Democrats with offshore bank accounts!!!

Using off shore accounts is not 'hiding' money, you twit. I declare every account, and every penny in those accounts. It is not illegal or immoral. I will pay taxes on that money, as soon as I bring it into the country. This mindless hysteria over off shore accounts is fucking laughable. I didn't know there were quite so many ignorant twits in the country.

riiiight...and you will conveniently simply not bring it back into the country...either by letting it sit or invest outside the country.

Let's stop talking about legality for a moment and talk about ethics. This country gave you the opportunity to thrive and be successful(if you are actually telling the truth). You and your buddies choose to let the country rot and invest in a Communist country like China. While these actions may be legal, in my opinion you are a fucking traitor who should be put in front of a firing squad the very next time you call yourself a "patriot".

the number of ASSumptions in that post is staggering.

So you can't explain, Ass Suck, why Romney has off-shore accounts in tax havens?
riiiight...and you will conveniently simply not bring it back into the country...either by letting it sit or invest outside the country.

Let's stop talking about legality for a moment and talk about ethics. This country gave you the opportunity to thrive and be successful(if you are actually telling the truth). You and your buddies choose to let the country rot and invest in a communist country like china. While these actions may be legal, in my opinion you are a fucking traitor who should be put in front of a firing squad the very next time you call yourself a "patriot".

the number of assumptions in that post is staggering.

so you can't explain, ass suck, why romney has off-shore accounts in tax havens?

because he is legally allowed to... Same reason the democrats have them, asslick.
Romney is counting on all that. He knows his tax returns can't be released without his permission and there is no way he wants us to know what is in them.

none of our fucking business. I have as much right to your tax returns as you have to his.

So if people want to ask Romney why he has off-shore accounts, in countries which have banking secrecy laws, he should say "non of our fucking business?"
Romney is counting on all that. He knows his tax returns can't be released without his permission and there is no way he wants us to know what is in them.

none of our fucking business. I have as much right to your tax returns as you have to his.

So if people want to ask Romney why he has off-shore accounts, in countries which have banking secrecy laws, he should say "non of our fucking business?"

He should say whatever he wants to say. It IS none of our business, and if he wants to say that, fine by me. If he want to ignore the question and concentrate on things like the economy, jobs, deficits, Medicare, healthcare, etc., then I'm fine with that too.
That seems to be the libtard talking point. If you're not running for President, you can have offshore accounts and that's peachy-keen wonderful. But if you're running for President, it's suddenly the most vile contemptible and evil thing a person can do.

Hypocritical piss-ant.

Still missing the point, I see. The voters can ask their candidates to be transparent on their tax returns. Mitten is the only one on your list running for a national office, therefore his potential voters are asking him. But we don't have a say in the more local elections, only the locals do.

You're obviously too stupid or too partisan to comprehend.

They are local representatives that have national repercussions to their actions. Since what they do affects the whole country, not just their home state, they should face the same scrutiny and have the same standards of conduct as the person running for President.

So, whining like little bitches about Romney having offshore accounts being bad, but congressmen and senators having offshore accounts is okay, is hypocritical.

Own it.
If that's what you really believe then you should be pushing to elect senators and representatives nationally. Otherwise, your point is idiotic.
There's no shortage of outrage about ANYBODY who is avoiding paying taxes by hiding their money in offshore accounts.

The fact that somebody running for office is clearly one of those is simply even more outrageous.
Still missing the point, I see. The voters can ask their candidates to be transparent on their tax returns. Mitten is the only one on your list running for a national office, therefore his potential voters are asking him. But we don't have a say in the more local elections, only the locals do.

You're obviously too stupid or too partisan to comprehend.

They are local representatives that have national repercussions to their actions. Since what they do affects the whole country, not just their home state, they should face the same scrutiny and have the same standards of conduct as the person running for President.

So, whining like little bitches about Romney having offshore accounts being bad, but congressmen and senators having offshore accounts is okay, is hypocritical.

Own it.
If that's what you really believe then you should be pushing to elect senators and representatives nationally. Otherwise, your point is idiotic.

so, you are saying the actions of the senate and house do not affect anyone but their own individual states?
That would make you the idiot.
Ok then...just pretend i'm a Democrat Senator. I have several off-shore accounts, and i decide i want to run for President.

Should i be forced to close those accounts before running? They're legal, i've had them for years and there's no reason i should have to close there?

Once you see that i HAD off-shore account until now, would you decide not to vote for me because of it? It's the same thing with Romney....he has them, just like other Governors, Congressmen & Senators on BOTH sides. Just because he's running for President now he should have to close them? Would you make me, as a Democrat Senator, close mine before running?
So, offshoe bank accounts are only BAD, if you're running for President. If you're just a congressman or senator, no worries... right? :rolleyes:

You simpleton. The question isn't whether it's bad. The question is why Romney chose to have off-shore accounts in tax havens. Why do you think he did?

No, the question in this thread is about Democrats with offshore accounts, and why libtards Dickless fuckups like you don't hold them to the same standards you hold Romney to, Dickless. I know it's difficult, but do try to keep up on which thread you're polluting.

Wow. You seem mad.

I'm a Kerry constituent and I have never voted for him in any election. I think he's an insufferable douche and it doesn't shock me in the least that he tucks his money away offshore. At this point it's just another reason not to like him.

As much as you don't want to hear it the reason why there is no "outrage" over your list or why nobody is talking about them is because nobody on the list is on the ballot for President. People don't care about some random Senator Bumblefuck from Washington.
You simpleton. The question isn't whether it's bad. The question is why Romney chose to have off-shore accounts in tax havens. Why do you think he did?

No, the question in this thread is about Democrats with offshore accounts, and why libtards Dickless fuckups like you don't hold them to the same standards you hold Romney to, Dickless. I know it's difficult, but do try to keep up on which thread you're polluting.

Wow. You seem mad.

I'm a Kerry constituent and I have never voted for him in any election. I think he's an insufferable douche and it doesn't shock me in the least that he tucks his money away offshore. At this point it's just another reason not to like him.

As much as you don't want to hear it the reason why there is no "outrage" over your list or why nobody is talking about them is because nobody on the list is on the ballot for President. People don't care about some random Senator Bumblefuck from Washington.

further reinforcing my point. Libtards are being hypocritical on this. being a senator or congressman entails actions that affect the nation as a whole, just like being President does. Holding one set of offices to a lower standard than another is hypocritical.

I have little doubt that if Obama were found to have offshore accounts, it would suddenly not be a problem for the libtards.
There's no shortage of outrage about ANYBODY who is avoiding paying taxes by hiding their money in offshore accounts.

The fact that somebody running for office is clearly one of those is simply even more outrageous.

How many big money Democratic Senators with offshore accounts are you outraged with? Were you outraged with Kerry?
No, the question in this thread is about Democrats with offshore accounts, and why libtards Dickless fuckups like you don't hold them to the same standards you hold Romney to, Dickless. I know it's difficult, but do try to keep up on which thread you're polluting.

Wow. You seem mad.

I'm a Kerry constituent and I have never voted for him in any election. I think he's an insufferable douche and it doesn't shock me in the least that he tucks his money away offshore. At this point it's just another reason not to like him.

As much as you don't want to hear it the reason why there is no "outrage" over your list or why nobody is talking about them is because nobody on the list is on the ballot for President. People don't care about some random Senator Bumblefuck from Washington.

further reinforcing my point. Libtards are being hypocritical on this. being a senator or congressman entails actions that affect the nation as a whole, just like being President does. Holding one set of offices to a lower standard than another is hypocritical.

I have little doubt that if Obama were found to have offshore accounts, it would suddenly not be a problem for the libtards.

Believe that if it makes you feel better but it's because this is a Presidential race. Your real problem is that the Obama campaign's attacks on Romney's tax issues are effective and you are desperate for a way to discredit them. Unfortunately for you, Mitt Romney, an alleged wealthy job creator, is running on a platform that the wealthy and job creators are overtaxed but he refuses to disclose his tax records....Something that just so happens to be a tradition started by his own father decades ago. Romney's taxes and finances are an issue that isn't going away. Do try to deal with it a little better.
No, the question in this thread is about Democrats with offshore accounts, and why libtards Dickless fuckups like you don't hold them to the same standards you hold Romney to, Dickless. I know it's difficult, but do try to keep up on which thread you're polluting.

Wow. You seem mad.

I'm a Kerry constituent and I have never voted for him in any election. I think he's an insufferable douche and it doesn't shock me in the least that he tucks his money away offshore. At this point it's just another reason not to like him.

As much as you don't want to hear it the reason why there is no "outrage" over your list or why nobody is talking about them is because nobody on the list is on the ballot for President. People don't care about some random Senator Bumblefuck from Washington.

further reinforcing my point. Libtards are being hypocritical on this. being a senator or congressman entails actions that affect the nation as a whole, just like being President does. Holding one set of offices to a lower standard than another is hypocritical.

I have little doubt that if Obama were found to have offshore accounts, it would suddenly not be a problem for the libtards.

Since there's no account of Obama having off-shore accounts in countries that have bank secrecy, and are used by organized crime to hide money, you can speculate all you want, sissy boy. Not one of you knuckle draggers have been able to present a single cohesive argument, that justifies why Romney wants to hide his money.
There's no shortage of outrage about ANYBODY who is avoiding paying taxes by hiding their money in offshore accounts.

The fact that somebody running for office is clearly one of those is simply even more outrageous.

How many big money Democratic Senators with offshore accounts are you outraged with? Were you outraged with Kerry?

The issue is why Romney uses off shore accounts, in countries with heavy duty bank secrecy laws.
There's no shortage of outrage about ANYBODY who is avoiding paying taxes by hiding their money in offshore accounts.

The fact that somebody running for office is clearly one of those is simply even more outrageous.

How many big money Democratic Senators with offshore accounts are you outraged with? Were you outraged with Kerry?

The issue is why Romney uses off shore accounts, in countries with heavy duty bank secrecy laws.
Actually, the issue is many Democrats use offshore accounts.
Ok then...just pretend i'm a Democrat Senator. I have several off-shore accounts, and i decide i want to run for President.

Should i be forced to close those accounts before running? They're legal, i've had them for years and there's no reason i should have to close there?

Once you see that i HAD off-shore account until now, would you decide not to vote for me because of it? It's the same thing with Romney....he has them, just like other Governors, Congressmen & Senators on BOTH sides. Just because he's running for President now he should have to close them? Would you make me, as a Democrat Senator, close mine before running?

So I'd expect the straw man Senator to explain why. Why is Romney such a little punk?
How many big money Democratic Senators with offshore accounts are you outraged with? Were you outraged with Kerry?

The issue is why Romney uses off shore accounts, in countries with heavy duty bank secrecy laws.
Actually, the issue is many Democrats use offshore accounts.

So Romney doesn't need to explain why he has money hidden in off-shore tax havens, because some Democrats have those types of accounts? Your logic sucks.
Why is it always a deflection if the one of those in the discussion is running for Presdient? If your intention is to hold a candidate to a particular standard, should you not also hold members of your own party to the same standard?

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...

The reason that is so 100% true is the equality clause in all matters of being an American.

I was taught at my grandmother's knee what equality means. It means that the poorest citizens who earn a living as well as wealthy individuals as well as politicians get one and only one vote; that everyone is equal under the law. She also believed that those who are given much, much is expected. And of course, the "Whatever you do, do as much good as you can every way you can to all you can as long as you can..."

Is investing in another country illegal? If it is, why are we sending tax dollars to other countries? So only big shots can be givers and takers? That doesn't sound very American to me. Seems all should follow that allowance if they freely so choose to do so. I believe such is called "the pursuit of happiness." I was involved in a womens' church circle that was supporting a womens' sewing factory in India, when money was hard to come by in that country. We sent money, sewing machines, thread, anything we could, to ensure they would have the necessary startup materials to manufacture goods for sale so they could buy food for their starving families. I'm not sorry I supported that. It helped people who had no other way of earning money for digging a community water well, a food ration, school necessities, books for their school library, etc. (before the age of computers). Without some foreign investments made by Americans, even today, entire map sections would have people starving there if it weren't for some conscientious American putting his or her money in a group of people as willing to fight for their very survival as those seamstresses we helped were. We did likewise for a Hmong womens group, and bought some of their goods. For what I'll ever use the items, I'll never know, but hopefully it put a few bowls of rice on the table and a chicken to boot. Buying the items gave them a little plum, and a lot of us did so. Are we gonna wipe out all investments in areas where starvation may be rampant tomorrow? God forbid!

Let the trade world remain free. Those who invest overseas are often already hiring their fair share of people over here, into the tens of thousands of American jobs. Without some good will from other countries, we wouldn't be a very great country as we are now. We'd be pretty outside the loop. That's just not my definition of what America is to its brother and sisters overseas.

To each, according to his gifts!

I'm just saying, this should not be on the table in politics. It's a spiritual issue and an issue of the heart, not of the state, unless it is at war with the country.
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Wow. You seem mad.

I'm a Kerry constituent and I have never voted for him in any election. I think he's an insufferable douche and it doesn't shock me in the least that he tucks his money away offshore. At this point it's just another reason not to like him.

As much as you don't want to hear it the reason why there is no "outrage" over your list or why nobody is talking about them is because nobody on the list is on the ballot for President. People don't care about some random Senator Bumblefuck from Washington.

further reinforcing my point. Libtards are being hypocritical on this. being a senator or congressman entails actions that affect the nation as a whole, just like being President does. Holding one set of offices to a lower standard than another is hypocritical.

I have little doubt that if Obama were found to have offshore accounts, it would suddenly not be a problem for the libtards.

Believe that if it makes you feel better but it's because this is a Presidential race. Your real problem is that the Obama campaign's attacks on Romney's tax issues are effective and you are desperate for a way to discredit them. Unfortunately for you, Mitt Romney, an alleged wealthy job creator, is running on a platform that the wealthy and job creators are overtaxed but he refuses to disclose his tax records....Something that just so happens to be a tradition started by his own father decades ago. Romney's taxes and finances are an issue that isn't going away. Do try to deal with it a little better.
Way to slay the OP's strawman. :clap2:

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