
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Common sense tells even an 8-year-old that you can’t pay people to not work. But just in case a person doesn’t have the common sense of an 8-year-old, we have real world “case studies”.

(Hint: it ends badly).

And yet the left - in their infinite laziness - just can’t let go of the idea of people paying them not to work.
Giving every adult in the United States a $1,000 cash handout per month would grow the economy by $2.5 trillion by 2025, according to a new study on universal basic income.
Took Finland only 2 years and a small sample of people to figure out just how stupid left-wing economic policy actually is.

Finland's flirtation with "free" money for the jobless to end

Finland’s Universal Basic Income experiment falls flat | Coffee House

Finland to end basic income trial after two years
So you’re telling me that there is a certain number of people who will take free money rather than work. I never would have guessed! Next thing you’ll tell me is that Donald Trump is President.
Yea, Stockton will do it.

But Alaska has been doing it for 36 years, and is still doing it. So why arent you guys crying about Alaska being such a failure.
I can’t “cry” about something I don’t know about, dumb ass. :eusa_doh:

And an oil-abundant small town might be able to get away with that. A nation cannot. It’s been proven, snowflake. From the U.S.S.R. (which collapsed) to Finland (which just shut down the failed experiment).

If you’re going to attempt an argument, you’ve got to do a LOT better than one tiny Alaska town drowning in a natural resource. :laugh:
Yea, Stockton will do it.

But Alaska has been doing it for 36 years, and is still doing it. So why arent you guys crying about Alaska being such a failure.
I can’t “cry” about something I don’t know about, dumb ass. :eusa_doh:

And an oil-abundant small town might be able to get away with that. A nation cannot. It’s been proven, snowflake. From the U.S.S.R. (which collapsed) to Finland (which just shut down the failed experiment).

If you’re going to attempt an argument, you’ve got to do a LOT better than one tiny Alaska town drowning in a natural resource. :laugh:
Yea, Stockton will do it.

But Alaska has been doing it for 36 years, and is still doing it. So why arent you guys crying about Alaska being such a failure.
I can’t “cry” about something I don’t know about, dumb ass. :eusa_doh:

And an oil-abundant small town might be able to get away with that. A nation cannot. It’s been proven, snowflake. From the U.S.S.R. (which collapsed) to Finland (which just shut down the failed experiment).

If you’re going to attempt an argument, you’ve got to do a LOT better than one tiny Alaska town drowning in a natural resource. :laugh:

Alaska is not a small town, it is a state. Most people learn this in 1st grade, I guess you missed that day.

Stockton is a town in California.

You are really not a very smart person at all.
Alaska is not a small town, it is a state. Most people learn this in 1st grade, I guess you missed that day.
In all fairness, most people also learn that taxes are taken out of every paycheck on their very first paycheck. But since you refuse to hold a job, and instead mooch off of society, I guess you missed that. :laugh:
Common sense tells even an 8-year-old that you can’t pay people to not work. But just in case a person doesn’t have the common sense of an 8-year-old, we have real world “case studies”.

(Hint: it ends badly).

And yet the left - in their infinite laziness - just can’t let go of the idea of people paying them not to work.
Giving every adult in the United States a $1,000 cash handout per month would grow the economy by $2.5 trillion by 2025, according to a new study on universal basic income.
Took Finland only 2 years and a small sample of people to figure out just how stupid left-wing economic policy actually is.

Finland's flirtation with "free" money for the jobless to end

Finland’s Universal Basic Income experiment falls flat | Coffee House

Finland to end basic income trial after two years
Yea, Stockton will do it.

But Alaska has been doing it for 36 years, and is still doing it. So why arent you guys crying about Alaska being such a failure.

Because they doing it off there oil and natural gas profits?

What stockton is doing is stealing from the rich.

What stockton is doing is a pilot program which is voluntarily funded.

The reason i brought up Alaska was because you guys were saying it discourages people from working. Is anybody in Alaska discouraged from working?
Alaska is not a small town, it is a state. Most people learn this in 1st grade, I guess you missed that day.
In all fairness, most people also learn that taxes are taken out of every paycheck on their very first paycheck. But since you refuse to hold a job, and instead mooch off of society, I guess you missed that. :laugh:

Way to dodge the fact you thought Alaska was a small town!

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Alaska is not a small town, it is a state. Most people learn this in 1st grade, I guess you missed that day.
In all fairness, most people also learn that taxes are taken out of every paycheck on their very first paycheck. But since you refuse to hold a job, and instead mooch off of society, I guess you missed that. :laugh:
Way to dodge the fact you thought Alaska was a small town!
Yeah...that’s it genius...I had “no idea” that Alaska is a state. :lmao:
Socialism never ends well. Ever.
When small family farms were taken over by the government and repackaged in giant government administered cooperatives in China and the Soviet Union, less food was produced, not more, and both countries suffered mass starvation.

Just like Venezuela. Just like Cuba. Just like Ethiopia. Just like every ghetto the Dumbocrats have created in the U.S.

The Empty Promises of Socialism
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
The protesters, upset with increasing taxes and the high cost of living, rioted Saturday in one of the city’s most popular tourist areas
Come on idiot left-wing minions break out all of the excuses now! Tell us how it’s the “lack” of socialism that is causing the collapse. Or tell us how it is the “corruption” of the government and not the socialism. Give us all of your usual avoid-reality-at-all-costs bullshit.

Chaos in Paris as rioters torch cars, smash windows; French President Macron plans emergency meeting
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
Durgin-Park, a renowned Boston restaurant, has been around for a long time. It opened in 1827, when Massachusetts’ own John Quincy Adams was president of the United States. But now, after nearly two centuries, it’s closing. Why?

The owner says it’s due in part to a recently passed law that raised the minimum wage from $11 to $12 an hour on Jan. 1, and will further increase it to $15 by 2024.

This is how idiotic left-wing policy always ends. The left takes low wage jobs and turns them into no wage “jobs”.

Boston Restaurant Owner Says Minimum Wage Hikes Hastened Demise

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