Democrats Who Call Benghazi Hearings "Political", Forgot Something


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Everyday we hear Democrats yammering about the Benghazi hearings being just a political charade. But they missed something. And that is that it could only be a POLITICAL thing, IF there is something to make it BE political. In other words, it is only when there has been some serious wrongdoing on the part of Democrats (the State Dept. the Obama administration), that Republicans could slam the Democrats.

Without the serious misdeeds, there is nothing for Republicans to carry on political attacks. So whether Republicans are doing pure political work with the Benghazi hearings, and just trying to obtain all the truth, OR going after Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party for political reasons, one thing is clear. That there WERE things done very wrong by Hillary and others in her group, and we all know what they were. Anyone who doesn't at this point, is equivalent to a lichen.
Benghazi started as a serious breach in protocol, where Mitt Romney criticized a sitting President while an attack was ongoing, and laying blame on that President during the Presidential campaign.

Even McCain, in one of his more lucid moments, condemned Mitt Romney for doing that.

Republicans, scampering to create a smoke screen around their candidate, rallied around the "Benghazi Scandal" mantra.

And never let it go.
"That there WERE things done very wrong by Hillary and others in her group, and we all know what they were."


We 'know' no such thing – what you and others on the right might 'think' or 'believe' is not objective, documented evidence.
Wow......that's some really deep thinking. You and Templar Kormac should start a think tank.
Pretend that the OP isn't correct, if that's what props you up. No law against it.
Everyday we hear Democrats yammering about the Benghazi hearings being just a political charade. But they missed something. And that is that it could only be a POLITICAL thing, IF there is something to make it BE political. In other words, it is only when there has been some serious wrongdoing on the part of Democrats (the State Dept. the Obama administration), that Republicans could slam the Democrats.

Without the serious misdeeds, there is nothing for Republicans to carry on political attacks. So whether Republicans are doing pure political work with the Benghazi hearings, and just trying to obtain all the truth, OR going after Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party for political reasons, one thing is clear. That there WERE things done very wrong by Hillary and others in her group, and we all know what they were. Anyone who doesn't at this point, is equivalent to a lichen.
You are wrong on this....

Don't use my taxes for these dog and pony shows, don't use citizens taxes for this, use your own RNC/gop campaign advertising funds.
"That there WERE things done very wrong by Hillary and others in her group, and we all know what they were."


We 'know' no such thing – what you and others on the right might 'think' or 'believe' is not objective, documented evidence.
"Documented evidence" is Hillary's communication to the Egyptian and Libyan leaders telling them the Benghazi incident was a terrorist ATTACK, not a spontaneous response to a video. More "documented evidence" was her communication to her daughter of the same thing. And more "documented evidence" was her claims (AKA LIES) to the American people (ex. speech at the arrival of the caskets from Libya) that it WAS NOT a terrorist ATTACK, but rather a spontaneous response to a video.

And more "documented evidence" was Susan Rice going on 5 TV news shows and repeating the same lie.

And more "documented evidence" was Obama repeating the same lie 2 weeks later in a speech at the UN.

Yet, with all this "documented evidence" hitting us all squarely in the face, liberal idiots still think they can get away with lying about all this, while making laughingstocks out of themselves.

Oh, and of course ther was the the 600 requests for additional security from Chris Stevens, which Hillary laughably pretends she never got (yet she got emails from Blumenthal). This charade doesn't even have the beginnings of a plausible ploy.
You are wrong on this....

Don't use my taxes for these dog and pony shows, don't use citizens taxes for this, use your own RNC/gop campaign advertising funds.
I'm not wrong and only an idiot would think it's wrong or call it a "dog and pony show", so I'll you the benefit of the doubt that just like all the other liberals on this, you also are lying (the new normal)

And it is Hillary and the Obama administration lying that is to blame for the money spent on the investigation. Should be interesting to see what the FBI is going to say. Will they do the right thing and lock her up, or will Barry save her deceitful ass ?
Everyday we hear Democrats yammering about the Benghazi hearings being just a political charade. But they missed something. And that is that it could only be a POLITICAL thing, IF there is something to make it BE political. In other words, it is only when there has been some serious wrongdoing on the part of Democrats (the State Dept. the Obama administration), that Republicans could slam the Democrats..

Or in reality- what happened and what is clear to most Americans is that Republicans, immediately after the Benghazi attacks- were determined to use the attacks to politically attack President Obama and Secretary Clinton.

8 Congressional hearings so many more times will Congress meet to try to blame Obama and Clinton again?

Compare with how Congress reacted after 200 Marines died in Lebanon- Congress didn't hold hearings to blame Reagan- Congress looked to see what went wrong and to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.
Nutbags wanted to find something dirty on Clinton that RESULTED in the Benghazi attack.

What they that in the hours and days AFTER the attack, there were conflicting reports about the details of the attack. As there always are.

It's a BOMBSHELL, folks.

The entire "investigation" is now worth it to these idiots because there is evidence that Clinton didn't have a crystal ball telling her who initiated the completely unforeseen and unannounced attack.

Or in reality- what happened and what is clear to most Americans is that Republicans, immediately after the Benghazi attacks- were determined to use the attacks to politically attack President Obama and Secretary Clinton.

8 Congressional hearings so many more times will Congress meet to try to blame Obama and Clinton again?

Compare with how Congress reacted after 200 Marines died in Lebanon- Congress didn't hold hearings to blame Reagan- Congress looked to see what went wrong and to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.
IN REALITY, we have the OP which refuted this very :lame2: post, even before it showed up to waste our time. Congress looking to see what went wrong, and to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, is exactly what the House committee is doing now. And they found out what was wrong, as Post # 13 clearly pointed out.
Nutbags wanted to find something dirty on Clinton that RESULTED in the Benghazi attack.

What they that in the hours and days AFTER the attack, there were conflicting reports about the details of the attack. As there always are It's a BOMBSHELL, folks.
The entire "investigation" is now worth it to these idiots because there is evidence that Clinton didn't have a crystal ball telling her who initiated the completely unforeseen and unannounced attack. Assholes.

The "assholes" are the liberals going around pretending that Hillary didn't deny security when it was requested, and needed. And denying that she isn't lying about the whole thing (the video, the emails, etc), when it has all been proven crystal clear.

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