Dempsy is a scum sucking Obama butt kisser

Ah so Dempsey got the bronze with V like a chow hound in a combat zone would? Wow, what happened to when medals meant something besides decorating a uniform

You can get the bronze star now as an end of tour award and get the combat V device simply because you were subject to mortar fire during that same reporting period. That's why so many LTC's / Col's / and generals are getting them now. They don't fight but they get the V devise anyway.

Sounds like BS to me. Not your explanation but the awarding of the "V". I guess now days valor isn't what it used to be

I saw a Lieutenant Colonels write up once in the admin office. It simply stated from THIS date to THIS date LTC NAME distinguished himself as Battalion commander of blah blah blah in the Al Anbar Provence in Iraq blah blah blah which resulted in (insert everything his Marines on the ground actually did here) blah blah great honor on himself, his country, and the U.S. Naval Service on this day of blah blah blah. Bronz Star with Combat V for that. A blanket end of combat tour award.
Well, you can't give LT Col blahblahblah just an NAMCCOM.....That's for Enlisted pukes.


That's the highest medal you're likely going to get as an enlisted Marine until you retire and get the one above it. If you're lucky you'll get a V but officers are too lazy to write up awards for anyone other than themselves. Upon returning from Iraq we only awarded two enlisted marines (One corpsman actually) a bronze star with combat V. About half of all the officers in the battalion got one. Saw quite a few acts of heroism. Most of us came home with only our standard deployment awards with little exception. The non infantry units gave out more medals than we did.

My team was out looking for Scuds during Desert Storm and all of the PAC clerks gave themselves Bronze Stars and nothing for the guys risking their necks. Caused quite a stink.
You can get the bronze star now as an end of tour award and get the combat V device simply because you were subject to mortar fire during that same reporting period. That's why so many LTC's / Col's / and generals are getting them now. They don't fight but they get the V devise anyway.

Sounds like BS to me. Not your explanation but the awarding of the "V". I guess now days valor isn't what it used to be

I saw a Lieutenant Colonels write up once in the admin office. It simply stated from THIS date to THIS date LTC NAME distinguished himself as Battalion commander of blah blah blah in the Al Anbar Provence in Iraq blah blah blah which resulted in (insert everything his Marines on the ground actually did here) blah blah great honor on himself, his country, and the U.S. Naval Service on this day of blah blah blah. Bronz Star with Combat V for that. A blanket end of combat tour award.
Well, you can't give LT Col blahblahblah just an NAMCCOM.....That's for Enlisted pukes.


That's the highest medal you're likely going to get as an enlisted Marine until you retire and get the one above it. If you're lucky you'll get a V but officers are too lazy to write up awards for anyone other than themselves. Upon returning from Iraq we only awarded two enlisted marines (One corpsman actually) a bronze star with combat V. About half of all the officers in the battalion got one. Saw quite a few acts of heroism. Most of us came home with only our standard deployment awards with little exception. The non infantry units gave out more medals than we did.

My team was out looking for Scuds during Desert Storm and all of the PAC clerks gave themselves Bronze Stars and nothing for the guys risking their necks. Caused quite a stink.

It certainly isn't a new phenomenon.
We never won in Iraq. In fact, we lost the moment we decided to invade under false pretenses
That's funny...I was worried about Iraq's intentions for our nation back then and after the surge that Obama was against I wasn't worried about Iraq at all. That was a victory as far as I'm concerned. Now I'm back to worrying about Iraq again...that is a loss... period

Had we never invaded we'd have never had anything to worry about. We caused the chaos that is currently there.
Lie of the day follows: "Iraq was won, we had the bad guys running away from Iraq now they are running into Iraq and Obama sits and does zip zero nada to stop them
It's easy to call a fact a lie if you don't have the proof to back it up.
I guess you RWnuts are guaranteeing that if a Repub is elected president he'll be pouring ground troops back into Iraq.

I'd appreciate it if those running for the office would be honest and confirm that.
My argument? No...that just a fact. You'll get what you get. Do you need me to elaborate
No thanks I just noticed it's beer thirty...besides reading your words are killing my brain cells...
We never won in Iraq. In fact, we lost the moment we decided to invade under false pretenses
That's funny...I was worried about Iraq's intentions for our nation back then and after the surge that Obama was against I wasn't worried about Iraq at all. That was a victory as far as I'm concerned. Now I'm back to worrying about Iraq again...that is a loss... period

Had we never invaded we'd have never had anything to worry about. We caused the chaos that is currently there.
Total bullshit excuse.

Doesn't matter that the place was under control and Al Qaeda was beaten in Iraq. Literally pushed out of the country. Since Obama took office everything went to shit. He's responsible for whatever is in place when he takes office. If he doesn't want to deal with it...he never should have taken the oath.
After 9-11 all we could think to do to protect from another attack was to remove nation leaders that had a hatred for America and that is what Bush did with the support of almost everyone in DC including Hillary Clinton.

Not how it happened at all. The Bush Administration had a laser like focused on Iraq and how to capitalize on the tragedy of that day and used it to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein. The propaganda machine started churning out stories demonizing Saddam and building up, in the public's mind, how much of a menacing threat he was. Even though Iraq was under crippling sanctions and had been for years. Rice and Powell repeatedly acknowledged their beliefs that he had not been able to restart his WMD program or rebuild his conventional army. That didn't matter. The policy of invasion was set and it took them a year and a half or so to fix the facts around that policy.

Over half the Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush Card Blanch in Iraq too. Now you know.
Over half the Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush Card Blanch in Iraq too. Now you know

Passage of the full resolution[edit]
Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[3][8] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[9] and passed the Senateafter midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[10] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

United States House of Representatives[edit]
Party Yeas Nays Not
215 - 6 2
Democratic 82 - 126- 1
Independent 0 - 1- 0
TOTALS 297 - 133 - 3
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.

The hatred of Hussein Obama towards the military is a well known fact.

He has purged the military and replaced everybody with like minded people who thinks like himself, meaning antiamericans/socialists/radical left/pro Islamic/anti Judeo-Christian... Dempsey is one of these people...the weakening of the military is almost complete.

America is living under very dangerous times.
You betcha. :wink:
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.

I would prefer a commander of the Joint Chiefs that had actually seen combat in a combat arms capacity. Since when do we promote generals to make such crucial decisions on the lives of troops when the generals haven't seen combat?

Where did Dempsey earn the bronze star with the V? Nobody seems to know
Iraq...then your boy lost it.
Iraq hasn't been lost. The thread is bull crap.

Oh? So why is Iraq in turmoil? What has happened in Ramadi? Again, you're just trying to defend the indefensible, Obama blew the victory
Your deflections and back peddling only work with the members of you circle jerk. The comment was made that Iraq was lost and another was made that Democrats don't win wars. Iraq has not been lost and a ghost town in Iraq being given up does not constitute the lose of Iraq, no matter how much you try to spin it. On the subject of Democrats not winning wars, you and the rest of the circle jerkers are just blank. You were asked which Republican won a war in the last 100 years. Silence.

I pulled up the latest map I could find. They control more than a ghost town.Whoopsies! Meant to give you these links:

Right up to date reporting here. Great website.

Iraq Situation Report: April 16-17, 2015

This is the article I lifted the map from.

Here s all of the area that ISIS controls - Business Insider


And even though they have been losing some territory they still hold Mosul and Raqqa.

The map is garbage. A normal map that we would have used in the military would have labeled much more territory as enemy controlled than simply where they had a physical presence. They wouldn't dare do the same to the Iraqi Security Forces. Essentially, they just followed the main road to the cities along it where ISIS controlled the area. What of the huge blank space in-between those roads? MOSTLY NOTHING IS THERE BUT DESERT!!! (The roads follow the waterways for obvious reasons) That map is garbage

Holy toledo there Publius. I'm not military. I don't pretend to be. And the Business Insider article is a reprint from an article from the Institute for the Study of War.

The woman who is President of this think tank appears to have excellent credentials considering she served as part of General McCrystal's assessment team in Kabul. What I've read about the think tank certainly confirms that they are professionals.

The map is obviously strictly designed for individuals like myself to try to wrap my brain around how ISIS is moving about, what they are capturing and what they are losing.

In other words whoever designed the map put in crayon for me. And I appreciate that.

The article itself clearly points out that ISIS's game plan is to control the roadways and urban regions.

Do you take issue with ISW? If so could you at least point out why they can't be trusted to be a credible source of information?

"ISW President Kagan has conducted eight battlefield circulations of Iraq since starting ISW for the MNF-I Commanding General, three of which were in Afghanistan for CENTCOM United States Central Command and ISAF International Security Assistance Force.

She participated formally on the Joint Campaign Plan Assessment Team for Multi-National Force – Iraq U.S. Mission – Iraq in October 2008, and as part of the Civilian Advisory Team for the CENTCOM strategic review in January 2009.

Kagan served in Kabul as a member of General Stanley McChrystal's strategic assessment team, composed of civilian experts, during his strategic review in June and July 2009.

She returned to Afghanistan in the summer of 2010 to assist General David Petraeus with key transition tasks following his assumption of command in Afghanistan.

Kagan also serves on the Academic Advisory Board at the Afghanistan- Pakistan Center of Excellence at CENTCOM."

Institute for the Study of War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
After 9-11 all we could think to do to protect from another attack was to remove nation leaders that had a hatred for America and that is what Bush did with the support of almost everyone in DC including Hillary Clinton.

Not how it happened at all. The Bush Administration had a laser like focused on Iraq and how to capitalize on the tragedy of that day and used it to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein. The propaganda machine started churning out stories demonizing Saddam and building up, in the public's mind, how much of a menacing threat he was. Even though Iraq was under crippling sanctions and had been for years. Rice and Powell repeatedly acknowledged their beliefs that he had not been able to restart his WMD program or rebuild his conventional army. That didn't matter. The policy of invasion was set and it took them a year and a half or so to fix the facts around that policy.

Over half the Democrats in Congress voted against giving President Bush Card Blanch in Iraq too. Now you know.
Saddam was trying to do exactly what Iran is trying to do today. The UN was about to give them (Iraq) cart blanch to do it. America was aced out of the they were obviously up to something. Intel said Saddam was waiting for the go ahead from the UN to restart his weapons programs without sanctions..........just like Iran.
You are actually whining about a President who kept his campaign promise like it is a bad thing for candidates to keep promises. That is because your side never does. It seems weird to you that a candidate would. And you publicly whine about it like you are making a point other than what a fool you are
Obama never promised in his campaign that he would lose the war in Iraq. If he had you would have a valid point.
The war, was WON ALREADY, you guys claim BUSH WON THE WAR IN IRAQ, if Bush won the war, then it could never be lost by Obama....

Bush LOST this battle in Iraq within the FIRST 2 YEARS OF THE CONFLICT....when this war that was only suppose to take 3 months was not won decisively early on ...

It was the BIGGEST MISTAKE this country has ever made and will continue to hurt us for DECADES, if not a century.
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.

Not a lot of supporting details. I for one do not trust Obama and think that he is subverting our efforts; but what is reported in the mainstream media is largely legal. There are grumblings by many in the margins of Obama's devious endeavors though.

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