Dems Beg Biden: Open U.S. Borders to Flood of Afghan Refugees

Right on cue. The Trumpistas wanted to abandon our Afghan allies, and now they don't want them here.
are you only capable of thinking in stereotypes?

the smallest minds i've ever known do this constantly.
Fuck it. Let's just let everyone in the world come in and cop a squat somewhere.

Let's not even call America America anymore because that would mean it's an actual country. Let's just call it "country" instead since it's quickly becoming less about Americans and just a place that doesn't really mean anything.
Right on cue. The Trumpistas wanted to abandon our Afghan allies, and now they don't want them here.

Every administration for over a decade has wanted out because Afghanistan is unable and unwilling to fight for themselves even after decades, trillions of dollars and countless American lives.

But you won't see that because you care more about taking a dig at Trump than you do about reality, sincerity, and being open minded.
Every administration for over a decade has wanted out because Afghanistan is unable and unwilling to fight for themselves even after decades, trillions of dollars and countless American lives.

But you won't see that because you care more about taking a dig at Trump than you do about reality, sincerity, and being open minded.
LOL. No I'm saying Trumpeteers are hypocrites.

The reasons for staying were never laid out by either W or Obama, and Obama did expand the war.
But you won't see that because you care more about taking a dig at Trump than you do about reality, sincerity, and being open minded.
The Democrats just want to take pot shots at Trump. They must fear that he can win in 2024.
---Biden Suggests Up to 65K Afghans Must be Resettled Outside of Afghanistan---

---President Joe Biden has suggested that up to 65,000 Afghans must be resettled outside of Afghanistan as it remains unclear how many will ultimately arrive in the United States.---

Now liberals think they understand the Bible. They don't have a clue what Bible sayings mean.

---The Bible tells us so: Why American Christians should welcome Afghan refugees---

---In recent months the administration rushed to accelerate visa processing for eligible Afghans---

---Upon arrival to Ramstein, refugees are immediately given medical aid, food and shelter while they undergo a final security check. Air Force officials say the goal is to get people in and out as quickly as possible, and aim to have people on their way to America within three days.---

---“This is all about getting future Democratic voters here, so there’s no better agency than one run by Alejandro Mayorkas to do that,” Rosemary Jenks, the policy director at NumbersUSA told Breitbart---

---Murphy and Blumenthal say U.S. must eliminate red tape to allow more Afghan refugees to enter the country...Along with 26 other Democratic senators, they want to help Afghans who already hold approved visa petitions but do not have a visa yet due to immigration caps. ---


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