Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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So what, Patriot? You are such a sap to think Hunter is anywhere within a thousand miles of the culpability of the Orange Nero.
What is the "Orange Nero"? I don't know that is.

And why are you crying so much about facts? It's so weird how you get "triggered" over reality. I know a lot of leftists are very immature and prefer Disney-like fantasy to soothe their feelings, but come on. I mean, WTF?

You believed the lie that the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell was "Russian propaganda". Hunter himself have since confirmed that the laptop was in fact his. At one point will you realize that Breitbart, The Blaze, The Epoch Times, etc. have an impeccable record for journalism, and the your sources are exploiting you 24x7 by getting you to believe lies? At what point do you grow up?
It was Trump who created this new era of lawless society. The Orange Zero is being held to account and his little minions, like you, Patriot.
It was Trump who created this new era of lawless society. The Orange Zero is being held to account and his little minions, like you, Patriot.
Trump strictly enforced the US Constitution, my little high school dropout. For instance, when he legally & properly rescinded Barack Obama's highly illegal/unconstitutional Executive Order for cross-dressing deviants to use whatever bathroom they wanted, he didn't replace it with an Executive Order of his own, outlawing cross-dressing deviants from using whatever bathroom they wanted. He went on record stating "this is a state issue, I have no authority here to dictate, each state must decide for themselves).

That's why this thread is filled with dozens and dozens of links proving that the Democrats are thugs who have ushered in the era of a lawless society, while you couldn't find a single link to confirm your bat-shit crazy accusation.

So we have to ask again John: is Donald Trump in the room with you right now? :laugh:
It was Trump who created this new era of lawless society. The Orange Zero is being held to account and his little minions, like you, Patriot.
Could you ask a trusted adult to show you how to use a computer? Specifically, how to use the "reply" button? Because nobody can follow your erratic, incoherent nonsense right now. Learn how to use forums properly.
It was Trump who created this new era of lawless society.
Oof, this one is really going to sting, Rumpole. Another Democrat (this time a prosecutor) not only refused to prosecute crime, but actually helped cover up crimes. You're so gross for standing with the thugs known as the Democrat Party.
Patriot, the Orange minion, lies through his little orange teeth. Trump is lawless. He hates the Constitution. He despises liberty and justice. And he will fail colossally again next year.
Could you ask a trusted adult to show you how to use a computer? Specifically, how to use the "reply" button? Because nobody can follow your erratic, incoherent nonsense right now. Learn how to use forums properly.
Yet you follow with no problem. Bub, I will post as I will and kick it up your ass.

You minions have broken the law over and over and over and know you will be held to account.
He despises liberty and justice
Not as much as you do, though! This Democrat not only refused to prosecute serious crimes, he helped cover them up. Not only do you refuse to condemn that and to call out the Democrat Party, but you keep crying "Trump! Trump! Trump!" in hopes of distracting people from the Democrats lawlessness. It's clear you know they have created a lawless society and you support them in doing so.
The opposite. Now he is saying he wants to destroy it. His refusal to follow constitutional law and order has been his destruction.
Obama? No doubt. He was committed to destroying the US Constitution the moment he decided to enter politics. He said in his autobiography that daddy taught him the United States was the "great imperialists" so he grew up with a deep hatred for the US, and governed with a commitment to destroying the US. Sad but true.

Quick side note Rumpole - you do know that a burner account is illegal on USMB, right?
Patriot talks of what he knows not.
Listen Rumpole, I’m the only one between the two of us actually posting links proving what is being discussed. You just keep throwing tantrums (because you know I’m right), posting incoherent comments, and failing to use the forum properly.
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Actually, he did not if you go by the wording:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
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