empower looters, gangs, chaos, China, Iran and illegals then vote Democrat. If you want to empower Americans, vote for Donald J. Trump. I'm Mike and I approved this message. :113:
Read today that China is aiding Saudi Arabia push for nuclear power.
That is why this election is the simplest in American history. If you want to empower looters, gangs, chaos, China, Iran and illegals then vote Democrat. If you want to empower Americans, vote for Donald J. Trump. I'm Mike and I approved this message. :113:
Read today that China is aiding Saudi Arabia push for nuclear power.
Swell. That's what the world needs, another China Middle East alliance. I wonder what China's getting out of it?
That is why this election is the simplest in American history. If you want to empower looters, gangs, chaos, China, Iran and illegals then vote Democrat. If you want to empower Americans, vote for Donald J. Trump. I'm Mike and I approved this message. :113:
Read today that China is aiding Saudi Arabia push for nuclear power.
Swell. That's what the world needs, another China Middle East alliance. I wonder what China's getting out of it?
Great question. China is an enabler for anything that will tilt the power in their direction, which is partly why I don’t think even trump will be able to do much to reign them in. We will see.

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