Democrats Using Social Distancing Strategy in Hope of Winning in November.

You didn't answer, little beta. Specifically why does China need to be "handled"

Because for those who aren't fucking traitors - you know, like you, China is the enemy of America.

Common sense, good morality, loyalty to country, and partners who are always sporting big smiles.

Treason, waging civil war against our Constitution. Hey, you're fucking traitors. You promote the interests of Communist China.

How? Find your balls and explain the specifics. If necessary, check your groin area and use high magnification.

Comrade traitor, look at this thread.

You are a ChiCom troll.

Democrats should be treated the same way Nazis were treated during WWII - as the enemy of America that is dedicated to the destruction of the nation that you are.

democrats survive, or America survives, one or the other.
Yeah, let's "social distance" and "stay at home" until the economy is in the crapper in the hope that it will deliver victory to Democrats in November. So Democrats will sink this low to win an election? You bet they will.

---Eric Drumpf declared that COVID-19 social distancing measures are part of a “cognizant strategy” for Democrats to win the 2020 Presidential election, and that the novel coronavirus will “magically” disappear after Nov. 3.---

Only a psycho would think not wanting to die is political.

now stfu
your answer is the reason we cannot let your party into the WH.

That's not an answer to the question asked, which was "why does China need to be "handled"". You're the one who made that claim, so you should be able to explain it.
and your answer to the question how will dems handle china and help the economy was even worse .... you are basing your argument on a question that i asked first .... you answered question with a question [a form of deflection] and then accuse me of deflection .
You didn't answer, little beta. Specifically why does China need to be "handled"

Because for those who aren't fucking traitors - you know, like you, China is the enemy of America.

Common sense, good morality, loyalty to country, and partners who are always sporting big smiles.

Treason, waging civil war against our Constitution. Hey, you're fucking traitors. You promote the interests of Communist China.

How? Find your balls and explain the specifics. If necessary, check your groin area and use high magnification.

Comrade traitor, look at this thread.

You are a ChiCom troll.

Democrats should be treated the same way Nazis were treated during WWII - as the enemy of America that is dedicated to the destruction of the nation that you are.

democrats survive, or America survives, one or the other.
and the sad thing is china abuses people like mamooth and just about every dem in this country for being homosexuals.
Because for those who aren't fucking traitors - you know, like you, China is the enemy of America.

Yet Trump does nothing but whine, and you still suck Trump's ass with gusto, making him and you open traitors to the USA, by your own standards. And that means there's no reason to pay attention to you. Glad we cleared that up.

Democrats should be treated the same way Nazis were treated during WWII - as the enemy of America that is dedicated to the destruction of the nation that you are.

You're a whiny little pycho bitch, aren't you? You must be a big hit at parties.
and your answer to the question how will dems handle china and help the economy was even worse .... you are basing your argument on a question that i asked first .... you answered question with a question [a form of deflection] and then accuse me of deflection.

Demonstrating the question is senseless is a valid answer. And I clearly did that. You're claiming China needs to be "handled", but you won't say why, so your assertion would appear to be a kook conspiracy theory.

and the sad thing is china abuses people like mamooth and just about every dem in this country for being homosexuals.

Speaking of beta male limp-wristers, you're still refusing to tell us specifically why you say China needs to be "handled". Also make sure you tell us exactly what Trump has done in terms of "handling".
and your answer to the question how will dems handle china and help the economy was even worse .... you are basing your argument on a question that i asked first .... you answered question with a question [a form of deflection] and then accuse me of deflection.

Demonstrating the question is senseless is a valid answer. And I clearly did that. You're claiming China needs to be "handled", but you won't say why, so your assertion would appear to be a kook conspiracy theory.

and the sad thing is china abuses people like mamooth and just about every dem in this country for being homosexuals.

Speaking of beta male limp-wristers, you're still refusing to tell us specifically why you say China needs to be "handled". Also make sure you tell us exactly what Trump has done in terms of "handling".
pathetic ...... the chinese need to pay a economic price for what they have done ! we need to decrease our dependency on critical products like medicine and medical equipment ect ...we also need to start bringing our manufacturing back home something Trump has been working on for 3 yrs ! and they should be monetarily punished by us and the dozens of countries theyve hurt and open to law suits by states and other countries . and they should be stripped of their developing country status !
Yeah, let's "social distance" and "stay at home" until the economy is in the crapper in the hope that it will deliver victory to Democrats in November. So Democrats will sink this low to win an election? You bet they will.

---Eric Drumpf declared that COVID-19 social distancing measures are part of a “cognizant strategy” for Democrats to win the 2020 Presidential election, and that the novel coronavirus will “magically” disappear after Nov. 3.---

The libs are going to give up on this "stay at home and destroy the country" strategy sooner rather than later.

The reason is the money. They need their people to work and pay taxes or its going to be weak for them, particularly when forward looking states like Mississippi and Texas are opening up.
Yeah, let's "social distance" and "stay at home" until the economy is in the crapper in the hope that it will deliver victory to Democrats in November. So Democrats will sink this low to win an election? You bet they will.

---Eric Drumpf declared that COVID-19 social distancing measures are part of a “cognizant strategy” for Democrats to win the 2020 Presidential election, and that the novel coronavirus will “magically” disappear after Nov. 3.---

Didn't threads like this usually end up in the 'Rubber Room'?
The Democrats are blessed with things to run on. Running against Trump is wildly popular, and running on issues is also a big win.
Yep, we heard the issues they were running on in the debates

Beat Trump
Free healthcare for illegals
Beat Trump
Open borders
Beat Trump
Free college
Beat Trump
Free healthcare
Beat Trump
Eliminate college debt
Beat Trump
Beat Trump
Beat Trump
Beat Trump
Actually, it was Trump who screwed us the most by attending rallies and twittering (frittering) away in February when he should have been focused on evaluating the pandemic intelligence he was not reading.
Only a psycho would think not wanting to die is political.

now stfu

Comrade fake lawyer, I assume you NEVER get in a motor vehicle, since your odds of dying in it are far greater than dying from Wuhan virus.

But you're a fraud (massive understatement,) you seek to destroy the economy in hopes that not only your vile and traitorous party gain power, but that you can destroy America and bring forth the Marxist dictatorship you've dreamed of.
Yet Trump does nothing but whine, and you still suck Trump's ass with gusto, making him and you open traitors to the USA, by your own standards. And that means there's no reason to pay attention to you. Glad we cleared that up.

Such a fucking liar.

You Marxist HOWLED about the tariffs the president levied against your benefactors. China was on the ropes and every fake impeachment you traitors cooked up wasn't saving your masters.

Doing nothing? :lmao: He was beating the SHIT out of you, leaving you pummeled and bloody.

Until the Wuhan virus.. What a stroke of luck.

You're a whiny little pycho bitch, aren't you? You must be a big hit at parties.

Look, democrats are nothing more than the American branch of the Communist Chinese Party. You are the enemy within, dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of America on behalf of those you serve in Beijing.

The libs are going to give up on this "stay at home and destroy the country" strategy sooner rather than later.

The reason is the money. They need their people to work and pay taxes or its going to be weak for them, particularly when forward looking states like Mississippi and Texas are opening up.

I agree the CCP democrats will give up, but because the public is openly defying them. A public that defies the CCP is unlikely to vote for them. If 70% of voters cast ballots against the democrats, even the massive fraud they engage in won't be enough.
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The libs are going to give up on this "stay at home and destroy the country" strategy sooner rather than later.

The reason is the money. They need their people to work and pay taxes or its going to be weak for them, particularly when forward looking states like Mississippi and Texas are opening up.

I agree the CCP democrats will give up, but because the public is openly defying them. A public that defies the CCP is unlikely to vote for them. If 70 of voters cast ballots against the democrats, even the massive fraud they engage in won't be enough.

Being openly defied makes the libs look as weak and ineffectual as they are. They will be forced to change course. My guess is that they will re-figure the statistics and declare their policies a success. Over in Colorado, as well as in Washington State, they are already "adjusting" their COVID death figures.
please tell us what are dems plans for handling china

Do tell us why China needs to be "handled" now.

(This should be hilarious.)

Right, China isn't your enemy, America is.

We know what democrats are about. You are open traitors fighting for Communist China.

It's quite evident how much they hate America. Their governors hold americans hostage by keeping states shut down. They do not care if the masses are starving. Theyre appalling and despicable.
You Marxist HOWLED about the tariffs

Tariffs? You're bragging about tariffs as your answer to what you claim was a threat to the very existence of the USA? You're either the biggest wimp on the planet, or the biggest liar. And nobody is ruling out a combination of both.

Trump did nothing, and you're still licking his keister, because it's what you were told to do. You're not smart enough to come up with these idiot conspiracy theories on your own.

And you're making up stories of liberals loving China because getting a hate-on sends a pervy tingle down your leg. You get off on hating, so it's what you spend your life doing.

Look, democrats are nothing more than the American branch of the Communist Chinese Party. You are the enemy within, dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of America on behalf of those you serve in Beijing.

And you plan to stop that with ... tariffs. Hilarious.

You'll need a smoke break now, so I'll leave you be.
You Marxist HOWLED about the tariffs

Tariffs? You're bragging about tariffs as your answer to what you claim was a threat to the very existence of the USA? You're either the biggest wimp on the planet, or the biggest liar. And nobody is ruling out a combination of both.

Trump did nothing, and you're still licking his keister, because it's what you were told to do. You're not smart enough to come up with these idiot conspiracy theories on your own.

And you're making up stories of liberals loving China because getting a hate-on sends a pervy tingle down your leg. You get off on hating, so it's what you spend your life doing.

Look, democrats are nothing more than the American branch of the Communist Chinese Party. You are the enemy within, dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of America on behalf of those you serve in Beijing.

And you plan to stop that with ... tariffs. Hilarious.

You'll need a smoke break now, so I'll leave you be.

The president was beating the absolute fuck out of you. The war we fight with your masters is mostly economic. Trump understands that, he also understands that democrats are part of the CCP and are the enemy of America.

Let's get clear though, you're not a liberal, you're a Communist. You have nothing in common with George Mason, Thomas Paine, or James Madison. You have everything in common with Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, and Mao.

democrats are just the agents of Communist China. Bought off. China bribed Diane Feinstein with hundreds of millions of dollars, Biden was bribed with a billion, Pelosi hundreds of millions.

You, you're just a dumbfuck traitor - you betrayed your country for nothing.

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