Democrats to McConnell: End Trump shutdown or we’ll shut down the Senate

Well, that would certainly show Trump what a real government shutdown looks like.

"What do you mean I can't go golf!"
That doesn’t make sense. What can Democrats do?
The voters will decide ultimately.
That's actually fine by me. I'm all for shutting down the Senate. The less the federal government does the better off we all are.
The government is one-fifth of US GDP. A total actual shutdown would crash the economy. Bigly.
We know McConnell is unamused by Trump's shutdown. McConnell said early on in Dec "there won't be a shutdown.:" Then he passes bipartisan spending to keep the thing open, and for Christmas, Trump shuts it down to please Rush and Coulter who theaten to rile up Trump's base.

What the dems really are doing is just putting the pressure on Gop senators. The public blames Trump .... because he's proud to own the shutdown, and he really did renege on his word to sign bills he'd agreed to. The Gop can reopen the gummit just by re-voting on what they already passed only with veto proof majorities.

McConnell doesn't want to piss off Trump, but he can let the Senate vote. And the gop leadership has no control over what Pelosi brings up for a vote
Right on to that. Its time for McTurtle to suffer the consequences of his treason in a most severe form.

Democrats to McConnell: End Trump shutdown or we’ll shut down the Senate
So now the Democrats are threatening to shut down the Senate, too? They are becoming desperate. They realize the longer the shutdown goes the more Americans will wonder why they are standing on the wrong side of the issue, willing to shutdown the govt rather than invest in our security.
....then again, if they just shut down the House and Senate but opened back up the rest of the government it would be a 'Win-Win' for all Americans. :p

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