Democrats Who Call Benghazi Hearings "Political", Forgot Something

Hey, it was 2 Republican politicians who admitted that the Benghazi hearings were a political shot at Hillary to bring her poll numbers down.
Wrong. It was a dishonest media's out-of-context portrayal of those words that led low-info democrats to believe it was intended to bring down Hillary's poll numbers.
What was truly said was that Hillary's numbers dropping was a result, not an intent.
You need to vet your sources.
Th democrats refusal to effectively participate in the investigation is the only partisanship in this issue. They stay out of it and through process of elimination accuse the repubs of being partisan. Hypocrites deluxe.
It's like the KKK calling blacks racist.
The Democrats are to blame for not joining in with the Republicans in exposing Hillary for the LIAR that she is. They demean themselves.

that is a joke. democrats have always engaged in bi-partisan efforts. you had seven bites at this particular apple and failed.

and no, dems aren't going to participate in your witch hunt. you're lucky they showed up at all.

and, for the record, if the wingers were interested in democratic "participation" they wouldn't have interviewed people and not allowed the dems in the room or even notified them in many instances.

would you like some cheese with that whine?
Bullshit. Democrats, with the aid of media, have labeled this investigation as a partisan repub event.
Dishonest and blatantly hypocritical.
Did you miss the news when Republicans came out and made the claims about the committee being a partisan committee intent and focused on Clinton rather than Benghazi? It was in all the papers.
You need to vet your sources, too. You just exposed yourself as subject to democrat media propaganda.
Th democrats refusal to effectively participate in the investigation is the only partisanship in this issue. They stay out of it and through process of elimination accuse the repubs of being partisan. Hypocrites deluxe.
It's like the KKK calling blacks racist.
The Democrats are to blame for not joining in with the Republicans in exposing Hillary for the LIAR that she is. They demean themselves.

that is a joke. democrats have always engaged in bi-partisan efforts. you had seven bites at this particular apple and failed.

and no, dems aren't going to participate in your witch hunt. you're lucky they showed up at all.

and, for the record, if the wingers were interested in democratic "participation" they wouldn't have interviewed people and not allowed the dems in the room or even notified them in many instances.

would you like some cheese with that whine?
Bullshit. Democrats, with the aid of media, have labeled this investigation as a partisan repub event.
Dishonest and blatantly hypocritical.
Did you miss the news when Republicans came out and made the claims about the committee being a partisan committee intent and focused on Clinton rather than Benghazi? It was in all the papers.
You need to vet your sources, too. You just exposed yourself as subject to democrat media propaganda.
Seriously, you are unaware of the statements made by Republican representatives McCarthy and Hanna or the statements made by committee investigator Maj. Bradley Podiska? Google any of their names and you will get endless stories about them exposing the committee for it's purpose.
Th democrats refusal to effectively participate in the investigation is the only partisanship in this issue. They stay out of it and through process of elimination accuse the repubs of being partisan. Hypocrites deluxe.
It's like the KKK calling blacks racist.
The Democrats are to blame for not joining in with the Republicans in exposing Hillary for the LIAR that she is. They demean themselves.

that is a joke. democrats have always engaged in bi-partisan efforts. you had seven bites at this particular apple and failed.

and no, dems aren't going to participate in your witch hunt. you're lucky they showed up at all.

and, for the record, if the wingers were interested in democratic "participation" they wouldn't have interviewed people and not allowed the dems in the room or even notified them in many instances.

would you like some cheese with that whine?
Bullshit. Democrats, with the aid of media, have labeled this investigation as a partisan repub event.
Dishonest and blatantly hypocritical.
Did you miss the news when Republicans came out and made the claims about the committee being a partisan committee intent and focused on Clinton rather than Benghazi? It was in all the papers.
I watched the interview you allude to. You failed to vet your second-hand source and you demonstrate your subjugation to left wing propaganda.
I did NOT fail. I made the case.
You've finally succeeded in being funny
Pretty shabby when you have to rest your politics on LIES. Must be uncomfortable.

Still pretty insecure it seems. Have you read your 25th book yet? Coming up on the end of year 15; wouldn't want to break your streak.
Prediction: FBI quietly closes investigations. Right wing groups file requests with the activist courts. Findings get partially published suggesting wrong doing. Media investigates and later finds nothing there.


the debate rages even years after both of the Clintons pass away

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