Democrats ushered in the era of a lawless society

Wow, could you imagine if any of that had happened?
Even alt-left CNN is going “damn that candycorn is an extremist who has never told the truth about anything😂

Wow…could you imagine if you clicked all of the links that proved it did? And then could you imagine if you weren’t a sleazy leftist incapable of being honest about the tyranny of your party? 🤷🏼‍♂️
Every re-count, court case, and audit confirmed Joe won and your blob lost. So no, it didn’t happen.
Even alt-left CNN is going “damn that candycorn is an extremist who has never told the truth about anything😂

Yeah, some loud mouth congresswoman with no power acts like doofus and you think that is the equivalent to POTUS saying the same thing.

You’re either high, stupid, or both.
Every re-count, court case, and audit confirmed Joe won and your blob lost. So no, it didn’t happen.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
  1. You explicitly stated “if any of that happened”. Are you now admitting that all of it happened except for fraud?
  2. Nobody claimed voter fraud changed the outcome of the presidential election. You can have voter fraud that doesn’t change the outcome. You can have voter fraud in local elections. At the end of the day, the link is there proving voter fraud is real. Which also proves you’re a pathological liar who denies reality 24x7.
Yeah, some loud mouth congresswoman with no power acts like doofus and you think that is the equivalent to POTUS saying the same thing.
  1. “Congresswoman with no power” is a hilarious oxymoron. By nature, being a congressman means you have power 😂
  2. Good thing Trump never told Republican voters to “harass” all Democrats elected to office.
“Anything my side does is ok. Anything your side does is criminal” - candycorn
Wait. Wait. Wait.
  1. You explicitly stated “if any of that happened”. Are you now admitting that all of it happened except for fraud?
No I just selected the most obvious example of your being completely full of shit.
  1. Nobody claimed voter fraud changed the outcome of the presidential election. You can have voter fraud that doesn’t change the outcome. You can have voter fraud in local elections. At the end of the day, the link is there proving voter fraud is real. Which also proves you’re a pathological liar who denies reality 24x7.
Shut the fuck up and present your proof of “massive voter fraud” shit bag.
  1. “Congresswoman with no power” is a hilarious oxymoron. By nature, being a congressman means you have power 😂
LOL...... Really? Name something a single congressperson passed on their own.
  1. Good thing Trump never told Republican voters to “harass” all Democrats elected to office.
“Anything my side does is ok. Anything your side does is criminal” - candycorn
He just told a hate group to “stand by”. 2 months later they were committing sedition.
We agree on one thing, CC. Maxine Water is definitely an obnoxious loud mouth. It’s a shame though that you can’t bring yourself to admit she’s also a devout fascist.
I don’t know her that well...she leaves the footprint of an ant wherever she goes. Absolutists get absolutely nothing accomplished. See your blob’s legislative record from 2017-2020
No I just selected the most obvious example of your being completely full of shit.
Hahaha. Look at you backpedaling. Links are all there.
Shut the fuck up and present your proof of “massive voter fraud” shit bag.
Hahaha. Liberals get so “triggered” when backed into a corner by facts 😂

Liberalism is mental weakness and fragility. Links are all there, sweetie. Plus, it wouldn’t kill your to do a little research before commenting. Speaking from a place of ignorance is inexcusable in the era of the internet.
LOL...... Really? Name something a single congressperson passed on their own.
“Power” isn’t a synonym for “unilateral”, you low-IQ leftist 😂

Name a single legislation signed by a President into law that wasn’t first passed by hundreds of people in Congress. You just claimed Presidents have power.
He just told a hate group to “stand by”. 2 months later they were committing sedition.
Bwahahaha!! Thank you for admitting you lied. “Standby” does not mean “sedition”. Furthermore, he does not control anyone else or their actions (I know this is a difficult concept for the weak-minded left who are fully obedient to anything their Democrat masters tell them).

Lastly, there was no “sedition”. Nobody shows up to overthrow the most powerful government in world history, unarmed. If only you had an ounce of common sense and the ability to think for yourself.
See your blob’s legislative record from 2017-2020
It was remarkable! He canceled Obama’s egregiously unconstitutional, tyrannical “Presidential Memorandum” mandating states to allow depraved sexual deviants to invade women’s restrooms.

If he was like Obama, he would have done the same thing in the other direction - mandating that all states deny the depraved deviant predators that you leftists get off on, access to women’s restrooms. But what did he do? He gave it back to the states. Let the voters of each state decide for themselves, in accordance with the US Constitution.

Also pursuant to the Constitution, he appointed Supreme Court Justices who overturned Roe v Wade. There again he said that the federal government has no business being involved, and to let the people decide.

So it begs the question CC, why are you leftists such devout fascists who loathe democracy? Why can’t you accept that We the People have spoken?

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