Democrats Wonder if Identity Politics Cost Them 2016 Election


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

roflmao, there is no bigger DUH! one can imagine. Some 70% of the electorate is still Anglo White, that is 14 Anglos for every two Hispanics and two blacks, one Asian and one very confused person who just doesnt know.

Dems wonder if 'identity politics' did them in

Some Democrats are beginning to openly wonder if identity politics did them in on election day, and left them watching Donald Trump and congressional Republicans win the White House and keep control of Congress.

The soul-searching seems likely to continue for months, possibly right up until the next election. But less than two weeks after their unexpected election day results, some are saying Democrats might be focusing too much on urban minorities and the targeting of various blocs, while ignoring the economic plight of working class votes in rural areas that the GOP overwhelmingly carried to victory....

Places like Trumbull County, Ohio, which Ryan represents, are front and center in the discussion. A far cry from Pelosi's district, which encompasses much of San Francisco, Trumbull County supported President Obama by 7 points, but saw a 30-point swing on Nov. 8, and ended up going for Trump by 23 points.

"Those people in that county, the average median household income is $57,000 a year, which means a husband and wife with a couple of kids each make less than $30,000 a year, and they think that Democrats don't care about them, and they went in droves to Donald Trump," Ryan told CNN Monday. "We need to speak to their economic interests, that we get it, that we understand, that we talk about those things and we try to fight hard for those things."

"We need to talk to working class people. We don't talk to everybody anymore. We slice and dice and we talk to subgroups and interest groups," Ryan lamented. "We don't have a unifying message that we can talk about in every room."...

Pretty good, but then the counter-point shallow end of the gene pool.....

"Democrats are trying to say that we spend too much time talking to Hispanics and African-Americans than we do white working class voters. That isn't true," said Lis Smith, a former top aide to former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley's presidential campaign and rapid response director for Obama in 2012.

"A lot of Democrats are taking the wrong lessons from this election," Smith said. "Democrats have shown for years that they can walk and chew gum at the same time, and we do not face an either/or change between speaking to the diverse nature of our party and to the white working class."

Well, sorry Ms. Smith, but apparently you dont have the ability to play the race card with everyone, which is about all the Democrats have any more.
Holy crap, this is great to see.

The Democrats have been dividing people by "identity" for generations now, and all we have is a more divided country. Gee, what a shock. That must have been the plan all along.

Run on the issues, Democrats, stop pandering to little "groups". People are starting to not buy that bullshit any more.
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Does not matter, economic problems are coming to a head.
Massive unemployment and state bankruptcies will near certainly end the ability of government entitlement spending. Millions will see pension cuts as the funds are very much underfunded. Benefits to unemployed will run dry. Foreclosures and homelessness will soar and the government will be unable to respond because we are passing $20 trillion in debt. We will have rioting and major upheaval. But when the rioters go to red areas the civil war begins.

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Holy crap, this is great to see.

The Democrats have been dividing people by "identity" for generations now, and all we have is a more divided country. Gee, what a shock. That must have been the plan all along.

Run on the issues, Democrats, stop pandering to little "groups". People are starting to not buy that bullshit any more.
The democrats have even more problems with their identity politics. Blacks don't appreciate illegal aliens taking their job, gays don't like the Muslims who want them exterminated. Straight blue collar union workers aren't excited to let chicks with dicks in restrooms their wives use.

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