Democrats: We Are NOT For Open Borders

But the California middle class will have to continue to pay for THEIR health insurance.
I guess you get what you vote for.
There is another option: Tax the rich even more, even though they are already leaving the state in record numbers. But, who cares? Let them go, California can just tax the remaining rich even more.
Walls are for pussys…. Anybody who is for a wall over a moat guarded by dragons is for open borders IMHO
Anyone who says adopting a certain policy to protect America is for pussies is automatically a moron.
Other countries have solved their illegal immigrate problem in six months. Americans don't want a solution.. they just want to fight.
A lot of them did it by building a wall, you fucking moron. None of those countries share a 2000 mile border with a festering trash dump.
Neither was Hitler's fascist regime, and in fact took it to the next level by eliminating the minorities and taking proactive measures.
Got anything relevant to the OP to add, duck? Didn't think so. You don't pay taxes in CA or the US so STFU. The ruling in CA doesn't concern you.
The child drag show fan club aka the democrat party, want open borders. They literally pay the cartels to traffic them unaccompanied kids, some of whom end up in secret labs where trans medicine is developed.
Anyone who says adopting a certain policy to protect America is for pussies is automatically a moron.
That’s the thing. Walls don’t protect shit. If you want to protect, then you use a moat full of flesh eating piranhas and dragons for air guard. Anything short of that and youre an open border libtard.
Got anything relevant to the OP to add, duck? Didn't think so. You don't pay taxes in CA or the US so STFU. The ruling in CA doesn't concern you.
You would be essentially right that I don't pay taxes in either. But instead of obeying your demands to s.u. I have taken action to correct my situation in the interest of meeting qualifications. Not your specific qualifications but 'other' necessary qualifications I'm obliged to meet, according to the forum's rules and regulations.

If you are interested in hearing a further explanation on those rules, I will be available between the hours of 5 p.m and 8 a.m. PST. All requests for information will of necessity be in writing. Human requests will be given priority but all requests will be answered within the calendar year or within six months, whatever doesn't come first.
Further to that, it's respectfully requested of you to remain on the topic of 'open borders'! You are forcing me to reply off the topic and so I have to terminate any further such replies, in the best interests of the forum.
That’s the thing. Walls don’t protect shit. If you want to protect, then you use a moat full of flesh eating piranhas and dragons for air guard. Anything short of that and youre an open border libtard.
What's automatically the same thing as what?

You're back to arguing that walls don't work. I've already proven that isn't true 1000 times over.

If walls don't work, then what's this for?


You're a fucking moron.
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I didn’t say they don’t work, I said they are for pussies… like speed bumps
"it's for pussies" is a grade school response. We don't base government policy on what you believe is brave or admirable. We base it on what's good for the country. Uncontrolled immigration is not good for the country. You know that, of course. That's why you defend it.
"it's for pussies" is a grade school response. We don't base government policy on what you believe is brave or admirable. We base it on what's good for the country. Uncontrolled immigration is not good for the country. You know that, of course. That's why you defend it.
I need to keep my replies at grade school level if I stand a chance of getting through to you. Everything else just goes right over your head.

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