Dems arguing the American people deserved to be conned by Hillary's campaign


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
These "hacks" just exposed what an incredibly corrupt campaign Hillary was running. They exposed:

1. the "fights" at Trump events were staged by paid Hillary supporters
2. CNN gave Hillary the debate questions
3. The whole "alt right" BS was designed to paint Trump as racist without any real substance behind the accusation
4. That Huma Abedin is an incredibly selfish and greedy liar just like her lover - Hillary
5. That John Podesta will always tell a 7th lie to cover up his first 6.

What the Dems are arguing here is that the American people didn't deserve to know those truths. The Dems think they should've won by LYING and CENSORING the truth.

Blaming "Russian hacking" is a smokescreen. Whoever did the hacking, it exposed the Democratic Party's #1 enemy = the truth about just how slimy, dishonest, greedy, treasonous, and full of shit the Democrats really are.
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It is truly telling of what an unreal lowlife slime Obama is that it is this issue that concerns him the most.

Obama doesn't care about truth or America. He cares about hating Whitey, and nothing else.
It would seem a good deal of self hate is wrapped up in your perceptual reality.
These "hacks" just exposed what an incredibly corrupt campaign Hillary was running. They exposed:

1. the "fights" at Trump events were staged by paid Hillary supporters
2. CNN gave Hillary the debate questions
3. The whole "alt right" BS was designed to paint Trump as racist without any real substance behind the accusation
4. That Huma Abedin is an incredibly selfish and greedy liar just like her lover - Hillary
5. That John Podesta will always tell a 7th lie to cover up his first 6.

What the Dems are arguing here is that the American people didn't deserve to know those truths. The Dems think they should've won by LYING and CENSORING the truth.

Blaming "Russian hacking" is a smokescreen. Whoever did the hacking, it exposed the Democratic Party's #1 enemy = the truth about just how slimy, dishonest, greedy, treasonous, and full of shit the Democrats really are.

you have that butt backward given you've vote for a con artist. but I don't ever expect rightwingnuts to be self-aware.... or even moderately intelligent.

you are aware the orange fascist lost the popular vote by about 2.6 million, right?
These "hacks" just exposed what an incredibly corrupt campaign Hillary was running. They exposed:

1. the "fights" at Trump events were staged by paid Hillary supporters
2. CNN gave Hillary the debate questions
3. The whole "alt right" BS was designed to paint Trump as racist without any real substance behind the accusation
4. That Huma Abedin is an incredibly selfish and greedy liar just like her lover - Hillary
5. That John Podesta will always tell a 7th lie to cover up his first 6.

What the Dems are arguing here is that the American people didn't deserve to know those truths. The Dems think they should've won by LYING and CENSORING the truth.

Blaming "Russian hacking" is a smokescreen. Whoever did the hacking, it exposed the Democratic Party's #1 enemy = the truth about just how slimy, dishonest, greedy, treasonous, and full of shit the Democrats really are.

you have that butt backward given you've vote for a con artist. but I don't ever expect rightwingnuts to be self-aware.... or even moderately intelligent.

you are aware the orange fascist lost the popular vote by about 2.6 million, right?

you have that butt backward given you've vote for a con artist.

if you voted for HIllary, you also voted for a con artist.

you are aware the orange fascist lost the popular vote by about 2.6 million, right?

Remind us again...

What role does the popular vote have in electing the president
These "hacks" just exposed what an incredibly corrupt campaign Hillary was running. They exposed:

1. the "fights" at Trump events were staged by paid Hillary supporters
2. CNN gave Hillary the debate questions
3. The whole "alt right" BS was designed to paint Trump as racist without any real substance behind the accusation
4. That Huma Abedin is an incredibly selfish and greedy liar just like her lover - Hillary
5. That John Podesta will always tell a 7th lie to cover up his first 6.

What the Dems are arguing here is that the American people didn't deserve to know those truths. The Dems think they should've won by LYING and CENSORING the truth.

Blaming "Russian hacking" is a smokescreen. Whoever did the hacking, it exposed the Democratic Party's #1 enemy = the truth about just how slimy, dishonest, greedy, treasonous, and full of shit the Democrats really are.

you have that butt backward given you've vote for a con artist. but I don't ever expect rightwingnuts to be self-aware.... or even moderately intelligent.

you are aware the orange fascist lost the popular vote by about 2.6 million, right?

you have that butt backward given you've vote for a con artist.

if you voted for HIllary, you also voted for a con artist.

you are aware the orange fascist lost the popular vote by about 2.6 million, right?

Remind us again...

What role does the popular vote have in electing the president

yah... so say rightwingnut wackjobs
These "hacks" just exposed what an incredibly corrupt campaign Hillary was running. They exposed:

1. the "fights" at Trump events were staged by paid Hillary supporters
2. CNN gave Hillary the debate questions
3. The whole "alt right" BS was designed to paint Trump as racist without any real substance behind the accusation
4. That Huma Abedin is an incredibly selfish and greedy liar just like her lover - Hillary
5. That John Podesta will always tell a 7th lie to cover up his first 6.

What the Dems are arguing here is that the American people didn't deserve to know those truths. The Dems think they should've won by LYING and CENSORING the truth.

Blaming "Russian hacking" is a smokescreen. Whoever did the hacking, it exposed the Democratic Party's #1 enemy = the truth about just how slimy, dishonest, greedy, treasonous, and full of shit the Democrats really are.

you have that butt backward given you've vote for a con artist. but I don't ever expect rightwingnuts to be self-aware.... or even moderately intelligent.

you are aware the orange fascist lost the popular vote by about 2.6 million, right?

And YOU are aware.....even as a Marxist.........that the name of the game is to win the electoral college, correct!

Hey, didn't you people control all 3 branches of government from 08 to 10? If it was soooooooo important, why didn't ya try and change it then! Oh, the lefty is searching for an excuse!

Add to that, why didn't you do immigration reform? Ohhh my, they weren't important enough, until election time of course. How did that work out for ya!

Why didn't you close Guantanamo Bay? Oh my, did you ask your feerless leaders about this? Nobody could have stopped them.

You see, you are BRAINWASHED. You actually believe it was the Republicans stopping you, just like the Republicans claim the Democrats are the authors of this total disaster. Ummm, no! It is WASHINGTON in total, and that is one of the reasons Trump won, regardless of how hard the Republicans whined during the election, and how hard the Democrats have, after! Get used to it-)
These "hacks" just exposed what an incredibly corrupt campaign Hillary was running. They exposed:

1. the "fights" at Trump events were staged by paid Hillary supporters
2. CNN gave Hillary the debate questions
3. The whole "alt right" BS was designed to paint Trump as racist without any real substance behind the accusation
4. That Huma Abedin is an incredibly selfish and greedy liar just like her lover - Hillary
5. That John Podesta will always tell a 7th lie to cover up his first 6.

What the Dems are arguing here is that the American people didn't deserve to know those truths. The Dems think they should've won by LYING and CENSORING the truth.

Blaming "Russian hacking" is a smokescreen. Whoever did the hacking, it exposed the Democratic Party's #1 enemy = the truth about just how slimy, dishonest, greedy, treasonous, and full of shit the Democrats really are.

you have that butt backward given you've vote for a con artist. but I don't ever expect rightwingnuts to be self-aware.... or even moderately intelligent.

you are aware the orange fascist lost the popular vote by about 2.6 million, right?

you have that butt backward given you've vote for a con artist.

if you voted for HIllary, you also voted for a con artist.

you are aware the orange fascist lost the popular vote by about 2.6 million, right?

Remind us again...

What role does the popular vote have in electing the president

yah... so say rightwingnut wackjobs

says anyone with a full brain.
Trump should forfeit his election because someone exposed the truth about Hillary and we weren't supposed to find out she was a criminal.
The libturds still screaming pay no attention to the corrupt hildabeast behind the screen. After we saw the corruption. I just can't stop laughing
It would seem a good deal of self hate is wrapped up in your perceptual reality.

Tell the truth to a leftist and you get an insult and a dodge. Typical. It did not bother your taxpayer funded rear one bit how corrupt Hillary actually is. You just care about your check...
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you are aware the orange fascist lost the popular vote by about 2.6 million, right?

Poor little Jillian. Still doesn't understand what a fascist is.... or that we live in a democracy with an electoral college....

Jillian, were you at all bothered by how corrupt the Hillary Campaign really was?

of course not.
When you absolutely nail the truth to these leftists, they run....

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