Democrats to McConnell: End Trump shutdown or we’ll shut down the Senate

Well, that would certainly show Trump what a real government shutdown looks like.

"What do you mean I can't go golf!"
That 53 majority of GOPers stinking up the Senate are not on America's side who are nothing but antigovernment conspiring tRump cronies. To shut the creeps down would be shutting down their treason.
Right on to that. Its time for McTurtle to suffer the consequences of his treason in a most severe form.

Democrats to McConnell: End Trump shutdown or we’ll shut down the Senate

I doubt anyone would miss Congress at all.
The House which is part of Congress would remain open though. Its not all about a bunch of stinking GOPers or their treason cluttering up the Senate.

Doesn't matter. Without Senate action, nothing the House does matters without the Senate.
Right on to that. Its time for McTurtle to suffer the consequences of his treason in a most severe form.

Democrats to McConnell: End Trump shutdown or we’ll shut down the Senate

I doubt anyone would miss Congress at all.
The House which is part of Congress would remain open though. Its not all about a bunch of stinking GOPers or their treason cluttering up the Senate.

Nah its just about a bunch of Dems who don't want border security.

Suck it up buttercup.
Well, that would certainly show Trump what a real government shutdown looks like.
Do it. Then it'll become Pelosi's shutdown.

Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. That's the House of Representatives.

She can't shut down the senate, she has absolutely no power in the senate. It can't be a Pelosi shutdown.

There are 3 separate and independent branches of government. One of them is the legislative. Which is broken up into 2 bodies. The House of Reps and Senate. Both are independent and both have their own rules and leaders. Only those in the in each chamber can have any power in that chamber. The power not interchangeable.

Where were you in grade school when you were supposed to learn about how our government is supposed to work? I learned this in grade school. I recommend a remedial book on US government. If there's any big words you can't pronounce and understand, get an adult to help you.

You're so needy for this to be blamed on democrats and Pelosi. You people are so afraid of a strong and independent woman it's sad.

This is the trump shutdown. He said he's proud to shutdown the government. He owns it.
McConnell can't end the shutdown. They will never override a Trump veto. So what's the point?
....then again, if they just shut down the House and Senate but opened back up the rest of the government it would be a 'Win-Win' for all Americans. :p

With Ginsburg missing the bench for a third day, shutting down the Senate is their only hope.

They're desperate on so many levels. :D
We know McConnell is unamused by Trump's shutdown. McConnell said early on in Dec "there won't be a shutdown.:" Then he passes bipartisan spending to keep the thing open, and for Christmas, Trump shuts it down to please Rush and Coulter who theaten to rile up Trump's base.

What the dems really are doing is just putting the pressure on Gop senators. The public blames Trump .... because he's proud to own the shutdown, and he really did renege on his word to sign bills he'd agreed to. The Gop can reopen the gummit just by re-voting on what they already passed only with veto proof majorities.

McConnell doesn't want to piss off Trump, but he can let the Senate vote. And the gop leadership has no control over what Pelosi brings up for a vote

Today MSN poll : 53% blame Democrats, 44% Trump.

Well, that would certainly show Trump what a real government shutdown looks like.
Do it. Then it'll become Pelosi's shutdown.

Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. That's the House of Representatives.

She can't shut down the senate, she has absolutely no power in the senate. It can't be a Pelosi shutdown.

There are 3 separate and independent branches of government. One of them is the legislative. Which is broken up into 2 bodies. The House of Reps and Senate. Both are independent and both have their own rules and leaders. Only those in the in each chamber can have any power in that chamber. The power not interchangeable.

Where were you in grade school when you were supposed to learn about how our government is supposed to work? I learned this in grade school. I recommend a remedial book on US government. If there's any big words you can't pronounce and understand, get an adult to help you.

You're so needy for this to be blamed on democrats and Pelosi. You people are so afraid of a strong and independent woman it's sad.

This is the trump shutdown. He said he's proud to shutdown the government. He owns it.
Gee, thanks for the lesson there, teacher. Now try reading the fucking link, moron. THIS is what I was responding to (from the link), idiot:

According to one Washington Post reporter, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer will join the effort as well. Schumer is vowing to vote against a bill authorizing security assistance to Israel, scheduled for a vote on Tuesday, unless McConnell agrees to allow a vote on reopening the government.
And that's why the Democrats are blocking Trump...they think they are winning.
McConnell is a dip shit. Read an article a little while ago... "Well I'm not on board if the president isn't." Not that I believe everything the press writes, but still, he sounds like an idiot. The legislative branch is separate from the executive for a reason - stop colluding or do what's best for the American people instead of Trump. Gather up at least 75 Senators that will vote to pass the bill the Dems are drafting up or lose your job.
....then again, if they just shut down the House and Senate but opened back up the rest of the government it would be a 'Win-Win' for all Americans. :p

With Ginsburg missing the bench for a third day, shutting down the Senate is their only hope.

They're desperate on so many levels. :D

Roberts looks desperate. Letting Ginsburg make rulings on transcripts?

If she doesn't sit in on the case, she shouldn't be allowed to make vote on cases or make opinions.
The DEMs in the senate are in the MINORITY! Remember?
They can scream and stamp their little feet BUT they DON'T"T have the votes to do fuck all visa vi "stop the senate".
You obviously did not bother to read the link you posted.
The DEMs in the senate are in the MINORITY! Remember?
They can scream and stamp their little feet BUT they DON'T"T have the votes to do fuck all visa vi "stop the senate".
You obviously did not bother to read the link you posted.
Not only are you're a loud and profane clueless asshole
Right on to that. Its time for McTurtle to suffer the consequences of his treason in a most severe form.

Democrats to McConnell: End Trump shutdown or we’ll shut down the Senate

Go for it.

Wait, what do they think they would accomplish with it?
--------------------------------------------------- [senate , pffffffft] yeah shut'er down . Lets see what happens . All i care about is the USA Military and that'll keep working .

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