Dems can kiss the Senate good bye.

What are Teapublicans going to run on?

If you like what we have done with the for us in the Senate
Democrats are going to be victims of the trend. Once the public gets the idea that they are being lied to, everything that party says is going to be considered a lie. Once the public gets the idea that they are being dismissed, everything that party says or does will only be perceived as more dismissive. The trend is just getting started. By November it could be an avalanche, in 2016 it could be a tsunami. Unless there is some cataclysmic change, the democrats are in for some very hard times. Pretty much, they know it too. The leadership does. The demobots will cling to this sinking ship until the last gasp.

Democrats COULD be saved by some leadership, but there is no leadership. obama is no leader. Neither Reid nor Pelosi are leaders. What the triumvirate will do is get hysterical and flail about like meth addicts.

So why hasn't the GOP or the TP made an all out effort to inform the public of these alleged Dem "lies? Surely that would be a guaranteed way that they could win 60 seats in the Senate, impeach Obama and Biden and have President Boehner in the WH by this time next year?

What is stopping the GOP and the TP from doing this? Seems to me that would be a public service to the entire country. So can you explain why it hasn't happened yet? What is the hold up? Why are these "lies" not being made public knowledge?

The GOP will be making a big deal out of....

"This will save you 2500/year"

"If you like your plan, you can keep it" (not "If we like your plan, you can keep it")

"If you like your doctor, you can keep it"


Did you need more ?
What are Teapublicans going to run on?

If you like what we have done with the for us in the Senate

If stupid had another name, it would be rightwinger.

All we have to run on is that we are NOT YOU.
Democrats are going to be victims of the trend. Once the public gets the idea that they are being lied to, everything that party says is going to be considered a lie. Once the public gets the idea that they are being dismissed, everything that party says or does will only be perceived as more dismissive. The trend is just getting started. By November it could be an avalanche, in 2016 it could be a tsunami. Unless there is some cataclysmic change, the democrats are in for some very hard times. Pretty much, they know it too. The leadership does. The demobots will cling to this sinking ship until the last gasp.

Democrats COULD be saved by some leadership, but there is no leadership. obama is no leader. Neither Reid nor Pelosi are leaders. What the triumvirate will do is get hysterical and flail about like meth addicts.

So why hasn't the GOP or the TP made an all out effort to inform the public of these alleged Dem "lies? Surely that would be a guaranteed way that they could win 60 seats in the Senate, impeach Obama and Biden and have President Boehner in the WH by this time next year?

What is stopping the GOP and the TP from doing this? Seems to me that would be a public service to the entire country. So can you explain why it hasn't happened yet? What is the hold up? Why are these "lies" not being made public knowledge?

The GOP will be making a big deal out of....

"This will save you 2500/year"

"If you like your plan, you can keep it" (not "If we like your plan, you can keep it")

"If you like your doctor, you can keep it"


Did you need more ?

Better than that....Teapublicans can remind voters of the healthcare plan they offered up

Let them die

This story is more interesting in the fact that the Tea Party candidate lost and the Establishment candidate won.

That is absolutely correct.

NPR did a piece on this.

But the analyst was quite clear on stating that "establishment" candidates are not the Dickhead Lugars they used to be.

They are not TP, but the are more to the right (to shave off the less strident TP's and conservatives who know we don't need the C.O,'s, S.A. and Todd Aikin's out there screwing up elections and handing the demodips seats.
What are Teapublicans going to run on?

If you like what we have done with the for us in the Senate

If stupid had another name, it would be rightwinger.

All we have to run on is that we are NOT YOU.

You can run on the value of shutting down government

In some states that will get you elected easily.

Why don't you grow up and realize that this isn't running for the presidency. Each state has it's own unique requirements for successful candidates.

So some will be very popular for doing just that. Idiot.
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So why hasn't the GOP or the TP made an all out effort to inform the public of these alleged Dem "lies? Surely that would be a guaranteed way that they could win 60 seats in the Senate, impeach Obama and Biden and have President Boehner in the WH by this time next year?

What is stopping the GOP and the TP from doing this? Seems to me that would be a public service to the entire country. So can you explain why it hasn't happened yet? What is the hold up? Why are these "lies" not being made public knowledge?

The GOP will be making a big deal out of....

"This will save you 2500/year"

"If you like your plan, you can keep it" (not "If we like your plan, you can keep it")

"If you like your doctor, you can keep it"


Did you need more ?

Better than that....Teapublicans can remind voters of the healthcare plan they offered up

Let them die

The GOP will run on fighting Obamacare.

With 70% of the country wanting Obama's policies changed.

You morons are toast.
The GOP will be making a big deal out of....

"This will save you 2500/year"

"If you like your plan, you can keep it" (not "If we like your plan, you can keep it")

"If you like your doctor, you can keep it"


Did you need more ?

Better than that....Teapublicans can remind voters of the healthcare plan they offered up

Let them die

The GOP will run on fighting Obamacare.

With 70% of the country wanting Obama's policies changed.

You morons are toast.

I hope they do

10 million people relying on Obamacare and Republicans trying to take it away
If stupid had another name, it would be rightwinger.

All we have to run on is that we are NOT YOU.

You can run on the value of shutting down government

In some states that will get you elected easily.

Why don't you grow up and realize that this isn't running for the presidency. Each state has it's own unique requirements for successful candidates.

So some will be very popular for doing just that. Idiot.

If that is what you want from your deserve what you get
Democrats are going to be victims of the trend. Once the public gets the idea that they are being lied to, everything that party says is going to be considered a lie. Once the public gets the idea that they are being dismissed, everything that party says or does will only be perceived as more dismissive. The trend is just getting started. By November it could be an avalanche, in 2016 it could be a tsunami. Unless there is some cataclysmic change, the democrats are in for some very hard times. Pretty much, they know it too. The leadership does. The demobots will cling to this sinking ship until the last gasp.

Democrats COULD be saved by some leadership, but there is no leadership. obama is no leader. Neither Reid nor Pelosi are leaders. What the triumvirate will do is get hysterical and flail about like meth addicts.

So why hasn't the GOP or the TP made an all out effort to inform the public of these alleged Dem "lies? Surely that would be a guaranteed way that they could win 60 seats in the Senate, impeach Obama and Biden and have President Boehner in the WH by this time next year?

What is stopping the GOP and the TP from doing this? Seems to me that would be a public service to the entire country. So can you explain why it hasn't happened yet? What is the hold up? Why are these "lies" not being made public knowledge?

The GOP will be making a big deal out of....

"This will save you 2500/year"

"If you like your plan, you can keep it" (not "If we like your plan, you can keep it")

"If you like your doctor, you can keep it"


Did you need more ?

AKA same old, same old? Nothing knew and nothing of value either. DO you have any idea how pathetic that sounds? Of course you don't!
They are not TP, but the are more to the right (to shave off the less strident TP's and conservatives who know we don't need the C.O,'s, S.A. and Todd Aikin's out there screwing up elections and handing the demodips seats.

No, they are not further right. What nonsense. They will be solid Republicans willing to work with Boehner willing to work with the President.

The party of stupid is over.
Republicans controlled HOR has already made Congress a laughingstock and inept. I don't see how that would be any different.

And the Prez hasn't made himself and his pals look very good now has he. "If you want to keep your doctor ..."; Benghazi; poor economy after 5 years in office; BP oil spill under his watch and his reluctance to accept outside help; etc. The list goes on and on and on and on.

"My idiot's better than your idiot!" :funnyface:

:rolleyes: What a way to run a country!​

Yes, wherever TP candidates are routed in the primaries, such improves the GOP chances in the fall.

With both House and Senate in GOP hands, the leadership can finally turn its back on the movement and tell the few remaining folks in congress to shape up or getting to ship out in 2016.

i dont understand; i hear left-wing nutjobs on these boards every day insisting there isnt a difference between the Tea Party and the Republican party in general. the Left says the Tea took over the Repub Party

can these LWNJs make up their minds?

Or maybe, just maybe, you read two posts from two members and your skills at pointless generalizing are shining through once again.
You can run on the value of shutting down government

In some states that will get you elected easily.

Why don't you grow up and realize that this isn't running for the presidency. Each state has it's own unique requirements for successful candidates.

So some will be very popular for doing just that. Idiot.

If that is what you want from your deserve what you get

Figured that out on your own ?
Um...not if the GOP continues their inane Bengazi frenzy and all their negativity without offering ANYTHING Positive that's viable...
all that gerrymandering and fear tactics will not work if they have nothing to offer that actually improves things...

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In some states that will get you elected easily.

Why don't you grow up and realize that this isn't running for the presidency. Each state has it's own unique requirements for successful candidates.

So some will be very popular for doing just that. Idiot.

If that is what you want from your deserve what you get

Figured that out on your own ?

I think most americans have

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