Democrats Who Call Benghazi Hearings "Political", Forgot Something

I spelled it out in Post # 13. They just continue to distort the facts, and LIE about the whole thing. These lefty loonies are a disgrace to America.

These Leftists have no kinship with America. Most, if not each and every one, are Mouthy British Socialists posing as US Citizens
Of course he did. The US had suffered the consequences of Political Correctness (Left-think)... allowing sub-human Islamists (Pardon the Redundancy) to attack the US, murdering 3000 innocent people and stripping a trillion dollars from US GDP in 2 hours. Bush did not start to lose support, until the politically correct (the Ideological Left) began to overtly promote the interests of those who attacked the US. And this despite the US Finding hundreds of tons of Chemical/Biological Weapon stockpiles and active CBW programs throughout Iraq... .

I said on 9/11/01, that it would only be a matter of time before the Left was found openly supporting those who attacked us that day... and I said so because: Such is quite simply, the nature of Evil.
They are as much enemies of the American people, as any Islamist nutjob, or country carrying on an imperialist war against the United States using cheap labor "troops'" remittances$$$$$and welfare robbery, via the anchor baby racket. (ex. Mexico)
How does this stuff get into your head? What do you listen to or read to make you believe these things?
I would be particularly interested in where these claims of finding hundreds of tons of chemical/Biological Weapon stockpiles come from and the claim of CBW programs throughout Iraq. I suspect you are using the old buried artillery shells and common ingredients already found and listed by UN inspectors. Some of those ingredients can be found in your local markets due to their dual purpose Your CBW programs will be units or training activities used by armies all over the world as training and preparedness programs. But if you have something other than those kinds of things may you could post a link to explain your claims.
The WMDs debate is a rather irrelevant one. The vacuum left by Obama's withdrawl of troops in 2011, and the filling of that void by ISIS, clearly shows beyond any shadow of a doubt, the need for US troops to have been in Iraq for the whole decade and now as well.

Hasn't THAT gotten into YOUR head ?
The committee chairman admitted that nothing new was learned. Everything being discussed during and by this particular committee has been covered ad nauseam by previous committees and the original Benghazi commission. You are kind of missing the point of the latest criticism and news about this latest committee. It has proven to be a waste that has revealed nothing new of any substance. The criticism has been compounded by the fact that Republicans and even a staff member have confirmed that the committee was all about politics and getting bad PR pointed at Clinton, which it failed miserably to do.
You're LYING. You know damn well this committee did indeed find new (and very relevant information). And it's all contained in my Post # 13. Try reading the thread before you shoot your big mouth off.
Just because others are able to interpret statements without distortions and spins the way you do doesn't make them a liar. It is just as likely that the willingness to spin and distort makes you the liar.
How does this stuff get into your head? What do you listen to or read to make you believe these things?
I would be particularly interested in where these claims of finding hundreds of tons of chemical/Biological Weapon stockpiles come from and the claim of CBW programs throughout Iraq. I suspect you are using the old buried artillery shells and common ingredients already found and listed by UN inspectors. Some of those ingredients can be found in your local markets due to their dual purpose Your CBW programs will be units or training activities used by armies all over the world as training and preparedness programs. But if you have something other than those kinds of things may you could post a link to explain your claims.
The WMDs debate is a rather irrelevant one. The vacuum left by Obama's withdrawl of troops in 2011, and the filling of that void by ISIS, clearly shows beyond any shadow of a doubt, the need for US troops to have been in Iraq for the whole decade and now as well.

Hasn't THAT gotten into YOUR head ?
Look how delusional you are. Your claim now that the so called WMD debate is irrelevant. How convenient. The major cause for the war as stated by Bush, WMD's, is no longer relevant. And thank God we didn't leave the troops behind to fall into the ISIS trap. We would have been watching American troops being beheaded along with all the others.
Just because others are able to interpret statements without distortions and spins the way you do doesn't make them a liar. It is just as likely that the willingness to spin and distort makes you the liar.
YOU KNOW whose lying, and you're not kidding anybody. Your little pretenses aren't flying.

Poll: Voters Say Hillary Is A Dishonest Liar

PS - half of the poll in the link was taken before the House hearing where the contradictions were clearly displayed. The liar numbers are even higher know.
Just because others are able to interpret statements without distortions and spins the way you do doesn't make them a liar. It is just as likely that the willingness to spin and distort makes you the liar.
YOU KNOW whose lying, and you're not kidding anybody. Your little pretenses aren't flying.

Poll: Voters Say Hillary Is A Dishonest Liar

PS - half of the poll in the link was taken before the House hearing where the contradictions were clearly displayed. The liar numbers are even higher know.

a hack piece in "the federalist" rightwing rag based on alleged poll numbers from august?

How does this stuff get into your head? What do you listen to or read to make you believe these things?
I would be particularly interested in where these claims of finding hundreds of tons of chemical/Biological Weapon stockpiles come from and the claim of CBW programs throughout Iraq. I suspect you are using the old buried artillery shells and common ingredients already found and listed by UN inspectors. Some of those ingredients can be found in your local markets due to their dual purpose Your CBW programs will be units or training activities used by armies all over the world as training and preparedness programs. But if you have something other than those kinds of things may you could post a link to explain your claims.
The WMDs debate is a rather irrelevant one. The vacuum left by Obama's withdrawl of troops in 2011, and the filling of that void by ISIS, clearly shows beyond any shadow of a doubt, the need for US troops to have been in Iraq for the whole decade and now as well.

Hasn't THAT gotten into YOUR head ?
Look how delusional you are. Your claim now that the so called WMD debate is irrelevant. How convenient. The major cause for the war as stated by Bush, WMD's, is no longer relevant. And thank God we didn't leave the troops behind to fall into the ISIS trap. We would have been watching American troops being beheaded along with all the others.
Are you nuts ? ISIS is mincemeat for the US Army & Marines. Give me 3 Marine brigades in Iraq and Syria and ISIS is exterminated by Thanksgiving. You know nothing about the military.
How does this stuff get into your head? What do you listen to or read to make you believe these things?
I would be particularly interested in where these claims of finding hundreds of tons of chemical/Biological Weapon stockpiles come from and the claim of CBW programs throughout Iraq. I suspect you are using the old buried artillery shells and common ingredients already found and listed by UN inspectors. Some of those ingredients can be found in your local markets due to their dual purpose Your CBW programs will be units or training activities used by armies all over the world as training and preparedness programs. But if you have something other than those kinds of things may you could post a link to explain your claims.
The WMDs debate is a rather irrelevant one. The vacuum left by Obama's withdrawl of troops in 2011, and the filling of that void by ISIS, clearly shows beyond any shadow of a doubt, the need for US troops to have been in Iraq for the whole decade and now as well.

Hasn't THAT gotten into YOUR head ?
Look how delusional you are. Your claim now that the so called WMD debate is irrelevant. How convenient. The major cause for the war as stated by Bush, WMD's, is no longer relevant. And thank God we didn't leave the troops behind to fall into the ISIS trap. We would have been watching American troops being beheaded along with all the others.
Are you nuts ? ISIS is mincemeat for the US Army & Marines. Give me 3 Marine brigades in Iraq and Syria and ISIS is exterminated by Thanksgiving. You know nothing about the military.


A company typically has 100 to 200 soldiers, and a battalion is a combat unit of 500 to 800 soldiers. Three to five battalions, approximately 1,500 to 4,000 soldiers, comprise a brigade.

How Many Troops Make Up A Brigade, Battalion, Company, Etc.?'re telling us that you could lead a group of 4,500 to 12,000 Marines and have ISIL out of commission in the next 2 months? (Actually, a month and a half).

Sounds like what Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED said when they told America that the Iraq war wouldn't last over a year, we'd be greeted as liberators, and we'd be able to pay for the whole thing in the savings we'd get from the oil.

How'd that work out again?
Th democrats refusal to effectively participate in the investigation is the only partisanship in this issue. They stay out of it and through process of elimination accuse the repubs of being partisan. Hypocrites deluxe.
It's like the KKK calling blacks racist.

Believe it or not, August 27 is the latest poll I could find when Googling it. But so what ? It's less than 2 months, and only thing changed is all the damning evidence (see Post # 13) that;'s just come out, which can only make her descent go even faster. She's toast.

So who's left ? Maybe the Democrats can run the star of the new LIAR movie (called "Truth"), Robert Redford, against Bernie Sanders, and change their name to the Antique Party. :laugh:
Th democrats refusal to effectively participate in the investigation is the only partisanship in this issue. They stay out of it and through process of elimination accuse the repubs of being partisan. Hypocrites deluxe.
It's like the KKK calling blacks racist.
The Democrats are to blame for not joining in with the Republicans in exposing Hillary for the LIAR that she is. They demean themselves.

A company typically has 100 to 200 soldiers, and a battalion is a combat unit of 500 to 800 soldiers. Three to five battalions, approximately 1,500 to 4,000 soldiers, comprise a brigade.

How Many Troops Make Up A Brigade, Battalion, Company, Etc.?'re telling us that you could lead a group of 4,500 to 12,000 Marines and have ISIL out of commission in the next 2 months? (Actually, a month and a half).

Sounds like what Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED said when they told America that the Iraq war wouldn't last over a year, we'd be greeted as liberators, and we'd be able to pay for the whole thing in the savings we'd get from the oil.

How'd that work out again?

Yeah! Riiiiiiiiiight.....................That's what I'm telling you. Sounds like you don't know much about the match-up. Hint: ISIS doesn't have a airforce. We do.
I did NOT fail. I made the case.
You've finally succeeded in being funny
Pretty shabby when you have to rest your politics on LIES. Must be uncomfortable.

A company typically has 100 to 200 soldiers, and a battalion is a combat unit of 500 to 800 soldiers. Three to five battalions, approximately 1,500 to 4,000 soldiers, comprise a brigade.

How Many Troops Make Up A Brigade, Battalion, Company, Etc.?'re telling us that you could lead a group of 4,500 to 12,000 Marines and have ISIL out of commission in the next 2 months? (Actually, a month and a half).

Sounds like what Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED said when they told America that the Iraq war wouldn't last over a year, we'd be greeted as liberators, and we'd be able to pay for the whole thing in the savings we'd get from the oil.

How'd that work out again?

Yeah! Riiiiiiiiiight.....................That's what I'm telling you. Sounds like you don't know much about the match-up. Hint: ISIS doesn't have a airforce. We do.

Considering the area they would have to cover, it would take a lot more than 4,500 to 12,000 troops to be effective.

Not very well versed in tactics and strategy, are you? All you got is your armchair Rambo rants.
Th democrats refusal to effectively participate in the investigation is the only partisanship in this issue. They stay out of it and through process of elimination accuse the repubs of being partisan. Hypocrites deluxe.
It's like the KKK calling blacks racist.
The Democrats are to blame for not joining in with the Republicans in exposing Hillary for the LIAR that she is. They demean themselves.

that is a joke. democrats have always engaged in bi-partisan efforts. you had seven bites at this particular apple and failed.

and no, dems aren't going to participate in your witch hunt. you're lucky they showed up at all.

and, for the record, if the wingers were interested in democratic "participation" they wouldn't have interviewed people and not allowed the dems in the room or even notified them in many instances.

would you like some cheese with that whine?
Th democrats refusal to effectively participate in the investigation is the only partisanship in this issue. They stay out of it and through process of elimination accuse the repubs of being partisan. Hypocrites deluxe.
It's like the KKK calling blacks racist.
The Democrats are to blame for not joining in with the Republicans in exposing Hillary for the LIAR that she is. They demean themselves.

that is a joke. democrats have always engaged in bi-partisan efforts. you had seven bites at this particular apple and failed.

and no, dems aren't going to participate in your witch hunt. you're lucky they showed up at all.

and, for the record, if the wingers were interested in democratic "participation" they wouldn't have interviewed people and not allowed the dems in the room or even notified them in many instances.

would you like some cheese with that whine?
Bullshit. Democrats, with the aid of media, have labeled this investigation as a partisan repub event.
Dishonest and blatantly hypocritical.
Hey, it was 2 Republican politicians who admitted that the Benghazi hearings were a political shot at Hillary to bring her poll numbers down.
Th democrats refusal to effectively participate in the investigation is the only partisanship in this issue. They stay out of it and through process of elimination accuse the repubs of being partisan. Hypocrites deluxe.
It's like the KKK calling blacks racist.
The Democrats are to blame for not joining in with the Republicans in exposing Hillary for the LIAR that she is. They demean themselves.

that is a joke. democrats have always engaged in bi-partisan efforts. you had seven bites at this particular apple and failed.

and no, dems aren't going to participate in your witch hunt. you're lucky they showed up at all.

and, for the record, if the wingers were interested in democratic "participation" they wouldn't have interviewed people and not allowed the dems in the room or even notified them in many instances.

would you like some cheese with that whine?
Bullshit. Democrats, with the aid of media, have labeled this investigation as a partisan repub event.
Dishonest and blatantly hypocritical.
Did you miss the news when Republicans came out and made the claims about the committee being a partisan committee intent and focused on Clinton rather than Benghazi? It was in all the papers.

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