Democrats Tactics First Developed by Soviet Comintern

Dictate of Comintern...1943
“Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit, and degrade our critics. When obstructionist become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-Semitic...The association will, after enough repetition, become “fact” in he public mind.”
COMINTERN Communist International / Third International
Does the above quote “feel” familiar with our liberal media and college campuses and Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez?
Is socialism having its moment in U.S. elections?

That is what you and Trump are doing. Anyone who attempts to hold Trump accountable is viciously attacked.
Dictate of Comintern...1943
“Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit, and degrade our critics. When obstructionist become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-Semitic...The association will, after enough repetition, become “fact” in he public mind.”
COMINTERN Communist International / Third International
Does the above quote “feel” familiar with our liberal media and college campuses and Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez?
Is socialism having its moment in U.S. elections?

That is what you and Trump are doing. Anyone who attempts to hold Trump accountable is viciously attacked.
Really? I don’t recall Trump supporters stopping traffic in Portland or throwing piss in the face of a disabled American veteran.
Dictate of Comintern...1943
“Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit, and degrade our critics. When obstructionist become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-Semitic...The association will, after enough repetition, become “fact” in he public mind.”
COMINTERN Communist International / Third International
Does the above quote “feel” familiar with our liberal media and college campuses and Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez?
Is socialism having its moment in U.S. elections?

Reads just like a Trumpist manifesto. Thanks for showing the similarities.
Dictate of Comintern...1943
“Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit, and degrade our critics. When obstructionist become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-Semitic...The association will, after enough repetition, become “fact” in he public mind.”
COMINTERN Communist International / Third International
Does the above quote “feel” familiar with our liberal media and college campuses and Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez?
Is socialism having its moment in U.S. elections?
The Left is The Enemy of Freedom and Democracy
I feel sad for my country that Marxism and Communism and if you will a new type of Political Sharia Law which some call PC, but I call DemNazism is taking over this country. 47% of US citizens pay no taxes now, and about 100% of them are Democrats.

These people do not believe in free speech. They do not believe in immigration law. They do not believe in freedom of religion, nor any of our Constitutional Rights. They do not respect our election laws, nor do they want to protect The Integrity of The Vote.

The only thing they believe in is their agenda, and abusing the courts to push it through because their is too much resistance to it in Congress. That Resistance is weakening every year and as we elect more and more radical leftist, radical globalists, and radical Islamocists to Congress, it will weaken more.
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Dictate of Comintern...1943
“Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit, and degrade our critics. When obstructionist become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-Semitic...The association will, after enough repetition, become “fact” in he public mind.”
COMINTERN Communist International / Third International
Does the above quote “feel” familiar with our liberal media and college campuses and Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez?
Is socialism having its moment in U.S. elections?

You mean like calling the mainstream media "fake news", or calling Democrats denigrating nicknames like "Pocohantas", or "Low IQ", or calling Mueller "deranged". Screaming "No collusion" endlessly,.

Trump is the one who is borrowing the Stalin playbook. Cosying up to dictators, creating phony crises along the border, and blaming others for the crimes he's committing.
The documentation is out there regarding the fake MSM. The fake Indian shouldn't have lied in order to receive a boatload of cash to teach a class and then lecture us about greed. The rest of your post is garbage. Obama, Hillary and the dems armed huge numbers of terrorists and kissed Putins ass with their failed reset button. Let's not forget the money you asswipes gave to Iran. Idiot.
You are 100% correct. Republicans made critical error after the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991. They thought the mission of Ronald Reagan was done. They forgot about Reagan’s movement to take our culture and society back from the leftist that seized it in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Instead they wanted to attempt to build a political movement based on prime interest rates and the GDP growing at a rate of 3.8% instead of 3.5% and ceded the cultural battleground. It’s time to take it back.
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I feel sad for my country that Marxism and Communism and if you will a new type of Political Sharia Law which some call PC, but I call DemNazism is taking over this country. 47% of US citizens pay no taxes now, and about 100% of them are Democrats.

These people do not believe in free speech. They do not believe in immigration law. They do not believe in freedom of religion, nor any of our Constitutional Rights. They do not respect our election laws, nor do they want to protect The Integrity of The Vote.

The only thing they believe in is their agenda, and abusing the courts to push it through because their is too much resistance to it in Congress. That Resistance is weakening every year and as we elect more and more radical leftist, radical globalists, and radical Islamocists to Congress, it will weaken more.
It was well planned as far back as the 1930’s.

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