Democrats, this is your PARTY. Not your folk's party for sure. What are you doing to regain control?

But I thought Democrats were already evil, terrorist, Satanic, demonic, baby killers???

Why are you pretending like you care about Democrats now?

Because real Democrats have been pushed aside by anarchy.

The lunatics are running both asylums right now. And the country is coming apart.

Gosh. What a coincidence.

Nice try but Republicans/Conservatives are NOT sparking violence, burning down entire businesses, looting, and the list goes on all while DEMOCRAT governors and mayors sit on the sidelines. Some mayors, the whacked-out Mayor of Seattle, said we could have the Summer of love!

Some are.

Ties to Boogaloo? Whoever even heard of them?

Please show us where the Governor of Nevada and Mayor of Las Vegas are supporting them.
AOC is a demo and she has her opinions, I just feel sorry for repubs who have a Trump that they have to vote for or face extinction.

Or face extinction? What does that mean?

if u believe the lies of your leader because they are the same lies that have been floated by the party and cannot call out your leader, then extinction is the only honorable option. Happiness obtain by pointing the finger at some one else is deflection. Deflection leads to self doubt. Self doubt leads to a realization. Gain control of what you can control or start over. Repubs shifted from liberalism to conservatism. Everything becomes extinct in response to some event. Then the only logical choice is to start over. The emotional choice would be to stick with it. Both do eventually lead to extinction. Yet the right choice will be rebirth.
What are decent republicans doing to regain control? White supremacists, white trash all over the place, starting with the trump and the pence. Are there any decent republicans left? Just white supremacists and some weird religious cults.

I will admit that certain classes of white racists tend to align with my side. But that do not represent mainstream conservatives/Republicans, and I doubt that more than a tiny handful of us on my side have any problem at all condemning and rejecting them.

Can you say the same about your side, and the subhuman trash that aligns with it? As I reject the subhuman trash that aligns with my side, will you similarly reject the rioters and looters? Will you condemn and reject the homosexuals, transsexuals, child molesters, and other disgusting sexual perverts that align with your side? Will you reject and condemn the abortionists, who murder thousands of innocent children in cold blood every day? Will you reject the invading foreign criminals, and the traitors on your side who openly support them?

For all the fuss that those on your side like to make about the motes that you think you see in our eyes, you sure don't seem to be much concerned about the huge beams in your own eyes.
But I thought Democrats were already evil, terrorist, Satanic, demonic, baby killers???

Why are you pretending like you care about Democrats now?

Because real Democrats have been pushed aside by anarchy.


You see what he said was plausible but the problem is that in this time frame cutting taxes, in which every president has done since Kennedy , is now more of a way to get votes. Yeah it can stimulate the economy but continuous tax cuts create a problem when the government spends more money than it takes in.

So it has been perversely used by the current administration.

in 2008

Top Republican lawmakers are positioning themselves for battle over President-elect Barack Obama's economic recovery plan, signaling Monday that they will cast themselves as guardians against excessive spending rather than outright opponents of the Democrats' stimulus package.

In 2017 republican lead tax break

The 2017 tax law is estimated to cost over $1.8 trillion for the 2018-2028 period, Passed no problem with republicans

in 2019

2.2 trillion dollars senate stimulus package led by the republicans. Passed no problem with republicans

2020 - ?
The 2017 tax law is estimated to cost over $1.8 trillion for the 2018-2028 period, Passed no problem with republicans

Revenues for 2017 dropped by $1.8 TRILLION? Please show us your reliable source and working link. Thank you!
it has been a gradual process, but what has happened is that the tribalism of identity politics has replaced liberalism as the guiding philosophy of the left.
BLM, rioters, arsonist are no more part of the Democratic Party then they are operatives using covert means to agitate are members of the Republican Party
AOC. Is she or is she not a democrat? Hell... That whole squad. TAKE BACK YOUR PARTY.
My party involves bongs and banging chicks but there are no politics allowed in my party. So I have no idea what you mean because I affiliate with no political party. I bet you do..
BLM, rioters, arsonist are no more part of the Democratic Party then they are operatives using covert means to agitate are members of the Republican Party
Bullshit! Democrats created this rabble and they own it. It's a direct result of intentional democratic bullshit like Nancy Pelosis irresponsible antics, the congressional black caucus and much much more.
And Trump is responsible for Boogaloo, it is just s easy to assign blame via association, no?
My party involves bongs and banging chicks but there are no politics allowed in my party. So I have no idea what you mean because I affiliate with no political party. I bet you do..
Well that sucks.

I believe you.
The Democrat Party of today bears no resemblance to that of JFK and others. I remember when JFK was advocating, strongly, for tax cuts, spending cuts, and set a goal of landing American astronauts on the moon.

What went wrong?


The Republican Party no longer resembles the party of Ronald Reagan. It has beden taken over by right swing fascists. Ronald Reagan preached inclusion not division. It hasw been taken over by right wing hate groups that have killed more people than Islamic terrorists.
AOC is a demo and she has her opinions, I just feel sorry for repubs who have a Trump that they have to vote for or face extinction.

Or face extinction? What does that mean?

It means the Republican Party has to be destroyed so it can be reclaimed.
I agree... Only.. It's both parties. Not just the Republican.

I believe the only reason AOC still has a job is the same reason as why Trump got elected... The majority reject the RNC and DNC both.
The democratic party is just the communist party. It's time to recognize that and treat them accordingly.

The Republican Party is the party of hate and big business. It is time they were treated accordingly.
That's just what I expect from a communist. I can't argue with it. I certainly hate democrats. I absolutely support big business. Do you have any thing else?
Despite the disaster of Covid, if Trump wasn't the worst politician in the history of the presidency, and had even a glimmer of a clue in how to grow his support, he could so easily win this election on a law and order platform alone.

Today's Dimocrat party has become so radicalized, and is so filled with festering un-American cretins who should be so easy to beat and kept a minority party for years to come.

Instead, Trump's style is so repulsive to so many independent voters, he is going to be trounced by a man who literally every day now looks like he's aged since the day before, and who doubtfully knows what day it is.
Along with that Trump is bound and determined to lose the Senate right along with himself.

It is so unbelievably frustrating, and so unbelievable that he has such inept advisers, or Trump himself vetoes every suggestion they make.

If I were running I would trounce Biden like a rented mule. Not because I have the abilities that Trump has when it comes to policy, but I know how to deal with people, and how to bring them together in a crisis even when they hate each other. Trump goes in the opposite direction, each and every day he loses more voters.

The ones he'll retain are likely like myself, people who realize that a vote for the Dim means you're voting for the party's platform, and today's Dim platform is so appalling it wouldn't make a difference how bad Trump is. It's the independents, the fence sitters that Trump needs, and the majority simply want to see the ugliness end, and they are attributing that to Trump, no matter what the actual reality is.
Moderates get drowned out by the extreme wings of the party. Those who do
not march in lockstep with progressive reps like AOC get labeled DINOs or Republican lites.
Moderates get drowned out by the extreme wings of the party. Those who do not march in lockstep with progressive reps like AOC get labeled DINOs or Republican lites.
Yep. One of the many behavioral similarities of the two parties.

It's no coincidence that the loons are in control on each end and the country is coming apart at the seams.

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