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Democrats Working Hard to Get Trump Elected

Trump thanks you for getting him elected and working so hard for his upcoming landslide.

Trump is going to lose in a landslide.

The kind of nut who needs an AR-15 to compensate for a tiny dick was never going to vote Democrat to start with and they just aren't that much of the electorate.

Gun owners only make up 21% of the population. And most of them actually want better gun laws than we have now. They don't want Nick Cruz or Adam Lanza showing up at their kid's school with an AR-15 for some reason.
Let’s have Republicans run on protecting access to AR 15s with 50 round magazines
---------------------------50 round magazines are silly as they are too long and heavy . Sure they probably exist but they are impractical .
Good to hear

No problem banning them then
...You might start by reading this. The Assault Weapon Myth ...
Not interested. Only interested in tightly regulating or banning battlefield -caliber assault weapons, e.g. AR-15s, AK-47s, etc.

...Then if you manage to get through that you might begin by understanding that NO weapon that is sold to the usual citizen is not military type weaponry...
Not interested in such fine distinctions. AR-15s, AK-47s and the like need to be tightly regulated or banned.

...It only looks like one, it is still one trigger pull one shot. Military weapons have a selector switch one position fires a three round burst, the other position is fully automatic. Fully automatic means it fires as long as it has bullets and the trigger is held...
I was pulling the trigger on M-14s and M-16s decades ago; probably before you were born.

...A civillian may poses a military grade weapon IF they go through an extensive background check and pay thousands of dollars...
Time to make folks jump through similar hoops for AR-15s and AK-47s.

...The next thing you might want to realize is that 30% of all Americans currently own a gun of somekind. Another 36% say they would be interested in owning one. 46% of all households have at least one gun and gun owner...
Doesn't matter. Nobody's talking about banning them. Merely AR-15s, AK-47s and the like; banning, or tightly controlling them.

...The next thing you might realize is that there is a thing called the second amendment in the Bill of Rights that allows for people owning guns. It says nothing about guns that look scary.This was upheld by the Supreme Court in Heller...
We will use the same law (or type of law) that tightly controls military-grade weapons, to control AR-15s and AK-47s and their kindred. Within a Constitutional framework.

...One Mass shooting took place in 1966 at the University of Texas it used an ordinary hunting rifle. 14 were killed 31 wounded, one died later from complications. I could continue to show all kinds of mass shootings that used nothing that looked like a scary military weapon. But as I said most people only can have something that looks scary to you.
That was then.

This is now.

AR-15s and AK-47s and the like are now in the cross-hairs.
we'll see what happens but I llke your already divulged schedule of a Decade or 2 to get your evil and unamerican work of disarming the American people of effective and efficient Firearms done Kondor .
I love it I give you a piece by a respected college and you come back with two opinion pieces. Shows the thinking. I guess in your mind opinion wins out over facts.

Yes they were expensive. No not everyone had a gun. But they were the only protection since there was no sheriff. They were used for hunting because people actually ate meat and not everyone could afford to buy meat. Indians were a part of the landscape and they were not extremly happy about sharing their land and hunting grounds. If you had animals or were out hunting you needed to defend against prediators.

Okay, so here's the point.

We have police now.
We don't need to hunt our food.
And we are pretty much done committing genocide against the Native Americans.

We can get rid of the guns now.

No, few people had guns... and they certainly didn't have military grade guns, that was the point.
Among the wealthiest 10% of estates, only 4%had sharp knives, but 74% had guns. None of the six items she counted were as common as guns.

That was the point WEALTHY People owned guns. Poor people, not so much. They couldn't afford them.
63%-69% of ALL Americans owned guns in early America, Dufus. 75% of wealthy.
...You might start by reading this. The Assault Weapon Myth ...
Not interested. Only interested in tightly regulating or banning battlefield -caliber assault weapons, e.g. AR-15s, AK-47s, etc.

...Then if you manage to get through that you might begin by understanding that NO weapon that is sold to the usual citizen is not military type weaponry...
Not interested in such fine distinctions. AR-15s, AK-47s and the like need to be tightly regulated or banned.

...It only looks like one, it is still one trigger pull one shot. Military weapons have a selector switch one position fires a three round burst, the other position is fully automatic. Fully automatic means it fires as long as it has bullets and the trigger is held...
I was pulling the trigger on M-14s and M-16s decades ago; probably before you were born.

...A civillian may poses a military grade weapon IF they go through an extensive background check and pay thousands of dollars...
Time to make folks jump through similar hoops for AR-15s and AK-47s.

...The next thing you might want to realize is that 30% of all Americans currently own a gun of somekind. Another 36% say they would be interested in owning one. 46% of all households have at least one gun and gun owner...
Doesn't matter. Nobody's talking about banning them. Merely AR-15s, AK-47s and the like; banning, or tightly controlling them.

...The next thing you might realize is that there is a thing called the second amendment in the Bill of Rights that allows for people owning guns. It says nothing about guns that look scary.This was upheld by the Supreme Court in Heller...
We will use the same law (or type of law) that tightly controls military-grade weapons, to control AR-15s and AK-47s and their kindred. Within a Constitutional framework.

...One Mass shooting took place in 1966 at the University of Texas it used an ordinary hunting rifle. 14 were killed 31 wounded, one died later from complications. I could continue to show all kinds of mass shootings that used nothing that looked like a scary military weapon. But as I said most people only can have something that looks scary to you.
That was then.

This is now.

AR-15s and AK-47s and the like are now in the cross-hairs.
What you are saying is I don't care what the real world thinks, says or does, I don't care about anything but my feelings and everyone must bow down to my feelings.
Son first off I don't believe that you ever held any gun little own fired one. I was probably using one before you were born.
I love it I give you a piece by a respected college and you come back with two opinion pieces. Shows the thinking. I guess in your mind opinion wins out over facts.

Yes they were expensive. No not everyone had a gun. But they were the only protection since there was no sheriff. They were used for hunting because people actually ate meat and not everyone could afford to buy meat. Indians were a part of the landscape and they were not extremly happy about sharing their land and hunting grounds. If you had animals or were out hunting you needed to defend against prediators.

Okay, so here's the point.

We have police now.
We don't need to hunt our food.
And we are pretty much done committing genocide against the Native Americans.

We can get rid of the guns now.

No, few people had guns... and they certainly didn't have military grade guns, that was the point.
Damn you really keep pretending that you have a clue.
According to you crazies all the police are either corrupt, incompetent, or homicidal maniacs. Where you live there maybe armed security 24/7 not where a large portion of the U.S. lives. In some areas it can take up to an hour for a sherif to aririve. Do you want to send thoughts and prays to them when they are attacked? The crazies say that does no good.

People still hunt. Only some of the poorer people do it to help offset their food bills. But it is also done to cull the herds of wild game that we have taken over their lands. If those herds went unabated they would overrun their range and die due to starvation. Of course you and some other do remind me of those that would rather kick a puppy to death rather then help it. We have taken over those animals home and kicked them out, they can suffer who cares, right?

The Eskamos in Alaska helped the Army when the Japanese invaded the islands in Alaska. They acted as guides, they hunted, they acted as spies. Doubt they would have done such things if all they had was a pocket hymnal.

50 to 60% of most Americans did have guns in colonial times. They were expensive. Like buying a car now. But when you need one to survive you buy one at whatever the cost.

Look I get that guns scare you. I feel sorry for you. But a large portion of the population understand guns, are not scared by them. A very large portion of the population understands that there is a send amendment.
An even larger portion understand that guns are not the largest killers. Knives and vehicles far outweigh them. So until you decide to get rid of them no one will take you seriously.
...What you are saying is I don't care what the real world thinks, says or does, I don't care about anything but my feelings and everyone must bow down to my feelings...
Incorrect. What I am saying is that AR-15s and AK-47s and the like must be either very stringently controlled or banned altogether.

...Son first off I don't believe that you ever held any gun little own fired one. I was probably using one before you were born.
You can believe what you want, but my 201 file says differently.
I don't know whats going to happen but no worry or hurry for a couple decades if I understand your timelines demands eh Kondor .
I don't know whats going to happen but no worry or hurry for a couple decades if I understand your timelines demands eh Kondor .
Oh, the emergency and the need for a hurried pace are real enough, it's just that this may take a while, to get it done.

Meanwhile, we will see hundreds of additional innocent little schoolchildren with their brains splattered all over their classroom floors.

Those who stand in the way of comprehensive firearms-control reforms will be blamed for it... politically... and rightfully so.

Sooner or later, the assault weapons are gonna go, or be locked-down with heavy regulation... the child body-count will see to that.

We already see the beginnings of that with Corporate America stepping-up with on-premises bans on firearms.

A journey of a thousand miles (or a decade or two or three) begins with a single step.
as already pointed out to YOU Gun Control guys , Very few kids are shot to death in shootings in Gun Free Zonesyearly . Sure we all want to stop these RARE shootings but thousands and thousands more die in car , 5 gallon , bucket , ladder and pool accidents Kondor .
...What you are saying is I don't care what the real world thinks, says or does, I don't care about anything but my feelings and everyone must bow down to my feelings...
Incorrect. What I am saying is that AR-15s and AK-47s and the like must be either very stringently controlled or banned altogether.

...Son first off I don't believe that you ever held any gun little own fired one. I was probably using one before you were born.
You can believe what you want, but my 201 file says differently.
What you are saying is that hunting rifles scare you. Next it will be shotguns, then who knows what. If you really are concerned for lives you should look into regulating knives and vehicles. Knives are responsible for twice the number of deaths as all guns. We would need to have a mass shooting every other day to come close to all the vehicle deaths. Handguns are the biggest share of gun deaths. Those scary military looking guns are such a small percentage of all gun deaths that it is minuscule.

The fact you don't know the difference between a military weapon and a hunting rifle tells me that you did not serve. I could claim to be a rocket scientist on here but that does not make me one.

They are exposing Trump's racism and sexism. You are deluding yourself.
63%-69% of ALL Americans owned guns in early America, Dufus. 75% of wealthy.

No, they really didn't. Guns were expensive. Most people couldn't afford them and didn't need them.

Damn you really keep pretending that you have a clue.
According to you crazies all the police are either corrupt, incompetent, or homicidal maniacs. Where you live there maybe armed security 24/7 not where a large portion of the U.S. lives. In some areas it can take up to an hour for a sherif to aririve. Do you want to send thoughts and prays to them when they are attacked? The crazies say that does no good.

I've said many time most cops are good guys. We do have too many who shouldn't be cops, and an institution that protects the bad apples.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. I've known three people who died because they were killed by a gun someone bought for protection. I don't know anyone who ever killed a bad guy waiting for the sheriff.

People still hunt. Only some of the poorer people do it to help offset their food bills. But it is also done to cull the herds of wild game that we have taken over their lands. If those herds went unabated they would overrun their range and die due to starvation. Of course you and some other do remind me of those that would rather kick a puppy to death rather then help it. We have taken over those animals home and kicked them out, they can suffer who cares, right?

Nobody needs an AR-15 to cull deer.

50 to 60% of most Americans did have guns in colonial times. They were expensive. Like buying a car now. But when you need one to survive you buy one at whatever the cost.

Except they didn't need one to survive, which is why very few people owned them. The Continental Congress had to go to France to get guns. Out of a population of 6 million, only about 40K joined the Continental army, and they didn't bring their own guns.

Look I get that guns scare you. I feel sorry for you. But a large portion of the population understand guns, are not scared by them. A very large portion of the population understands that there is a send amendment.

I was in the Army for 11 years. Guns don't bother me a bit.

Crazy people with guns scare me. The fact the NRA has made it so easy for crazy people to get guns scares me.
An even larger portion understand that guns are not the largest killers. Knives and vehicles far outweigh them. So until you decide to get rid of them no one will take you seriously.

Knives don't kill as many as guns. For cars, given they are used every day by millions of people, and are heavily regulated, they aren't the problem.

We can get rid of guns, most of us would never notice.
...What you are saying is I don't care what the real world thinks, says or does, I don't care about anything but my feelings and everyone must bow down to my feelings...
Incorrect. What I am saying is that AR-15s and AK-47s and the like must be either very stringently controlled or banned altogether.

...Son first off I don't believe that you ever held any gun little own fired one. I was probably using one before you were born.
You can believe what you want, but my 201 file says differently.
What you are saying is that hunting rifles scare you. Next it will be shotguns, then who knows what. If you really are concerned for lives you should look into regulating knives and vehicles. Knives are responsible for twice the number of deaths as all guns. We would need to have a mass shooting every other day to come close to all the vehicle deaths. Handguns are the biggest share of gun deaths. Those scary military looking guns are such a small percentage of all gun deaths that it is minuscule.

The fact you don't know the difference between a military weapon and a hunting rifle tells me that you did not serve. I could claim to be a rocket scientist on here but that does not make me one.

Knives are responsible for twice the number of deaths as all guns.

Got a link on that?
An even larger portion understand that guns are not the largest killers. Knives and vehicles far outweigh them. So until you decide to get rid of them no one will take you seriously.

Knives don't kill as many as guns. For cars, given they are used every day by millions of people, and are heavily regulated, they aren't the problem.

We can get rid of guns, most of us would never notice.
------------------------------------- yeah , most of you MOB would never notice and that's why it is good that WE Americans have the Constitution and its Bill of Rights JoeB .
...What you are saying is that hunting rifles scare you...
Incorrect. That is merely your own intentionally disingenuous interpretation, and it happens to be entirely untrue. Nice try. No Sale.

...Next it will be shotguns, then who knows what...
Ahhhhhh, yes, the standard NRA Kool-Aid for the simple-minded. Again, No Sale.

...If you really are concerned for lives you should look into regulating knives and vehicles. Knives are responsible for twice the number of deaths as all guns...
Wake me up the next time that a terrorist cuts or runs-over 50 school-children in a classroom. Again, No Sale.

...We would need to have a mass shooting every other day to come close to all the vehicle deaths...
Doesn't matter. We're talking about Intentional Killing Tools ( AR-15s and AK-47s ) at the moment. Focus, grasshopper. Again, No Sale.

...Handguns are the biggest share of gun deaths...
That is merely because there are more of them and they are easier to get. They do not, however, do the same job of Mass Killing that AR-15s and AK-47s do.

...Those scary military looking guns are such a small percentage of all gun deaths that it is minuscule...
Good. Then universal vetting, licensing and registration to own these as a Special Class of Mass Killing Tools should not be that difficult to achieve, eh?

...The fact you don't know the difference between a military weapon and a hunting rifle tells me...
Incorrect. Again, that is merely your own intentionally disingenuous interpretation; not fact-based, and entirely untrue. No Sale.

... that you did not serve...
And there you are wrong. I published my bona fides on this board in the appropriate zone long ago. Now, mind your manners, child.

...I could claim to be a rocket scientist on here but that does not make me one.
True. And, I assure you, nobody here would believe that, anyway. :21:

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