Democrats ushered in the era of a lawless society

Listen dude, you incorrectly stated 30 million.
That's on you.
Listen dude…you refuse to answer a simple question. So you just look like an asshole. Because by any metric/definition/etc., it is an invasion and you know it 🤷‍♂️
I want to know the time time you’re using.
What is “time time”?
You refuse to answer.
No…you refuse to answer. I asked first. You’ve been dancing and running ever since.
You are attempting to BLAME ALL immigrants on biden
Did no such thing. So you went from ducking & dodging to flat-out lying.
I'm calling bulsshit
Exactly. We’ve been invaded by a staggering 30 million and because you’re a partisan ideologue, you want to cry “bullshit” instead of just admitting reality.
and simply want you to define your timeline/
My “timeline” is:
  • Joe Biden has proudly opened the border
  • Alejandro Mayorkas proudly removed all barriers to assist illegals
  • Democrats have created “sanctuary cities” to assist illegals
  • And disingenuous people like you duck, dodge, and cover for all of it
  • 22 million is an invasion
30 million
22 million
11 million......

Just state when the count starts.
The count starts when Democrats open the border and assist actual criminals in committing actual crimes. This isn’t hard.
Listen dude…you refuse to answer a simple question. So you just look like an asshole. Because by any metric/definition/etc., it is an invasion and you know it 🤷‍♂️

What is “time time”?

No…you refuse to answer. I asked first. You’ve been dancing and running ever since.

Did no such thing. So you went from ducking & dodging to flat-out lying.

Exactly. We’ve been invaded by a staggering 30 million and because you’re a partisan ideologue, you want to cry “bullshit” instead of just admitting reality.

My “timeline” is:
  • Joe Biden has proudly opened the border
  • Alejandro Mayorkas proudly removed all barriers to assist illegals
  • Democrats have created “sanctuary cities” to assist illegals
  • And disingenuous people like you duck, dodge, and cover for all of it
  • 22 million is an invasion

The count starts when Democrats open the border and assist actual criminals in committing actual crimes. This isn’t hard.
You're a disingenuous Fool.
Trump let illegals in too.
So you're saying 30 million have crossed since Biden> LIAR.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
Trump let illegals in too.
You’ve yet to post without lying.

Trump did absolutely everything within his power to secure our borders. Started building a wall. Instructed his border security to keep people out. Even his rhetoric caused illegals to self-deport out of fear.

Even our society has moved away from disliking crime and criminals. Even the little things are gone.

I'm not that old but as a kid I remember mcgruff the crime dog, the slogans like "crime doesn't pay", psas about stranger danger, places to go if you're in trouble, the dare program, having a password in case someone comes saying your parents sent them to get you and so on. Even gi joe had end segments that talked about obeying the law sometimes and how to be safe. That's all gone now.

Now we have politicians trying to lower charges on crimes, people shouting to defund police, and an entire movement based around Floyd a dopehead felon thug that died while resisting arrest.

I don't understand America anymore
Just a reminder that the Democrats ushered in the era of a lawless society…
Of course, the Justice Department refused to prosecute the case—even though it recently prosecuted former Trump aides Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro for committing the same offense, with both being sentenced to prison as a result.
Democrats have weaponized government (just like Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussien, Fidel Castro, etc.) and ushered in the era of a lawless society. As long as you pledge allegiance to the left-wing ideology, you will not be prosecuted for anything.
Democrat lawfare stopped him.

Next stupid question?

Trump's partially built 'big, beautiful wall'​

Politico › news › 2021/01/12 › trump...

Jan 12, 2021 — In the end, President Donald Trump built a mere fraction of what he promised.

It has been more than five years since Trump announced his presidential bidwith a promise to build a “great, great wall” along the U.S.-Mexico border. In the end, Trump built a mere fraction of what he promised, 452 miles of a wall — most of which replaced old, existing fencing. And he never got Mexico to pay for it.

Trump's partially built 'big, beautiful wall'

View attachment 967599
Politico › news › 2021/01/12 › trump...
Jan 12, 2021 — In the end, President Donald Trump built a mere fraction of what he promised.

It has been more than five years since Trump announced his presidential bidwith a promise to build a “great, great wall” along the U.S.-Mexico border. In the end, Trump built a mere fraction of what he promised, 452 miles of a wall — most of which replaced old, existing fencing. And he never got Mexico to pay for it.
What's it like to be so uninformed? Embarrassing? Humiliating?

What's it like to be so uninformed? Embarrassing? Humiliating?
You tell me.
You conveniently failed to mention.............

Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military ...

Military Times › news › 2020/06/26 › a...

A federal appeals court on Friday ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico, ruling it illegally sidestepped Congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.

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