Grading Donald Trump's first term and case for a second

All you scumbags ever do in here is campaign. You don't discuss -- Anything.

It's just non-stop campaigning.

It's why I just name-call and throw insults half the time. You can't have a decent conversation with a leftist scumbag. All you want to do is throw shit at the wall and see if any of it sticks.

Trump owned over 500 properties and 5 went bankrupt. That's darn good in his business.

Hillary couldn't pass the bar exam. What a MORON!!!
Hillary did pass the Arkansas bar exam. I thought you idiots loved people who were not experienced. That only applies to Republicans?

As for Trump's bankruptcies? The idiot could not run a casino!! Now, what kind of idiot do you need to be to run a casino into the ground?
Grade Trumps first term?

Up until November 2020. …….D
No legislative Accomplishments
Botched COVID Pandemic
Failed to seal the border with Mexico
Failed to replace Obamacare
Weakened our alliances

After November 2020…….F

Tried to overthrow a legal election
Refused a peaceful transition to the new President
Could not accept an election defeat so created a lie that he had won
Jan 6
Impeached again
Trump owned over 500 properties and 5 went bankrupt. That's darn good in his business.

Hillary couldn't pass the bar exam. What a MORON!!!
He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt. PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six.

Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times?​

He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt. PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six.

Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times?

In the 1990s, our economy was booming

Only Trump could find a way to go bankrupt
The first issue is what did Trump want to do vs. what happened....

What did Trump want...

Drain the Swamp
Shut the Border
Stop waging war all over the world
Bring troops home
Fix America's financial house
re-write and improve foreign trade deals

What happened.

Trump did improve our trade positions
Trump did bring some troops home and set the stage for more
Trump did not bring us war
Trump tried to shut the border
Trump spent 5 minutes trying to cut spending before surrendering the next 3 years 11 months.
Trump COMPLETELY FAILED to Drain the Swap because he appointed Wray and Sessions and did not fire people like Fauci

Because Trump failed to fix DOJ and FBI, both were weaponized against him. Failing to replace Fauci with an honest person of biological science resulted in the Covid fraud, which Trump fell for hook line and sinker and made MUCH MUCH WORSE with the Murderous Fraud Vax and trillions $$ in handouts to stay home. Trump then watched his landslide re-election stolen from him by Chris Wray.

The main problem of the first Trump term was WHO HE APPOINTED. To believe he would be better in a Second Term would require one to believe TRUMP HAS LEARNED FROM HIS MISTAKES and WILL NOT APPOINT ZIONIST FASCISTS to every important position in his second Administration. There is NO EVIDENCE Trump has learned anything, given his support for the likes of Kevin McCarthy, Ronna McDaniel, and Tucker Carlson. Until there is evidence Trump will specifically not appoint "neocons" to his second Administration, there is precisely NO REASON TO SUPPORT HIS CANDIDACY...

One Republican candidate has promised a "neocon free" administration = Vivek.

Vivek has learned what Trump needed to learn and did not....

Vivek is also a master in biology and won't get "Fauci-ed" like Trump was.

Which resulted in the first Trump Presidency being a minus $9 trillion to the US taxpayer.

the net net grade of the Trump First Term is D

He got a few good things done. In the end, his failure to appoint non neocons destroyed his first term and made it and almost complete failure. To argue otherwise is to not understand BASIC MATH...
Attempting to overthrow an election and continuing to lie about the results of it to this day is a more obvious reason not to rehire him.
WTF? That's like saying - since surgeons sometimes make mistakes, we need to mandate that all future surgeries will now only be performed by untrained laymen.

Gad, just when I think I've seen it all, another retard pops up.
These aren't mistakes that politicians are making. They are evil parasites.
Mr. Trump has always been a failure. A trust fund baby from the lucky sperm club.
Trump’s most recent business venture — like his other business ventures — is tanking. Truth Social was puffed as a competitor for other successful and established social media platforms. Now Truth Social faces an uncertain future due to DROOM, concerns over Trump's dwindling popularity, continued controversies, denial of its trademark application, huge financial losses, and a litany of stiffed vendors.
Yeah…”Billionaires are failures”.
Gee, why don’t normal sane people take lefties seriously?
He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt. PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six.

Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times?

In the 1990s, our economy was booming

Only Trump could find a way to go bankrupt
50 years in business, 500 companies, 20,000 employees, hundreds of millions contributed to the treasury and NO personal bankruptcies….and the disgusting Twilight Zoning abnormals talk shit about Trumps six CORPORATE bankruptcies….hahaha.

Meanwhile, the very same backwards as fuck Twilight Zoners will champion and support the multiple bankruptcy filings of non-contributing, taxpayer draining Guadalupe and Gustavo as they can’t figure out how to feed their litter of seven anchor babies because “THE SYSTEM”.
Gee, why don’t sane normal people take lefties seriously?
Why Trump needs a second term

Facing 4 indictments and 91 charges, he needs Executive protection

Even if convicted prior to the election, Trump will appeal all Federal Charges. If elected, he will name an AG that will not contest Trumps appeal and the charges will be dropped

In State charges, Trump will again appeal and use the Constitutions Supremacy Clause to prevent states from arresting him

2nd term is a Get out of Jail Free Card
Why Trump needs a second term

Facing 4 indictments and 91 charges, he needs Executive protection

Even if convicted prior to the election, Trump will appeal all Federal Charges. If elected, he will name an AG that will not contest Trumps appeal and the charges will be dropped

In State charges, Trump will again appeal and use the Constitutions Supremacy Clause to prevent states from arresting him

2nd term is a Get out of Jail Free Card
Should these charges be taken more seriously than the “RUSSIAN COLLUSION” charge….you know, the one you paid Robert Muelller $50 million to prove Trumps innocence?

What happened.
Trump did improve our trade positions
Trump did bring some troops home and set the stage for more
Trump did not bring us war
Trump tried to shut the border
Trump spent 5 minutes trying to cut spending before surrendering the next 3 years 11 months.
And you give that a D grade?! What would Biden get then, a triple FFF? Some of those things no other president has even tried much less succeeded at. You forget he eradicated ISIS, killed their leaders, kept North Korea and Russia in check, held world peace and even fixed the VA, and largely closed the border against all opposition, just to mention a few of hundreds of things he did.

Trump COMPLETELY FAILED to Drain the Swap because he appointed Wray and Sessions and did not fire people like Fauci
The Swamp is HUGE and not going down without a fight, and he picked the best people he could find, people he was told he could trust and who were on his side. Trump found out there was no one in DC he could trust and needs to bring in all new people. No other president has even tried to drain the swamp.

Because Trump failed to fix DOJ and FBI, both were weaponized against him. Failing to replace Fauci with an honest person of biological science resulted in the Covid fraud, which Trump fell for hook line and sinker and made MUCH MUCH WORSE with the Murderous Fraud Vax and trillions $$ in handouts to stay home. Trump then watched his landslide re-election stolen from him by Chris Wray.
You don't know any of that. You do not know how DC works or who he can appoint or reappoint or who he can get to replace another nor what he was told. Democrats tried to impeach Trump just for firing Comey.

To believe he would be better in a Second Term would require one to believe TRUMP HAS LEARNED FROM HIS MISTAKES
I'd agree that until I hear otherwise, I have not yet heard how Trump has learned from his "mistakes" and what he might do different, but then, has anyone asked him?

Until there is evidence Trump will specifically not appoint "neocons" to his second Administration, there is precisely NO REASON TO SUPPORT HIS CANDIDACY...
There is every reason. Because Joe Biden is 10,000X worse.

One Republican candidate has promised a "neocon free" administration = Vivek.
I'd agree. Vivek has his head better placed on his shoulders than anyone else in the GOP but the problem is that Vivek is this little Indian guy, with a funny name, and radical-sounding solutions. He is way smarter than most of the electorate. Too many people will feel nervous voting for such a guy.
Why Trump needs a second term

Facing 4 indictments and 91 charges, he needs Executive protection

Even if convicted prior to the election, Trump will appeal all Federal Charges. If elected, he will name an AG that will not contest Trumps appeal and the charges will be dropped

In State charges, Trump will again appeal and use the Constitutions Supremacy Clause to prevent states from arresting him

2nd term is a Get out of Jail Free Card
Plus, he's about to die.
Score Card: So called 'professional' politicians gave us multiple wars, DEAD Americans, an out of control national debt with no end in sight to the borrowing, unsecure borders, out of control crime, sky high inflation, sky high interest rates, funded the development of Covid, get caught time and again in corruption schemes taking bribes and enriching themselves.

Trump or the average mom of 4 would be 1,000 better than these assholes in Washington.
How many problems have experienced politicians fixed in government?
Should these charges be taken more seriously than the “RUSSIAN COLLUSION” charge….you know, the one you paid Robert Muelller $50 million to prove Trumps innocence?

LOL Who do you think appointed Mueller? The Dems? You’re not very bright, are you? :itsok:

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