Democrats support race riots

Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?

NWO DEMONrats incite the race war to get power and to murder all sane folks.
It's well known who is behind those demons

Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?
Republicans support the unjustified killing of unarmed black people.

Republicans support the taking away of health insurance of 20 million Americans.

Republicans suypport takingh food from children

Republicans believe in stealing children of immigrants and giving them away to others and/or putting them in cages.

Republicans believe in trashing the service of veterans

Republicans don;t care if Russia pays bounties on our troops.

Republicans claim to be about families & Christianity and thrn vote for a piece of shit like Trump
Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?
No, they don't. What have the republicans done, nothing about their right wing bigotry and divisive language.

I blame the fake news sources for this ignorance.
Especially Fox News.
Says the guy with nothing but ad hominems. Valid arguments must be too difficult for the right wing.
Try presenting an argument worth a scholarly reply. I guess your ad hom attacks don't matter.
You have difficulty with simple English, why should I waste my time like I used to before.
Because you have spent all your washy washy happy ending money and are stuck at home until the 1st of next month.
Yoar Welcome.
More practice time with the clueless and Causeless right wing.

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” – Plato

I love playing word games with right wingers.
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You were saying I didn't have any proof? Ooonnnnk!
trump lies to Forbes, it is documented.
It is what he does. LIES.

LOL. from your source. LOL. Forbes.
I love it when these liars put their numbers to the 10th of a decimal point, it looks very sciency.

Like here:

We all know which side includes the rioters, assaulters, looters and arsonists.

Andrew Sullivan: ‘These despicable fanatics are part of the face of the Democrats’

Placeholder Image

“…a snarling bunch of self-righteous, entitled bigots, chanting slogans rooted in pseudo-Marxist claptrap”

Disgusting Democrats are only just now realizing that their rioting could be a problem.

Normally no fan of Trump, he's a little all over the place as he tries to honestly assess this, but, in the process he does make a few good points, excerpts follow:

Rioting and lawlessness is evil. And any civil authority that permits, condones or dismisses violence, looting and mayhem in the streets disqualifies itself from any legitimacy. If one party supports everything I believe in but doesn’t believe in maintaining law and order all the time and everywhere, I’ll back a party that does. In that sense, I’m a one-issue voter, because without order, there is no room for any other issue. Disorder always and everywhere begets more disorder; the minute the authorities permit such violence, it is destined to grow.

Yoom Nguyen, owner of the Lotus Restaurant in Minneapolis, who just witnessed a second assault on his business: “Watching looters bust down our family restaurant is so heartbreaking. Senseless, they’re doing it while laughing and smirking. Not gonna lie, I damn near shot a man tonight. He threw that fucking rock at my family photo and looked right at me. I said ‘you motherfucker …’ tears immediately rolled down my face. I just can’t no more. I’m thankful I walked away but Fuck y’all.” This is how violence metastasizes. And as I’ve watched protests devolve over the summer into a series of riots, arson expeditions, and lawless occupations of city blocks, along with disgusting and often racist profanity, I’ve begun to feel similarly. And when I watched the Democratic Convention and heard close to nothing about ending this lawlessness, I noted the silence.

That's because it's their folks committing the violence.
Quit making false claims mary.
trump is the GREAT divider. He excels.
Don't blame others.
I blame those who riot. You know, democrats. Dont blame others for the actions ofyour party.
Democrats learn the hard way about riots


The first rule about fires is they don't extinguish themselves. That also applies to riots.

Lefty Andrew Sullivan wrote, "The Trap The Democrats Walked Right Into. If law and order are what this election is about, they will lose it."

But Democrats did not walk into the trap. They built it. They positioned it. They tried to entice President Donald John Trump into walking into it. They wanted to have footage of the Trump administration mowing down peaceful protesters -- which is what journalists call rioters and looters.

The president declined their invitation.

Now they are stuck with it.

"In the current chaos, I’ve come to appreciate Marcus Aurelius’s maxim that 'The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.'"​

They wanted their Rioters to be violently killed by Trump and then they planned to run their fall campaign on their dead bodies. They don't hesitate to sacrifice their own.

Democrats attacked the core of America: normal people doing normal things like working 12-hour days to keep a business going. The 4-year campaign of intimidation was not enough. They had to destroy businesses, especially the small and independent ones.

Now it's blowing up in their faces.

Democrats want to beat people into submission. Slowly, Democrats are final realizing this too is coming back at them.

Democrats wanted racial division, but their tactics made it about riots, looting, and lawlessness.


Joined In Prayer For Peace and Prosperity For All Of Us
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Democrats support race riots

Really OP?????????????????????.....LOL ..............of course they do

Oh Mary....please tell us something we don't know...:dunno:
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Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?
Republicans support the unjustified killing of unarmed black people.

Republicans support the taking away of health insurance of 20 million Americans.

Republicans suypport takingh food from children

Republicans believe in stealing children of immigrants and giving them away to others and/or putting them in cages.

Republicans believe in trashing the service of veterans

Republicans don;t care if Russia pays bounties on our troops.

Republicans claim to be about families & Christianity and thrn vote for a piece of shit like Trump
The DOJ had records from 2015 showing a huge disparity of racial violence, with BLACKS overwhelmingly murdering whites, and in fact blacks murder each other in far larger numbers than WHITES OR cops. I am no mathematician can't give the percentages. But white cops killing blacks? It's a TINY fraction. The fraudulent reasons for destroying & looting the BLM advocates is despicable. Black Americans have a far better chance of dying at the hand of other blacks 10- to-1, than to a bad white cop. All of our lives matter, and fuck the BLM for saying otherwise.
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