Democrats Today, the Party of Avenati, McCabe, Bloomberg and Violence


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So what is the difference between Avenati who is going to prison for doing the same thing as McCabe who is still a fascist hero to the Dems? Avenati forgot his place and tried to shake down a Huge Money Bag called Nike, and that is all. they both lied under oath, they both ripped off Americans that trusted them, and theya re both political tools for the Oligarchs.

Michael Avenatti is Convicted of Trying to Extort Nike

But both are completely Democrat, and were once heralded by them, but McCabe still is. McCabe did not bite the hand that holds the Democrats leash, like Avenati.

See the Democrats are owned by the Money Bags Big Donors, and everyone should know it. When Bloomberg was hinting he might run for President, the Democrats were all like 'No one can just waltze in and buy our nomination!' Well, apparently they can.

Meanwhile, The Democrats are trying to balance out their lack of decent choices for President by engaging in wild violence across the country, from the idiot who drove his van into a tent of Republican promoters, to the student Nazis who are attacking Republicans on campus on a daily basis.

This is the Democratic Party, America, the Party of killing babies, importing violent criminals, replacing Native-born Americans and promoting full bore Communism.

Cant wait to vote against them!


Who promotes violence?


Who promotes violence?

Hey Dean! Rather looks like you on the pot, eh? Constipation of the brain? Who is really promoting violence? Trump talking of defending himself and fighting back? Or little commies like you who support the Democrats who actually practice real violence, like shooting innocent people in ball fields with rifles, spitting on and assaulting innocent patrons just for wearing a ballcap, drumming up fake charges trying to remove a president from the ballot so you cannot lose to him again, and promoting and celebrating severed heads of the president!

C'mon, Dean, you can come clean with us! You really DO have a Kathy Griffin love doll on your bed and Donald Trump punching bag in your bedroom, don't you?


Who promotes violence?

Hey Dean! Rather looks like you on the pot, eh? Constipation of the brain? Who is really promoting violence? Trump talking of defending himself and fighting back? Or little commies like you who support the Democrats who actually practice real violence, like shooting innocent people in ball fields with rifles, spitting on and assaulting innocent patrons just for wearing a ballcap, and promoting and celebrating severed heads of the president!

C'mon, Dean, you can come clean with is! You really DO have a Kathy Griffin love doll on your bed and Donald Trump punching bag in your bedroom, don't you?
Oh my God, next you’ll be telling us that Donald Trump is an honest and truthful person.

you know when Trump told the police don’t be nice when you arrest people go ahead and hurt them, that’s not promoting peace.
Avenatti? Wasn’t that the lawyer that was representing stormy Daniels, the porn star that Donald Trump had unprotected sex with and then started a shell company so he could make illegal secret payments to her to change the outcome of US election?


I’m pretty sure that’s the guy.

Funny, because Trump’s lawyer went to prison for those multiple felonies and he said he was only working at trumps direction. And Trump is listed in the case as an unindicted co-conspirator and Mueller said he couldn’t be charged with a crime, at least as long as he’s in office. The day he leaves office, he could be charged.
Charged with the same crimes that Michael Cohen committed and is in prison for.
Trump could actually join Michael Cohen before Cohen’s sentence is up.


Who promotes violence?

Hey Dean! Rather looks like you on the pot, eh? Constipation of the brain? Who is really promoting violence? Trump talking of defending himself and fighting back? Or little commies like you who support the Democrats who actually practice real violence, like shooting innocent people in ball fields with rifles, spitting on and assaulting innocent patrons just for wearing a ballcap, and promoting and celebrating severed heads of the president!

C'mon, Dean, you can come clean with is! You really DO have a Kathy Griffin love doll on your bed and Donald Trump punching bag in your bedroom, don't you?
Oh my God, next you’ll be telling us that Donald Trump is an honest and truthful person.

you know when Trump told the police don’t be nice when you arrest people go ahead and hurt them, that’s not promoting peace.

Somehow Dean, putting the words "HONEST" and "TRUTHFUL" into the same sentence with the likes of you makes me want to run to the john and heave.

It's gonna be another long, LONG four years for you when Trump is your president until at least 2024. Better start your meds now.
Avenatti? Wasn’t that the lawyer that was representing stormy Daniels, the porn star that Donald Trump had unprotected sex with and then started a shell company so he could make illegal secret payments to her to change the outcome of US election?


I’m pretty sure that’s the guy.

Funny, because Trump’s lawyer went to prison for those multiple felonies and he said he was only working at trumps direction. And Trump is listed in the case as an unindicted co-conspirator and Mueller said he couldn’t be charged with a crime, at least as long as he’s in office. The day he leaves office, he could be charged.
Charged with the same crimes that Michael Cohen committed and is in prison for.
Trump could actually join Michael Cohen before Cohen’s sentence is up.

Kinda makes you envious, doesn't it Dean! I mean, you never had $35,000 in the bank your whole life to rub together, and Donald Trump wipes his ass with $1,000 dollar bills!

That's it, Boy, now do good, go out on your front lawn, let it all out and yell at the sky again.

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