Demographics Of Israel

Jews prohibited in Pestilinian “territories” and Gaza. Keeping the Nazi spirit alive!
I've been wondering lately why all the “migrants” (invaders) from the Mideast are travelling to European and North American countries instead of seeking asylum in Israel. Much shorter trip, and Israel is supposed to be the “land of milk and honey.” Why does the burden of caring for the invaders a Western one and not shared by our “ally,” Israel?
I've been wondering lately why all the “migrants” (invaders) from the Mideast are travelling to European and North American countries instead of seeking asylum in Israel. Much shorter trip, and Israel is supposed to be the “land of milk and honey.” Why does the burden of caring for the invaders a Western one and not shared by our “ally,” Israel?
Several reasons:

1.Israel has a different constitution without all the freedoms we have here in the USA.
2.Israel is a Jewish state and Jews are always favored in govt policies
3.There is constant danger from Moslem terrorists

How many Jews live in Gaza? Zero. How many Jews live in the “Palestinian territories”? Zero.

Actually, it isn't.

The Mufti of Jerusalem (Arafat's Uncle) collaborated directly with the Nazis and worked with them in the Balkans after he was exiled from the Palestinian mandate in 1937 by the British. The al Husseini clan was very influential, and they helped further the hatred of Jews after his return to the area in 1945

The genocidal antisemitism of the so-called Palestinians today is derived from an admixture between the Nazi ideology and the anti-Jewish Islamic supremacy promoted in the Koran and Hadiths.

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