Democrats trying False Equivalence between Trump's case and Hunter's case. FAIL

I'm waiting for Hunted to wake up in the bowels of a federal prison with convict cock in his mouth and then I'll gladly apologize for misjudging the regime and their intentions.

97% of the criminals that are convicted of these same firearm felonies go to prison. We'll see how 'lucky' Hunted is. :abgg2q.jpg:

jill taught hunter.jpg
There is no comparison between the fabricated, baseless cases against Donald Trump and the open and shut case against Hunter. No American with a functioning brain is buying that BS. The DOJ and the Democratic Party has destroyed the concept of Blind Justice and replaced it with a Stalinist Farce.
Worse, was the effort of so many to bury any suggestion it was real and silencing anyone who raised it including Tucker Carlson when he worked at Fox. Trump will challenge Biden on his opinions he expressed before during the debate I'm sure.

Democrats trying False Equivalence between Trump's case and Hunter's case.​

False equivalence? Are you fucking kidding me?

There's absolutely not resemblance between the two cases!

Felonious tRump made illegal payments to influence an election.

What you morons have accused Hunter Biden of is something you would have cheered anyone else for.
There is no comparison between the fabricated, baseless cases against Donald Trump and the open and shut case against Hunter. No American with a functioning brain is buying that BS. The DOJ and the Democratic Party has destroyed the concept of Blind Justice and replaced it with a Stalinist Farce.
If the system was rigged like you claim then Hunter never would have made it to trial. Face it. Trump is a convict and will likely be guilty of other crimes if his other cases get heard

You really think people care about Hunter Biden?! Haha. Only if you’re a MAGA puppet
There is no comparison between the fabricated, baseless cases against Donald Trump and the open and shut case against Hunter. No American with a functioning brain is buying that BS. The DOJ and the Democratic Party has destroyed the concept of Blind Justice and replaced it with a Stalinist Farce.
Well there is no question that there is quite a divide between the two ideologies that the statist left marxinazi American citizens harbor & what the free market Constitutionally based American citizens harbor. Morality between the two ideologies is definitely 180 degrees polar opposites as are the views on individual rights vs. communal rights as well as sovereign nationhood vs. one world world g'ment. The before mentioned differences cannot be addressed to a satisfactory conclusion without both sides having to concede ground that they both deem as too important to lose.

The result is the two sides resort to putting their differences into the spin cycle in an attempt to either brainwash the opponents through facts, figures & fibs, or exhaust their opponents through mind numbing mantras. The final result is obvious here. Trump takes the POTUS & both Houses on Capital Hill go Red as a stoplight as the statist left marxinazis get lit up like a big cigar! It's already happened as the polls so richly illustrate, I mean talk about lopsided in Donald Trump's favor! Could it happen AGAIN???(see below).

False equivalence? Are you fucking kidding me?

There's absolutely not resemblance between the two cases!

Felonious tRump made illegal payments to influence an election.

What you morons have accused Hunter Biden of is something you would have cheered anyone else for.
Jill cost the taxpayers 300 thousand dollars on her trips from Europe to Delaware and back and forth for Hunter's case. Let em eat cake.
There is no comparison between the fabricated, baseless cases against Donald Trump and the open and shut case against Hunter. No American with a functioning brain is buying that BS. The DOJ and the Democratic Party has destroyed the concept of Blind Justice and replaced it with a Stalinist Farce.

There is no comparison between the fabricated, baseless cases against Donald Trump and the open and shut case against Hunter. No American with a functioning brain is buying that BS. The DOJ and the Democratic Party has destroyed the concept of Blind Justice and replaced it with a Stalinist Farce.

The difference being, you like Trump, so he must be innocent and you don't like Biden, so his son must be guilty.

That's the level of politics we're talking about right now. It's infantile.
Jill cost the taxpayers 300 thousand dollars on her trips from Europe to Delaware and back and forth for Hunter's case. Let em eat cake.
completely unrelated to this discussion.

I cannot tell if you are deflection or just lost.
The difference being, you like Trump, so he must be innocent and you don't like Biden, so his son must be guilty.

That's the level of politics we're talking about right now. It's infantile.
That is the ridiculously simplistic response I would expect from a Trump hater. Analyze the history of the case against Trump and all of the legal smoke and mirrors and thousands of hours Bragg invested to CREATE the magical 34 felony counts. Then add a lunatic fringe judge with a history of bias against Trump and a biased jury. Joseph Stalin would be proud of the Democrats.
That is the ridiculously simplistic response I would expect from a Trump hater. Analyze the history of the case against Trump and all of the legal smoke and mirrors and thousands of hours Bragg invested to CREATE the magical 34 felony counts. Then add a lunatic fringe judge with a history of bias against Trump and a biased jury. Joseph Stalin would be proud of the Democrats.

Both Trump and Hunter Biden got into trouble for being who they are.

Both of them committed crimes. Both of them would have gotten away with their crimes had they not been who they are.

People went after them, to make a point. Hunter Biden was all about revenge for people going after Trump. People went after Trump because Trump is getting in everyone's faces.

You talk about "ridiculously simplistic response"... if I had written a detailed response, you wouldn't bother replying. This whole forum is full of "ridiculously simplistic responses".

You complain about it and yet in post 13 you post a gif and nothing else.

When Trump got convicted, I came on here and I spoke to one person who said "it's a sham trial" I asked why. They said "oh, this happened, that happened", so I went and looked it up and I said "you're wrong about this and you're wrong about that because this is what actually happened".

Since then not a single person has had a conversation with me about it. I've asked people what they think makes it a sham trial, and they don't respond.

Why? Because they don't care about the facts. They want to shout "sham trial" "sham trial" over and over and over and over again.

They don't want to find out that they're talking nonsense. Trump was clearly guilty. Even his own defense was laughable at best because they knew they had nothing to defend him with and they also knew they were going to use this trial to present Trump as a victim.

Trump was guilty. If you think otherwise, let's go through every issue you think makes him not guilty, shall we? Discuss each one. I bet you don't.

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