Dems can kiss the Senate good bye.

Dems can kiss the Senate good bye.

Yeah, that's what the cons said about the White House in 2008 and 2012. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

You really are hungover.....

In 2008, your poster boy for stupidity (Chris Matthews) was saying you'd hold the house and senate for 10 years....AT LEAST.

Then in 2010, the American People made an ass out of him.

The White House is a full 50 state deal.

The individual seats that you will lose will be state by state.

Helk, a moron in Nevada almost defeated Harry Reid. If they would have run someone decent....he'd have lost.

Keep your fingers crossed that Chrissy O'donnell has sisters running for the senate. are toast.
Winning what doesn't and can't get anything done makes the right-wingers all giddy with excitement? Why am I not shocked.

Republicans have shown that winning anything less that 60 seats in the Senate is meaningless. Other than bragging rights, what do they gain?

Getting any of their agenda passed will still involve compromise and we know Republicans will not do that

Maybe then, we'll get a budget.

You lefties are such assholes.
Harry Reid will get the bathroom plunger he deserves.

Analysis: Dems' Meddling Falls Flat in North Carolina GOP Primary - Guy Benson

The Map keeps getting bigger and bigger.

It's gonna be fun in November.

Even Biden has it figured out:

Biden to Dems: 'We Could Lose' to Ted Cruz

So the GOP's chances are better in NC because the Tea Party candidates got routed by the establishment guy?

lol, no shit.

Aw too bad.

Look's like Kay's headed for the history books.

What is more funny is the left's lack of understanding.

These "establishment types" are more right wing than ten years ago because they know they need to tack right to get nominated. I'll take it if it means getting the senate and heading towards repeal of Abysmalcare.

The left is kidding themselves if they think there will be any Dick(head) Lugars in the mix.
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Winning what doesn't and can't get anything done makes the right-wingers all giddy with excitement? Why am I not shocked.

Republicans have shown that winning anything less that 60 seats in the Senate is meaningless. Other than bragging rights, what do they gain?

Getting any of their agenda passed will still involve compromise and we know Republicans will not do that

Maybe then, we'll get a budget.

You lefties are such assholes.

A budget requires compromise. Kill Obamacare budgets go nowhere
Winning what doesn't and can't get anything done makes the right-wingers all giddy with excitement? Why am I not shocked.

Republicans have shown that winning anything less that 60 seats in the Senate is meaningless. Other than bragging rights, what do they gain?

Getting any of their agenda passed will still involve compromise and we know Republicans will not do that

Maybe then, we'll get a budget.

You lefties are such assholes.

You've gotten a budget, every year (it's required), you just can't pass one.
Republicans have shown that winning anything less that 60 seats in the Senate is meaningless. Other than bragging rights, what do they gain?

Getting any of their agenda passed will still involve compromise and we know Republicans will not do that

Maybe then, we'll get a budget.

You lefties are such assholes.

A budget requires compromise. Kill Obamacare budgets go nowhere

No a budget requires that you, at least try to kid others, that you are interested in managing your money.

No funding Obamacare is one way. There are others.

Democrats only worry about spending more faster.

You are toast in 2014.
Republicans have shown that winning anything less that 60 seats in the Senate is meaningless. Other than bragging rights, what do they gain?

Getting any of their agenda passed will still involve compromise and we know Republicans will not do that

Maybe then, we'll get a budget.

You lefties are such assholes.

You've gotten a budget, every year (it's required), you just can't pass one.

You mean Democrats can't pass one.
Maybe then, we'll get a budget.

You lefties are such assholes.

A budget requires compromise. Kill Obamacare budgets go nowhere

No a budget requires that you, at least try to kid others, that you are interested in managing your money.

No funding Obamacare is one way. There are others.

Democrats only worry about spending more faster.

You are toast in 2014.

Then why can't Republicans balance a budget? They were in control for 8 years, why did they start a war and cut taxes to pay for it?
Given how hard the GOP has failed with opposition to ObamaCare, what else can they run on? Running against ObamaCare is now an election loser, but the Republicans put all their eggs in that basket. What else do they have? Raving about Benghazi again?

Actually, that kind of stuff is all they have. To the Republicans, the strategy is now about getting all of their base motivated to vote, so they're tossing out every bit of red meat they can find. They don't care if it makes them look crazy to independents, because Republicans have written off the independent vote.
A budget requires compromise. Kill Obamacare budgets go nowhere

No a budget requires that you, at least try to kid others, that you are interested in managing your money.

No funding Obamacare is one way. There are others.

Democrats only worry about spending more faster.

You are toast in 2014.

Then why can't Republicans balance a budget? They were in control for 8 years, why did they start a war and cut taxes to pay for it?

You mean why didn't they (as in that is old history) ?

And what control did they have for eight years (or did you mean six) ?

And did you forget what happened in 2006 (We The People kicked them out of the majorities) ?

You are toast.
6 months before an election, I am not going to make a prediction like that. Too much can happen before the elections.
No a budget requires that you, at least try to kid others, that you are interested in managing your money.

No funding Obamacare is one way. There are others.

Democrats only worry about spending more faster.

You are toast in 2014.

Then why can't Republicans balance a budget? They were in control for 8 years, why did they start a war and cut taxes to pay for it?

You mean why didn't they (as in that is old history) ?

And what control did they have for eight years (or did you mean six) ?

And did you forget what happened in 2006 (We The People kicked them out of the majorities) ?

You are toast.

How many balanced budgets were passed by the Republicns?

Answer 0
Yes, wherever TP candidates are routed in the primaries, such improves the GOP chances in the fall.

With both House and Senate in GOP hands, the leadership can finally turn its back on the movement and tell the few remaining folks in congress to shape up or getting to ship out in 2016.

i dont understand; i hear left-wing nutjobs on these boards every day insisting there isnt a difference between the Tea Party and the Republican party in general. the Left says the Tea took over the Repub Party

can these LWNJs make up their minds?

The same as pubs saying all dems are part of a far left conspiracy.

Both sides are politicking, nothing more.
Yes, wherever TP candidates are routed in the primaries, such improves the GOP chances in the fall.

With both House and Senate in GOP hands, the leadership can finally turn its back on the movement and tell the few remaining folks in congress to shape up or getting to ship out in 2016.

i dont understand; i hear left-wing nutjobs on these boards every day insisting there isnt a difference between the Tea Party and the Republican party in general. the Left says the Tea took over the Repub Party

can these LWNJs make up their minds?

The same as pubs saying all dems are part of a far left conspiracy.

Both sides are politicking, nothing more.

there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?
Then why can't Republicans balance a budget? They were in control for 8 years, why did they start a war and cut taxes to pay for it?

You mean why didn't they (as in that is old history) ?

And what control did they have for eight years (or did you mean six) ?

And did you forget what happened in 2006 (We The People kicked them out of the majorities) ?

You are toast.

How many balanced budgets were passed by the Republicns?

Answer 0

Republicans balanced Clintons budgets; Dems refused to even write; let alone pass a budget for 4 years recently

gosh you're a moronic hypocrite
i dont understand; i hear left-wing nutjobs on these boards every day insisting there isnt a difference between the Tea Party and the Republican party in general. the Left says the Tea took over the Repub Party

can these LWNJs make up their minds?

The same as pubs saying all dems are part of a far left conspiracy.

Both sides are politicking, nothing more.

there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?

See, you are one of the far right boobs talking about a supposed far left conspiracy.

What world do you think you live in?
The same as pubs saying all dems are part of a far left conspiracy.

Both sides are politicking, nothing more.

there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?

See, you are one of the far right boobs talking about a supposed far left conspiracy.

What world do you think you live in?

lol really dork? what part of anything i've posted suggests i'm saying something is a conspiricy?

i'll wait..................
there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?

See, you are one of the far right boobs talking about a supposed far left conspiracy.

What world do you think you live in?

lol really dork? what part of anything i've posted suggests i'm saying something is a conspiricy?

i'll wait..................

Ignore JakeTheFake. He's not worth it.
i dont understand; i hear left-wing nutjobs on these boards every day insisting there isnt a difference between the Tea Party and the Republican party in general. the Left says the Tea took over the Repub Party

can these LWNJs make up their minds?

The same as pubs saying all dems are part of a far left conspiracy.

Both sides are politicking, nothing more.

there is no far-left conspiricy; the left openly espouses far-left ideology that would have been rejected by a Majority of the Democrat Party just a decade or so ago. what are you talking about?


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